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Rosco P. Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco P. Coltrane

  1. Hi. I landed an asteroid and I was thinking on putting it "on exhibition" outside some building at the KSC. My question is, will it persist there if no control-type part is attached to it? I'd hate it if the thing disappeared after a while. Thanks.
  2. hehehe, excellent, excellent I tell you. If Paypal hadn't blocked Argentinian credit cards I would donate in a heartbeat.
  3. Exactly what I had in mind. Some button to just copy all numbers and then paste all numbers back.
  4. One more suggestion here. Would it be possible to have some sort of copy/paste functionality? Sometimes when I'm messing with a node, I find one that I like but not quite what I want, so I fiddle around a little more to find a better maneuver... and end up screwing big time. It would be nice if one can just copy all parameters to the node like UT, prograde, etc. and then after discovering the mess one made, paste the original values back in and start over.
  5. Also, because given the community, a) there is a lot of help already provided without having to ask and those seeking help are persistent bast- and go reading and youtubing before giving up and asking. I never needed to ask how to rendezvous, just watched videos and read the forum et voilà, found the answer without having to ask. Same thing is now happening to me with asteroids.
  6. I didn't consider my self a noob, but with the last update I'm getting that old feeling again... I played for the first time yesterday and I'm still fiddling with ideas on how to rendezvous with an asteroid and capture it. Same feeling of helpless I had when I started playing in 0.17.
  7. pffff. I see your Aces High, and rise you a Falcon BMS. Where just starting the jet takes 8 minutes. On WT, It's a game, it's for fun, I never tried it but I have seen people playing it. Not my cup of tea, that is, too arcade.
  8. This would make a pretty good save to share in the challenge section.
  9. John von Neumann. He pioneered many radical and cool thing, but the most important of all was the now called von Neumann architecture: computer programs and data could be made up of the same thing, stored the same way in the same place but just treated different by a computer with, get this, a CPU with registers, memory to read/write, a program counter to run programs and an IO bus.... Yep, exactly what we use today. He also envisioned viruses...
  10. Can someone enlighten a non-Steam user here, in this case, what is the point of Steam exactly? Some social stuff maybe?
  11. Hay, that's pretty neat! How cool would it be if we could get our hands on magnetically held switches?! (without having to sell a kidney)
  12. Mulbin, how are you liking the Arduino? I've been thinking on custom control panels, not for KSP, but the principle is the same. Is it good for that or it's a little overkill (aka, complicates things) for this?
  13. Ok, so here's a little update. Originally, I was working on version 0.3 when the forkapalooza started. The main feature of that version was going to be real-time syntax checking, so you would get a red underline in places where you messed up syntactically speaking. That required a TON of changes so including support for different forks into the mix was out of the question... and since all of the sudden we had lots of them, I decided to stop for a while and see how things developed. Now all that is still in the future, mind you, but for now I decided to go with erendrake's kOS. So the code have been brought in line with that particular fork and renamed 0.2.2. This is essentially version 0.3 with syntax checking disabled. Here's what's new: - Highlighter themes. Besides the 3 pre-made schemes (that you can customize like always), you can now create your own schemes and export and import them at will. Good for backups. - File monitoring. Now you'll know if the file you are editing has been modified externally. - Interesting byproducts of the highlighter rewrite: - The dot is now properly colored when there's a number just before it. - No more mixed colors between system variables and variable members. Like "liquidfuel" being both a system variable and part of ship:liquidfuel. Now each one is recognized and colored properly. - No more "stage" being always highlighted as a keyword. Now it will be colored as keyword or variable correctly. Since I haven't been following this fork (or any other for that matter) very closely, I had quite a catch up to do. So in addition to the normal introduction of bugs... erm I mean development process, it is entirely possible that I overlooked half the mod. So please let me know when you find any screw up.
  14. Advise: have you tried typing on a touch screen? If not, try that first for a while (not just a message, I mean, really try it). I went and bought a touch phone only to discover that I really hated typing on a screen. I ended up smashing it and buying one with a keypad.
  15. I honestly lost track of the forks. Is Erendrake the only one or is it kind of the "main" one? Could you update me on this?
  16. Well, I'd say "dormant". Quite frankly I became a little dissatisfied with the situation. Too many forks to keep track. Erendrakes' version seems to be the most popular, though. So right now it's a "wait and see" feeling. More probably Jebnix. But who knows. I had a pretty good roadmap planned starting with 0.3 that would lead to supporting a bunch of things, some of them dependent on the fork, hence my feelings towards this thing... Support for more than one KOS variant was going to be active in 0.4 via a simple menu option. But then it looked like it should be something quicker so I moved it to 0.3 and... my pretty roadmap became more of a wish list than anything.
  17. I'm sure you'll find a way to overheat CPUs with another flying monster. Probably replacing X amount of struts by X amount of SRB or something like that.
  18. The current problem with the connections, that will be solved in 0.24, is that from a game engine POV, the connection happens in the center of the pieces instead of the point where they come into contact visually. That's way an engine will dance under an orange tank, because the engine is attached to a point in the center of the tank, which is too far away. This makes the logic for the joints tricky and that is what is going to disappear in 0.24. The connections are not going to be stronger nor weaker (assuming they don't go that way, which they say they won't) they are just going to be more stable.
  19. Likewise except the part about being a great pilot. I still use it for some things, though. Like keep the ship pointing into the maneuver node (much "stronger" than the built-in SAS) or to ascend with big, laggy ships that are hard to control by hand.
  20. I'm not sure what to make out of that change log. What I get, and I encourage you to correct me please: Unity offers one single anchor point between two parts. That causes wobbling connections because your parts pivot around this point. New version of Unity will allow for more anchor points. So now two parts can have 4 small points of contact and thus, given the same connection strength, they will not dance so much. It that so or I am completely misunderstanding this?
  21. That certainly looks awful, but I imagine that the devs can tweak those things, right? I mean, SQUAD has done so much tweaking for Unity limitations, so at the end it's just the same amount of work. The problem is how well Outerra works with space stuff, calculation wise. The numbers are huuuuge.
  22. You won't. SQUAD has stated that there wont be any living creatures besides the Kerbals. I suppose the dead body of a Kraken on Bop is kind of a joke. The game is still in alpha, so when these sort of bugs happened people started joking about the mythical Kraken waiting for them in space.
  23. Welcome aboard! Say good by to outdoors. And: That scene is believed to depict the inception of the Space Kraken. The Kraken is a creature that hunts you when your in space and destroys your ships. It reality is just a name given to bugs that cause your ship to disintegrate. You can also visit a dead Kraken in the Joolean moon Bop. It's one of the so called anomalies present in the game that you are encouraged to find (no so much today because many of them are burried due to terrain reworks).
  24. Besides wishing you good luck, I'd also like to make a petition here: please document your stuff! As the author of an IDE for kOS looking into supporting Jebnix, lack of documentation is a hell of a problem. And for your potential users too. Good luck man!
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