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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Granted but with all these skilled people the world suffers a job crisis ,and the global economy crashes causing the world to enter another great depression. I wish every country was renamed based on the stars ,and constellations.
  2. I rather not press it i prefer to stay on the ground ,or be in a plane. Press button to have an apple pie with a 5% chance of receiving a pear pie.
  3. Banned cause you are well-red.(get it)
  4. yup. The user below me has read a book in less than a day.
  5. Banned to being of that terrible spelling.
  6. 7/10 it colorful ,and at least has something other than text.derp
  7. Banned because your getting a little to hot headed. (get it cause solar as in the sun ,or star are hot)
  8. Press it cause it not in my currency. Press button to receive a blueberry muffin with a 5% chance of receiving a raisin muffin.
  9. Well dig some foxholes ,and use this atomic warhead to disable your electronics. Next poster you face my dupstep cannon.
  10. What is this using codes to give your self a booster, cheater!
  11. I would simply revive him with editing the save file. What will you do if Industrial civilization fell?
  12. I throw the remains down a worlds deepest hole. Next poster now faces a large army of tank divisions ,and infantry divisions numbering in at 10,000.You got a small force of 500.
  13. MGUARN


    the Great War (also known as WWI but I like saying it like that) ,or World War II.I also feel its pre- ,and post- Great Depression.
  14. Granted but however they proceed to kill you sorry about that. I wish I had a simply ,and amazing muffin.
  15. It is how many light year are in a car year simple as that. How long till we can visit alternate realities in which oil is less used than today by 90%?
  16. I deny the button as I like the way I am. Press the button to have 50% chance living in an amazing steampunk world or 50% of living in a steampunk world based in a post-apocalyptic world after the devastating great war never ended though it still somewhat amazing.
  17. Pull it your floating rock with my crazy invention while also bring you down to earth.(pun intended) This hill is now mine under the Lunar Republic!
  18. yes with my family cause im still a year away from graduating high school.However location I live in is certainly not safe. User below me has an interest in steam powered technology.
  19. Who says that when it could be commissioned.
  20. 1/10 needs more color like the sig above ,and it mostly just text add something funny ,or really punny.
  21. Banned because the great MGUARN has returned to ban you Huzzah!
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