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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. Go to your KSP directory. You\'ll find a folder called 'Ships.' If you have the demo version, you\'ll open this file and find your ship among the many there. If you have the full verison (.15_2), then you\'ll find it in the subfolder labeled VAB (if it was built in the VAB) or SPH (if it was built in the spaceplane hanger)
  2. Deorbit them. They\'ll die faster and more painlessly.
  3. Editing the cfg is a necessary part of modding. If they made the cfg\'s hidden, it would be very hard to create/edit parts without a part editor, which then could be used to edit the stock cfg\'s, making the editor utterly useless to begin with. Subsititute 'mod' for 'cheat' in his quotation. It\'s the same discussion
  4. Very cool looking plane. I\'m impressed with how slowly and evenly it handles.
  5. The game is designed to have a very open mod community. Since it is singleplayer, the devs do not need to add anything in that would police people. People play things their own way. If someone wants to cheat parts, that\'s their lookout. I think Harv has a post relating to this a while back. I\'ll see if I can find it.
  6. I see no reason why the devs would take cfg editing away.
  7. Just a friendly heads-up: I think you may have posted the wrong video there.
  8. I misread the OP, and thought they were smiling amid their own destruction. My mistake.
  9. That\'s not at all what they\'re saying. They\'re saying, put in simple supply/demand terms, that any group that has an above-average demand for organs will, percentagewise, receive fewer organs as the supply is constant. They are simply asking you to increase the supply. Think of it like this: There are 10 gerbils: 5 blue, 3 green, and 2 pink. They are all in need of cute gerbil hats. However, only 5 hats are available. If they are allocated \'fairly,\' so that 1 pink, 1 green, and 3 blue get hats, the percentage of blue gerbils that get hats is lower (30%), compared to the percentage of pink and green gerbils (50% and 33% respectively). If 7 hats were available, allocated so that 1 pink, 2 green, and 5 blue gerbils get hats, now that percentage has increased to 50%, simply due to the fact that more organs are available.
  10. You mean massochist. Misread the OP Also, KSP is not for kids. At least, not exclusively.
  11. Actually, looking at it, it\'s not that big. It looks big due to the half-size stock parts he uses as radial tanks. Look at the core, and you\'ll see a capsule, ASAS, FLT-500 tank and novapunch 1m lander engine. That said, nice work!
  12. He\'s going to employ a bunch of peasants to tow him back?
  13. This ship can do it: Got into a Mun orbit, then went to minmus, then landed, then back to mun, landed, then to kerbin, and finally splashed down. Aboard the Inter-Lunar I. Bill, Jeb and Bob are ready. Launched into a 100K orbit, then transferred to the Mun. Left the Munar orbit, and got into a Kerbin orbit, Transfer to minmus Captured Deorbit with enough fuel to land anywhere on the surface. Landed Jettison legs and lift off Back in a Kerbin orbit Lower orbit and transfer to mun Captured again. Pick a landing site Braking burn Shoulda kept those legs, eh? Departure Deorbiting In atmo Stage sep and parachute deploy Splashdown 20 days later, they\'re finally home. The craft has enough fuel to select a landing site on both Minmus and the Mun. With better fuel management, one might be able to land back at the KSC, too.
  14. Very cool! Are you able to fit through the hatch, though?
  15. Adjusted intake power, minimal, optimal, and max airflow all to 0. Vacuum engine is a bust.
  16. 0 for both parameters does not work in any case. It seems that the 'efficiency' parameter in the context menu kills this.
  17. I did a straight-up test of optimal 30 and lower 1 and it stopped accelerating at 25000 KM
  18. You don\'t? I\'d assumed there\'d be at least an inertial 'jolt' when the spacecraft first starts rotating.
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