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Everything posted by dharak1

  1. Probably some computer game from 2004-5 I remember some Arthur game and another game with some kind of crazy cloud stuff and balloons.
  2. Looks real cool! The image with 3 made me think they would be smaller than the 43 meter long measurement given.
  3. I would immediately pay everyone that owns a periodic table poster enough to re-size the 8-foot wall its on to 16 feet so it could fit the new periodic table.
  4. If it was a very human related animal like neanderthals I wouldn't eat it. Things like animals from Pandora including the Na'vi I would eat for sure.
  5. One SLS launch for a cubesat would probably not be worth the gain from waiting 20 or 30 years until we find a bit cheaper of a way to get to another star.
  6. If you want support for my argument look at third world countries that are essentially lawless. Plenty of crime, murder and theft. If you are ok with killing one animal you should not value the life of another. If you do something the group disagrees on then the hammer comes down.
  7. It's pretty damn fair. If we had no laws that's what I would start doing. You earned the money for the gun or earned it by robbing a store.
  8. How many OPSEK modules will be constructed at the ISS just the ones before 2024 obviously but wouldn't that make the ISS for a short period of time one giant station? How many cubic meters would that be? Do they plan to pressurize it? Will there be more than 6 crew on board at any time?
  9. Making a mothership is kind of hard to do. I always make my engines first then discover the payload is too big and deorbit it. I could see it being way harder for more people.
  10. Such a cute little rocket. Enough payload for an empty spacesuit too!
  11. Why should we have better morals? We are animals and so are they. We have laws for a reason. So we have a group moral supposedly higher than other animals. We are dominant we have a right to do what we want.
  12. I thought it was a NERVA they wanted to lift into orbit on a Saturn V so that they could land on Mars or do flyby's of other planets.
  13. You wouldn't need an Orion to lift a Saturn V into orbit. It's dry mass is around 131 tons. Meaning if you cut off a ton or two you could get it to orbit on SLS Block II and then send refuel missions. No point to it though.
  14. I don't know how well hydroponics would work but aeroponics would work fairly well in 0g because it doesn't need a solid water body, only a fine mist.
  15. Tons and kilograms are mass though. Newtons are force. Unless I'm crazy.
  16. Camtasia usually loads mine but not that much, I can still use my PC.
  17. Hmmmm... I played the campaign a few days ago and another thing I noticed is how Odin deorbits by what appears to be RCS. It also reenters in a few seconds.
  18. They predicted that Rhea had rings and possibly small moons, when they got there they didn't see any though.
  19. Black knight is a myth, they say the shuttle spotted it when they were docking some part to the ISS but it was too heavy to bring down. In reality mass estimates of what is though to be the the black knight are around 17-19 tons. Within capabilities of the shuttle. What black knight is is some sort of tarp that was dropped while docking parts to the ISS. The shuttle had issues docking whatever part it was so it loosened the grip with the robot arm and bumped something, and dropping a few tools including the tarp. You can see the black tarp behind an astronaut in one of the pictures. I have no idea what mission it was, sorry. EDIT: I looked it up and from a glance it appears to be STS-88.
  20. Probably not. That's the last thing you want on a ship with only 250k people. It depends what kind of minor health problem. If it isn't anything major and isn't genetic then they may be allowed to come along. By genetic diversity they mean that they want plenty of races and features along with samples of people more resistant to certain things. Think of how Native Americans were less resistant to small pox and other mainly European diseases. Think like that but with a more global population. That's my interpretation anyway, I'm not sure if it's 100% correct.
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