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Rosco P. Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco P. Coltrane

  1. 100-120 Km is alright. I use 100 myself. Technically speaking, the lower the better, because a thing called the Oberth effect. BUT, 75 Km is too low specially with low thrust crafts, because you risk re-entering the atmosphere if your Pe is in front of you (as your burn, no matter how much speed you inject into your orbit, the Pe will tend to go lower and lower and if you're too close to the atmo, then you're in for a bad day). Anything above 200 is simply wasted fuel getting up there on the first place. EDIT: wait, or was it the other way around? Your Pe behind you... your ap... Well, never mind, the point still stands, your craft will pass through the atmosphere.
  2. Yeah, what I meant is as I understand it, you want to design a rocket that you can then launch to Duna, Dres and Eve, three different launches of the same design, and that looks like a bad idea to me.
  3. Don't take this the wrong way, but being that you say you are a noob... what I say is based on my assumption of what you know or don't. You my friend, are making your life harder without a point. 1- Don't launch from anywhere that's not Kerbin it self. 2- Forget about the 1 minute burn limit. 3, 4 - Ok 5 - Forget about refueling anything. Bring the fuel you need. 6 - Good, don't try to land there. Not a job for a noob. 7 - erm... Ok, I understand your position. I don't agree, but I understand. Now as I said, I assume that you are a newbie so i might be saying something you already know. I wouldn't try to create a ship that can go to all three planets. As Magzimum said your landers/payloads are going to be vastly different so the transfer stages will need different capabilities. Making a one size fits all rocket is not a good idea IMO. I'd takle ONE planet at a time, instead of one type of mission at at time. Do a Duna orbiter probe first, then a Duna lander with Kerbals and all that. Then Dres or Eve and so forth. Also, of the three, go to Duna first, it's the easier one.
  4. What I do create a node at the "mathematically accurate" parameters (alexmoon et al) and then I put a second node somewhere on the projected orbit (An/Dn if they happen to be early enough to be dV effective) and play with the normal / anti-normal on that node. If things are correct, then I'll get an encounter. If the mathematically accurate solution doesn't work (usually because small inaccuracies not in the math but on my part) then I tweak the first node and rinse and repeat.
  5. Has anybody else noticed a big performance drop of procedural fairings? It used to be the case as I remember it, that PF fairings were better performance wise (well, in other aspects as well :P) than stock, now I made some tests and the same rocket that (going straight up) gets me to 121 Km with PF, will get my Ap at Dres orbit with stock fairings. EDIT: Well, I'm an idiot. The test wight I was using happened to be a fuel tank. Crossfeed works in stock fairings but not in PF so my rocket was getting half the juice.
  6. I remember reading (and that's pretty much it) that past a certain degree of inclination change you'll loosing Dv to some... some effect which I can't remember. So if we were to assume that I am remembering correctly , you might what to check that out, instead of a single big inclination change, you might want to do two smaller ones... EDIT: Why I always find the thread I'm looking for 10 seconds after posting? Here's the thread I was thinking of... probably
  7. "Short" in the sense that you might want more speed so your Ap is higher. But looking at these other pictures you posted, then no, your speed is alright, I was fooled by the perspective. Also that's why Reactordrone said the projected mun looked like it was "off" its orbit. About mode 4... yeah, conics patch modes is one of those things that many times depend solely on personal preference. If it's of any help, here's a comparison (old but probably still the same except for graphics) of the different modes for the same orbit.
  8. What I get from the picture: 1) You'll fly the orange path. 2) Get captured by the Mun, purple. 3) Then you'll leave Mun's SOI and continue your merry way, green-ish path. Also, you seem a little "short" on that initial orbit, thou. What's the part that's troubling you? The way encounters and future orbits are plotted is a little tricky and it requires some practice to understand what you're seeing.
  9. Yeah, as others have said, focus on getting a rocket capable of putting a (one, single, no need for more) Kerbal on the Mun (which also works for Minmus) and you're golden. You don't need electricity or batteries or solar panels, just simple legs and fuel and engines and scientific instruments... Once you get that going even if your craft is sub-par, you can land on all all biomes and suck that sience out. You might want to spend some money on upgrading the VAB and launch pad first, thou. BTW, you might want to go unlocking stuff that will allow you to have satellite contracts. Those pay very well for the launch it self, but you'll then get contracts to preposition said satellites, which are essentially free money.
  10. Yeah... it's hit or miss for me. Keep trying if it doesn't work, you might get lucky at some point.
  11. Weren't the 1.2 wheels "patched" until a better 3rd party tool was incorporated into the game or am I imagining things? If that's true then I would expect that.
  12. Well, the way I think about it is this: what type of content can be offered as an expansion? Answer: something that can't be offered by mods. Unless mods go payware, then SQUAD can't really compete. From a business perspective, they can't justify the investment in creating something that will be competing with one (or more!) mods that do it for free. And you can bet your a... erm, hat, the moment SQUAD comes up with something, somebody else will create a mod that does the same. KSP in a sense is "too modable for its own good" (not really, but you get what I mean). In other games I've seen where mods were a thing, expansions were either a) HUGE or b) added something to parts of the game that were locked to modding. ... and I don't see how SQUAD could do (a) and KSP is too open to do (b), so... expansions will have to be done on the cheap to account for low sales, which limits its quality/content, which in turn gives mods the upper hand... Who knows really.
  13. MechJeb here. KER I've used but it's not my cup of tea. I'm using it now again with 1.2-pre since MJ is not yet update... and nope, I just don't like the way KER display things, and since I haven't found a value displayed by KER that's not displayed be MJ... then MechJeb it is. As for the automation stuff, I pretty much only use Smart A.S.S... Sometimes the auto-launch to test different designs with the same "pilot performance" to see which one is better. But other than that it's just that MJ presents the information in a way I like more. BTW: Don't want to sound rude or anything, but this is incorrect. MJ allows you to create any kind of window/s you want with whatever info you want, among which you'll find all those you say aren't possible.
  14. Last time they mentioned it, according to Google, was on some devnotes on Aug 2015, which sounds "recent" to me but is actually a year ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/117647-devnote-tuesday-hello-world/
  15. The only problem I have with this poll is the non-playing options. Those that are not playing are more likely to not even read the forum so they won't answer the poll obviously. So we'll get a bias there. I just happen to pass by and decided to log in after who knows how long and answer just for the sake of completion, last version I played was 0.90.
  16. [quote name='RocketPilot573']This update seems pretty reasonable. Though I was looking at their forums and my only concern is that the page doesn't appear to use the entire window, if you know what I mean. A lot of other forums are like that for some reason and it just feels claustrophobic to me. I know this sounds silly but is there a setting for that or something? (sorry if this was answered already in case I missed something) [url]https://i.imgur.com/wCB2giK.png[/url] [url]https://i.imgur.com/sBcEEJs.png[/url][/QUOTE] I know other forums with IPS that have a more 16:9'ish design (and smaller visual elements as well, so you can fit more on screen). I don't know if it's user-customizable, thou. Whatever the case I hope the either make it widescreen for all, or allow users to set it up. This is not 2003 people, our widescreen monitors have been "normalscreen" monitors for a while now, and for a reason too.
  17. Well, richfiles, if you went into a site that sells double-shot keycaps expecting to get out of there unscratched, you were being naive... When you go "just looking around" into the demonic entrails of a site that sells those things, you can expect any or all of the following: 1- You are broke the moment you get into the site. 2- You will dance and jump like a child on a Christmas morning when you click "submit". 3- People will call you eccentric. 4- Your wife will say "what!?" several times. <<--- Be prepared for this
  18. Yeah, I get what you say. Keys, you want to de-bounce them, otherwise you will be registering false presses or releases. So you will be adding artificial time frames in which you don't care what the state of the key is, so lag in this regard will be irrelevant. BTW, a typical PC keyboard polls the keys at 125 Hz (not kilo, not mega, just hertz) and you don't notice any lag. The biggest source of lag you will have here are the digitalRead() and analogRead() calls you'll make to read the swtiches and axis, because the way they are implemented on the Arduino (you can bypass it but good luck!). Shift registers I believe will help you here with the digitals, because there's one call to write and one to read for each chip (you will have to use more than one chip daisy-chained to read all those buttons). Combining shift registers with de-bouncing can be sort of a pain, I'll give you that. My experience with the biggest thing I have built, a keyboard-panel-thingie with 48 keys, with a Leonardo at 16 MHz (vs 72 on the Teensy), is that you won't notice any lag even if you use a matrix and good old polling with no shift registers involved and make the Arduino interpet your own badly implemented and optimized interpreted language to decide what each key does. As I said, the delays you add to de-bounce are orders of magnitude bigger than any lag the micro can produce. Also, you don't have to poll all switches in order, you could poll half of them, and then the rotaries and then the rest of the switches. Just throwing ideas here. Take it as a newbie talking to another newbie. BTW 1: Delays of 10 to 50 milliseconds between press and release seem to work for me. BTW 2: FYI, I2C transmission is limited to the clock speed, too. PS: thanks for the rep!
  19. Right. Well, the input pin problem normally would be solved with shift register chips, like the 74HC165... Now, I take it you're a newbie so, if two boards make it easy for you, then go ahead... But shift registers are easy ... and cheap. Speaking about interrupts... Are you planning on having some data coming in from the PC? If not, I don't see why you'd need interrupts to work with inputs in this case. Normally, what you'd do is have your main loop checking on buttons and rotaries as it cycles. It might not be that great from a technical point of view, but it's easier.
  20. I'm curious, why three boards? Edit: oops, premature "submit"... Of the three, the Teensy 3+ would be the best for thise, because of the RAM. As I understand, it can emulate keyboard/mouse/joystick like a Leonardo. The resolution of it's axis is also a lot better, 12 bits vs 8 I believe. That means that while your Leonardo is able to show 0-255 "thicks" on your throttle to the PC, the Teensy can show 4096.
  21. LOL, "Hi, I'm wahckjob, and I use Mainsails for sepatrons" You should put a texture in your regular smaller rockets that reads "my other sepatron is a mainsail"
  22. Any of you guys involved in this panel on the Sydney Maker Faire 2015? 1:50 EDIT: Found another one, 10:30 mark
  23. Yeah, that's my problem with cleverbot, I can understand if the thing doesn't understand the conversation or get something wrong, but If the topic was set by the bot it self... then it should remember what he was talking about.
  24. Sometimes you just don't want to use your brain. Playing KSP requires that... so, pizza, beer & something to watch... yep, I can relate... not on that Twitch thing that I hate, but yeah...
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