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Rosco P. Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco P. Coltrane

  1. I'm finding different products by that name... so, how many axis and buttons are we talking? Some joysticks did tricky things to get many buttons and axis working, so that's why a simple adapter might not do the trick.
  2. Swivels and Skippers. I used the Skipper a lot for that spot where the Mainsail was too big but the others were too small... Nowadays I don't seem to need it, it's either too big or too small for what I'm doing. I don't know if they changed the stats or my play style just changed but the poor Skipper is there collecting dust. Hope whoever made them had some other business on the side. Something similar happened to the Swivel. There was a time when I would choose between the more powerful but non-vectoring Reliant and the less powerful but vectoring Swivel... and sometimes use both on the same rocket. Nowadays, unless tech-tree limited, I put fins on my rockets and use the Reliant 100% of the time. I hope that business on the side for these guys wasn't making Skippers.
  3. Cool as for sure, but I wonder, how much commercial value does it have? I have no idea of what the common satellite size is, but I'd guess bigger than a cube sat, right? As I understand it, it has a 4 Kg payload capacity. Is there any business to be done at that weight range?
  4. Is your orbit changing by any chance? I have this happened several times now, my ship would start experiencing phantom forces that change it's trajectory and good by encounter... or anything else really because at that point you're doomed as your orbit will keep changing no matter what you do.
  5. So am I understanding this correctly? A relay antenna won't use a direct antenna on the same vessel to send data. In other words, a relay antenna is a one-in-all deal and won't "cooperate" with other antennae on the same ship. Up until now I just winged it and it worked... no idea why or who, but it worked... doesn't help that SQUAD doesn't include precise and simple instructions... but anyhow, I have this ship on Dres orbit. The idea was to have a rover down there and a relay satellite. The rover has a Com-16 and the satellite has an HG-5 and a 88-88. My reasoning being that the connection would be Kerbin <> 88-88 on one hand, and HG-5 <> Comm 16 on the other... But apparently not. I'm guessing that the HG-5 want to talk to Kerbin and it can't?
  6. One hell of a mod for sure. But I have a request. Would it be possible to have a persistent search text? When you search for something, as soon switch to that vessel, the text field gets reset. I often send missions to a planet flotilla style, so I'll go back and forth between the different vessels to perform correction burns, plan nodes, etc. I name my vessels Body # - Something. So it's easy to jump from "Eve 4 - Polar Survey" to "Eve 4 - Gilly Recon" and so on. Having that first part "Eve 4" persist between searches would be fantastic. I know there's a nearby vessels option, but sometimes the distances are too big for it to count as "near" or it counts other vessels not part of the flotilla as near.
  7. I use this technique too from far away. But for me at least, the thing with a docking camera / alignment indicator it that it gives you a) more "detail" for fine adjustments, b) peace of mind ('cos you see the target vessel when you're close) and c) the navball won't show alignment with the target craft. And also they're cool.
  8. Care to elaborate on this? I've been thinking on modifying my bed for something like this... Also, "beep beep" here too. I learned long time ago that I start to hate whatever music comes disrupting my dreams... so I use the standard beep sound on my phone because I don't want to hate my own music...
  9. Well, planes ARE and afterthought. They "work"... kind of. I'm pretty sure rockets also "work" and have no real comparison to real life rockets... But since none of us flies rockets IRL we can't compare. I don't have a problem with planes, nice to have if you're into that sort of thing, which I'm not, but hey, options. My beef is/was when plane work started to eat development time with new parts and stuff. Chances are it won't happen again, but who knows. At this point in the game's life cycle I think they should concentrate on rockets and space and call it done IMO.
  10. I docked the first time I tried. I was "smart" enough (ie, read it somewhere) to build a simple well balance craft to practice just docking. Rendezvous on the other hand... man I cursed like a madman until I understood what I was supposed to do and why. And yes, docking is a ton of fun with docking cameras, no contest.
  11. Between 0 and 1. Mostly 0. I'm never been a fan of kerbals.
  12. ... Until I bust you for speeding past a fake sign post I just placed that morning. That RCS Build Aid is excellent, I didn't know it worked with non-RCS stuff. Many thanks.
  13. Like the tittle says, is there any mod to have a finer, more detailed view of the CoM / CoT? The "ball" is alright for most cases, but when building very tiny things the max zoom level in the VAB combined with the way the ball is drawn makes it really hard to really find out if your thing is balanced or not. And giving that the thing is tiny (and usually "under-torqued") any little misalignment means you'll have problems down the road.
  14. When a computer restarts on its own out of the blue, over and over again, it's usually because it is overheating and it shuts down it self to prevent damage. +1 for this being on a laptop. +1 again for it happens when you are playing a game, so more work to be done by the micro processor, GPU and PSU... I'd say you're having a temp issue.
  15. Thank you, that makes me feel young again.
  16. Mine was even older (my cousin gave it to me because he upgraded to a "modern" one). It had a character screen with two rows and say 20 columns... Can't remember the brand, but it was the size of one of those thin pocket calculators... Speaking of which... we called them Chinese calculators... to differentiate them from things that... weren't made in China? I guess. Well, that also makes me feel old. Electronic gadgets NOT made in China.
  17. I just remembered... Having May 5th, 2000 marked on the digital assistant. May 5th was at some point considered the "true" date for the end of the world, because several planets would align that day.... That's what I remember at least. Yes, boys and girls, there was a time when the end of the world was the year 2000. Also, getting excited for having a digital assistant... QWERTY keyboard and all! Looks like a computer!
  18. Yeah, Stock Visual Enhancement I believe. "unfortunately" when it happens, it goes away on scene change, it's just a visual glitch, so you can't launch stuff with the water at that level or anything.
  19. Well, yes and no. Yes because they are all old or passed away... Wait, that's Bo Duke? Holly! I guess the good ol' boy is now a good ol' f**rt. Somebody call Willy Nelson and have him change those lyrics. But at the same time, no, because I was born in '81, so the show has always felt like the past to me... which it technically was as it ended in '77, '78?
  20. Talking about anything technology with kids / teens / people younger than me, that makes me feel old. I hear what they say and remember my self saying the same stuff to my mom. Whaaaa? Your radio used a big battery that you had to take to town to recharge? My Sanyo double decker here doesn't need that! And it's Dolby and has both AM and FM, unlike your mono, AM-only dinosaur. ... she kept saying "you laugh, it's gonna happen to you some day"... and then it did. My niece asked for my phone (a Nokia 110) the other day... to show her little brother that my phone had buttons and nothing happened if you touched the screen. He couldn't believe it! Also, explaining why Jurasic Park was all the rage back then because of the live-like CGI dinosaurs, and all youngsters look like "what are you talking about? How's CGI anything to be excited about?"
  21. Her'e the thing. If you ask 10 people what is the best programming language to learn, you'll get a list of 10 languages. The question you have to ask your self is not what language you can learn, but what thing you want to learn to do. After all, a language is a tool, you learn it in order to do something you want, not the other way around. Don't go learn a language and then find something to do with it, motivation is paramount when learning anything, and having an actual thing you want to build helps a lot. You learn as you go. Also, don't try to build a super Skynet as your first project... Start with small things, usually not very useful, not very "brag-able", but if you start with something big you'll just fail. We have to learn to walk before you learn to run. This is all IMO of course... and now there's going to be 9 people come tell you I'm wrong!
  22. Also, in the case of Jool, it's "pretty easy" to get help circularizing from one or more moons. You plan your nodes way ahead of the encounter of course, and then fiddle with adding them after the fist moon encounter, and then see what happens if you do A or B... It requires patience and probably (been a while since played stock, I use PreciseNode which does all that) increase the number of samples drawn for your conics. Not saying it's easy, but if you're looking for efficiency (and you have the room to do a victory dance when you get it right ), then moon assist is also an option.
  23. No. Now seriously... no. You can use the mouse wheel instead of dragging a direction which might help... but that's pretty much all you get. Unless you install Mechjeb or PreciseNode... but stock, you're out of luck.
  24. SQUAD makes console exclusive DLCs -> mods add that to the PC version, for free -> nobody bothers buying console any more. End of story. Granted it could be that I just have too low an IQ to see your grand money making scheme.
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