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Everything posted by JaySmoka

  1. Cool! A lot of nice info. Even if not all is in the next release. Thanks you made my day!
  2. Where did you get this screenshot??
  3. All that i can say is 0.20 will be an improved version of 0.19 :cool: That's all I need. EDIT: BTW I know, I'm a genius.
  4. False I'm a computer, I only know 0 or 1. The rest doesn't matter The user below was above me before.
  5. True. I hid the date in the head of SQUAD devs The user below has never seen the Kraken in action
  6. All the ships from Star wars... and also the Battlecruiser from the first Starcraft. Also like all the tech / ships / robots from Yoko Tsuno comic books EDIT: Vessels from Titan A.E are nice!
  7. I wait to be at least a 150 m/s to begin my gravity turn. Slow rockets mean higher, fast rocket mean lower.
  8. Welcome! You can also try to remake historical missions like Apollo. This will give you some goals. You can also check the Challenge section of this forum, this can give you ideas. Maybe try to dock ships in orbits... just doing that is quite a challenge!
  9. On Windows, try pressing ALT+ENTER to set it fullscreen.
  10. The exact pronunciation is impossible for humans. So we pronounce it the best we can.
  11. Nice trailer! As we say here: "Fort, très fort"
  12. You can remove debris from the setting menu. I don't remember the exact name, but it's a scroll bar. You can set debris number to 0. Also there's a mod with sunbeams that can be used to destroy debris. Hopes this help a litt
  13. Another tip that is useful for me is to put thruster to both end of my vessel to dock. Using action groups to switch on and off thruster at one end. This way, i don't have to turn around to thrust prograde / retrograde. It reduce tha amount of errors.
  14. After many tries, I found that Temstar's method is the best for me. I made up some table to help building my rockets and it's quite helpful... I had no more problem to get my things in orbit. The lifter get me to an orbit 85KM X 30KM. The tug is hauling the payload to a circular orbit while the lift fall back to Kerbin. No debris! yay!
  15. Welcome! Glad to hear that you like it! I'm really interested by your knowledge about debris. it's my obsession.... I will look for your posts!
  16. It's located in multiple dimension called Hard-Drives
  17. Agree for no FTL travel. Just adding feature of our system solar around Kerbol... Asteroid belt, comets, asteroid to destroy because they too close from Kerbin.... Icy moons like Europa, somewhere we can get trough the ice and where we can send submarines... Imagine lading on a moon like Io... volacanoes, io-quakes... Adding more dangers! There's a lot of thing that can be added before other star systems...
  18. False. Just unconscious. The user below me is not me.
  19. 147. Kerbaunauts saying: I used to get in orbit, then a took an arrow in a knee.
  20. True. And without MechJeb! The user below me likes Fails on youtube
  21. False. Just Mexikerbal The user below me can't say How are you today in french. EDIT: Without google translate
  22. I'm building a station to be able to refuel my ships in order to be able to go anywhere from Kerbin orbit. I successfully orbit the Mun, but not attempted to land yet.
  23. Salut àtous! Grace a KSP, on peut lancer des fusées meme ànotre latitude nordique! "Quebec, nous avons un problème. La poutine déshydraté c degeu"
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