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Everything posted by JaySmoka

  1. true User below will still be Trekette
  2. Which version of mechjeb are you using? I had the same problem, but i realized thaht i have changed some values in the Attitude control window, reverting to the original values solve the problem
  3. OK I'll try. More generally what could explain the roll (physics) ?
  4. I double-check that an its seems not to be the problem... I think it's the ASAS that over correct roll... If I turn it off, the rocket roll a little bit, and roll faster as the tank are emptying... If I turn it on, the rocket roll less, but the roll indication (at bottom left) stay completely at left position (pitch and yaw act more normal)
  5. I noticed on my asparagus design, but i made a test: an unmanned pod, ASAS, orange tank and the skipper engine. I attached radially 4 more orange tank with skipper engine under them (no struts, no decoupler). Rocket still rolls...
  6. I don't know if it's me (my designs) or my ASAS, but my rocket rolls a lot. I notice that my ASAS over correct the roll, but i don't know why my rocket roll. Is this because the fuel tank emptying and that lowers my CoM of I have too powerful engine to push my rocket up? What makes a rocket roll?
  7. mmm chocolate... Bienvenue cousin Sois àl'aise de poser les questions que tu as. This community is awesome.
  8. False, energy is for others. I prefer Big Mac User below me has more than 50 flights in progress.
  9. False, I'm from mars. User below knows the author of the reference Mars/Venus
  10. Four times in about 500 hrs of game play... not a big deal. Compared to many of my favorites games (thanks Bethesda) it's very very good. Only few mods installed may helps stability. Playing on Win 7
  11. No cheating. Only mechjeb
  12. I'm also stuck in designing my lifters... I have a series for medium payload (< 75t), now I'm designing a 100t payload. But my old series I used to design the payload (station modules) and then with the mass of the payload I can pickup a lifter adapted to it. Thanks sub assembly loader! But my "way" of playing doesn't get me far... my first Mun landing mission is on the way... But in long term I think the "lifting perfectionism" will save me time.
  13. Nice job! For how long have you played to get to Laythe? I'm too obsessed by good design, I didn't managed to land on Mun yet. Welcome to the forum!
  14. As far as i know it's not possible to turn off only one SAS on a craft. When docking it's preferable to turn off SAS on both vessels to avoid the corrections.
  15. Hermenegilde Alphonse Corey Hart Benoit Manfred Jean-Paul Silas Rambo Gustave Gilles José Hugette André
  16. When your wife know the real name of the game you are playing. Skyrim is "Bashing dragon thing", Fallout is "Destroyed world with huge freaking things", Civ 5 is the "Boring game" etc
  17. I use pattern in their name to get them ordered and use sub-assembly for "parts" For example: L87-100 L stands for Lifter, 87 is the max payload then 100 is for orbit capability. When i build rockets for specific version, the craft file will be the Vessel class, number of the revision and the destination. A-1 Mun will be the name of the first iteration of the A class and designed to get to Mun. If my mission is a success, I rename my vessels in order to be able to find them in tracking center. So quickly i can find which craft is designed for. Also if a model didnt change much but I changed some feature I add feature description abbrev. For example I have a Tug ship used to bring Fuel tank to my space station. Form my space satation I have to type of docking possible for fuel tank: normal docking port adn Sr docking port. So I have a fiel Tug-1 Fuel SRD (senior docking port) and Tug-1 Fuel D (normal docking port). If my station get A jr docking port for fuel I will name it Tug-1 Fuel JRD. Just need to remember abrev
  18. KSP will populate your dreams, hang on! Good luck with new job!
  19. None of these. Kerbals are just the Olympic commitee. "Faster, Higher, Stronger (struts)"
  20. Maybe you can create "engine unit" and dock them radially to you structure to help descent. After you may build rover to get rid of the "engine unit". Just an idea. Not tested
  21. Check the minimum requirement and see if yours fits in. Requirement from the wiki: Intel Core2Duo or equivalent. 2 GB of RAM (4 recommended). Intel HD3000 or better (Dedicated video card highly recommended).
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