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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. Okay, new pics, with a size comparison to the large stock Rockomax X-32 Tank <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/nk2oj/embed"></iframe>
  2. After looking up the diameter of the real ROMBUS, i decided to scale it up. This should serve as a reliable heavy launch vehicle with few parts for those with lower-end computers. More pics coming soon.
  3. I plan to make the diameter of the tanks and engines 7.5 m, with the fairing going to a maximum of 10m. It's a type of altitude-compensating engine, very similar to an aerospike, in which Isp does not vary greatly with ambient air pressure. The engine intended for use here would have an Isp somewhere around 425-450, which would remain constant with altitude. Additionally, its shape meant that it could function as a heatshield, making the core vehicle reusable. The side boosters, not so much. Thanks! Also, I'm pretty open to suggestions for stuff after I finish (read: deem acceptable) ROMBUS.
  4. Aiming for more realistic designs, as in designs made by serious engineers for 1980's mars bases type things.
  5. I mean, let's be realistic. I never finish anything. But here's some pictures nonetheless.
  6. That's not the problem. The problem is that the joints on either docking system are far too weak for a job like this.
  7. Ah, i must have swapped the wrong tanks out. Hold on while I redesign it with stock. Here's the redesigned version. Can get you into a 75x75 km orbit with just enough fuel for deorbit.
  8. I usually go until i can't sustain positive acceleration on the jets alone, and kick the aerospike on. At 20km i switch the jets off. EDIT: Here's the craft file:
  9. Yeah, let me just remake it with the other fuel tanks. Hold on a sec.
  10. SSTO's can be remarkably small. This is the Starhawk (Note: the central three tanks are actually rocket fuel, via a cfg edit. They have the same exact stats as the FL-T400, but they look nicer)
  11. Very Nice. I'd recommend swapping the outer engines with Aerospikes and setting up a rudimentary asparagus staging system to squeeze more dV out of it.
  12. I need to get the normal maps working. They've been seriously wonky.
  13. Yeah, i'll have to get one eventually. I do like the aspect of interactibility that you don't get with a let's play.
  14. So, I'm thinking about making a livestream with a focus on planes (inspired by TheWinterOwl), re-usability, and efficiency. What could I do to make it interesting and new? ] This is partially designed to help out newbies and those with lower-end computers. Also, I don't own a microphone. Is this a hindrance? EDIT: As an example of the type of craft I'm aiming for, here's a pic This is an SSTO designed to be the bare minimum to carry 6 passenger Kerbals to orbit and back.
  15. Why not try a VASIMR and make the efficiency vary with the thrust (kinda like how the fuel bug worked)?
  16. Okay, I was an idiot. The scale was 0.01. Mods, can you delete this thread?
  17. My part shows up in the VAB list, but when I try to place it, it makes the clicking noise multiple times, jitters, and is invisible in the construction scene, like so This is what it looks like in Unity What could be causing this?
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