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Everything posted by JaySmoka

  1. Hey welcome For mods that I use: mechjeb (shhh...), Kerbal Alarm Clock, Lazor docking cam.
  2. No disappointment. Any update is a step forward. As myself a software dev (not in game industry, these guys are too much crazy ), I know it's tough having a good dev plan. Everything always change. So any progress, is a progress. Even if bugs comes along. SQUAD keep working hard! I love the results!
  3. I think it's not the same thing. CoM use the "body" as reference, the other CoG use a gravity system where the body is close as reference. May be I'm wrong... May be there's a Newton ghost here able to explain it better.
  4. I wonder what are your Top 3 most useful mods and why. For me: 1. MechJeb: I used it to plan my moves and help guiding in delicate situation. Most of the times I do not use auto-pilots. 2. Lazor docking cam: As the mod is intended to. DOCKING!!! 3. Subassembly loader: should have been in the game as is. Useful to re-use things And now what yours?
  5. Go in Setting at the top. At the left there a link Edit your Avatar. This should do the trick. And Welcome to the forums!
  6. Simple. Something new. That's it. Anything will do... except bugs
  7. It's like me when I search for ketchup in refrigerator... every time it's just under my nose
  8. Welcome! You won't regret it! This community is awesome and full of idea, trick and tips! Feel free to ask, if you need help.
  9. Oh yeah these are nice! Thanks!
  10. I can't says if this community is better than others... but I've lurking many forums for many years now, but it's the first community on which I subscribed and on which am "active". When I read thread here, not much of them make me feel bad or angry. But maybe it's caused by the fact that English is not my first language, may be I don't get half of the posts that can be "silly" or "arrogant". But I'm a member of a community for the first time of my life, and that's because this one is special. I feel like I'm among (mostly) friends. We have questions, and we got answer. Not always the best answers, but peoples tries their best with their experience. I never felt that other look at me or others from above. Never. IMO this is the best community ever. It's our duty / responsibility to keep it that way.
  11. May I request a flag with the JPL logo (Jet propulsion laboratory) But instead of JPL - California INstitute of Tech, it be Jay Planetary Laboratory - Kerbin Institute of Technologies. And in the background i would like to have the Lego space logo THanks in advance!
  12. I close the game, and play a couple minute to Skyrim at legendary difficulty... It's really hard and this get my heart beat up... When I get killed, i calm down building rockets again
  13. eee... can you explain how to get in orbit without gravity turn?? I though orbiting was meaning having an horizontal velocity....
  14. Yay Quebec! But I don't see the guys with their pocket full of my money! Sorry for this political irony Im suprised no one has an Helgan logo yet (or I missed it)
  15. Skyrim 750 hrs Civ V 677.5 hrs Oblivion 500 hrs Anno 2070 336 hrs KSP 299 hrs Fallout New Vegas 216 hrs For now i play exclusively to KSP. I'm pretty sure I will beat my Civ V time... I never land into Mun yet (only orbit)... so still many thing left to do!
  16. This is a weird topic. Never asked myself about psyco-thing about Kerbal... I'm their god! They do everything I asked them to do...even ridding craziest thing i built.
  17. Welcome to the forums! Don't feel bad for your english, i'm in the same situation (french is my first language) and nobody seems to have problems with the way I write Feel free to ask anything about KSP, you'll get quick answers! If you need help in french, i offer my services! I think there's a section for non-english thread... but not much info in there.
  18. Unexpected... I just start a four days weekend... my girlfirend will be MAD
  19. Hi! Feel free to ask your question, you'll see this community is awesome. Many great ideas out there! Welcome again!
  20. True... errr false.... errr true... wait I'm a computer. 0 The user below me tried to put a clutch on his vessel
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