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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. Oh this will be amazing when he release it.
  2. I notice you didn't add the "Part {" for the heatsinks.I was wondering if you did that on purpose or you forgot about it.Since , if that's one of the problems that probably why.


    quick water proof your internet!
  4. back from my day of well blankness being that something caught fire then connections through th internet when to flames from there.(Internet blew up)
  5. Well say the doctor will protect them with his magic wand. How do I go forward in time?
  6. Look what have you done!
  7. banned because I being 'Human' well trying.
  8. When you got catchy songs stuck in your head because it has ,an awesome horn.
  9. 10/10 well my mission is Fun!
  10. Uh duck tape. How do you avert world wars?
  11. 332 we can't say that we all been to the mun more often than nasa.
  12. by spacing. How do I avert world war 3 in the next two decades?
  13. or"Huston you should see this the surface is pretty hot ,and Venus is a real beach when it comes to landing in the sand pits of carbon by the lava."
  14. By buying to much? How can I take over the south pole.
  15. I got another one "Huston I think I can cook some eggs down here."
  16. well it taste like chicken ,and i hate chicken so Nope! The user below me is listening to the song cupcakes.
  17. Eyup. Rage will not answer this ,but Frafor.
  18. wear a top hat. How do i create a nation?
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