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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. Sweet jesus.... I love how you guys are recruiting from the community. That is so cool.
  2. You were right about it looking like an Orion propellant magazine
  3. Oh, thanks for those figures. I\'m trying to get a balance between playability (not 25 minute long burns) and realism here, so the input\'s much appreciated. As for orion, a while ago, I was considering making one, and even modeled up an engine (well, shock plates). Didn\'t know what to do about the plugin, so I abandoned that. Maybe I\'ll pick that up again later. It had a 3 m attachment point, with a four meter total diameter. And finally: Looks pretty snazzy, if I do say so myself.
  4. Ok, I finished texturing the 1x1 m Xenon Fuel Tank. About to do some ingame tests.
  5. That\'s really beautiful in its simplicity. In something smaller than most SSTO\'s we see here, you\'ve made a minmus lander. It probably couldn\'t land on the mun, i\'d wager. Can it get back?
  6. That\'s a good idea. Not sure how to go about that, but that seems reasonable for balance issues.
  7. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8021.0 Also, http://mechjeb.com
  8. I concur. It\'s fast, reliable, and unlike photobucket, the photos don\'t get taken down after inactivity, which can be EXTREMELY frustrating.
  9. Eventually. I don\'t know a lick of C#, so that\'ll all come after. In the meantime, the Xenon fuel is much lighter than the LH2/LOX combination, lighter even than the spaceplane fuel, but there\'s less of it Thanks. Once I get around to plugin coding, I will do that.
  10. You can\'t use your computer\'s filepath. You need to upload the images to an image hosting service like imgur or photobucket. Currently, you\'ve got [img*]http://c/Users/[DATA EXPUNGED]/Desktop/Random%20KSP/Screenshots/screenshot15.png[/img*]. You need a url, like 'http://imgur.com/owQjs,' not a computer filepath.
  11. They wouldn\'t be generated until you got there.
  12. It\'s going to be SO fun. We need an oort cloud, full of randomly generated, eccentric long-period comets that have periapses in the inner solar system.
  13. I really want to try to rendezvous with that comet. Now THERE\'s a challenge
  14. I personally think it is, but it\'s up to you. You can still use the old .DAE method if you want.
  15. If you want to use the new part tools (normal mapping, emissive mapping, etc), yes. I find, personally, that using the Unity editor helps me keep everything organized. c7 has a tutorial on the .mu file format
  16. Blender. Once you get into a few tutorials, modeling itself becomes a complete cinch. UV unwrapping and texturing are two things i\'m still fairly noobish at, but Blender\'s UV unwrapping is pretty good. Use GIMP for texturing.
  17. Okay, I\'ve modeled up the xenon tanks (1 m x 1 m and 1m x 0.5 m) in blender. And with the ion engine attached. 0.5 m 1 m I\'ll UV and texture these tomorrow, hopefully.
  18. Working on cfg balancing it. I\'m thinking 2 units of thrust (way over what real ion engines do, but for the sake of playability) with 0.0030 burn rate. If it had the same efficiency as the larger engines, it would be burn rate of 0.08 for that amount of thrust, and i think that 25 is a reasonable estimate for how many times more efficient than a chemical rocket these are.
  19. Minus the emmissive map and config edits, the 1m ion engine has been fully imported into the game Here\'s a shot comparing it, stylistically, to the stock engines. The blue glow is temporary until i figure out how to do the emmissive animation
  20. @Anariaq: Thanks. I\'m going to make some Xenon fuel tanks next. For starters, I\'ll just use a MuMech variable engine, but as time goes on, I\'ll write my own plugin that requires a source of electric power (i.e. solar panels for inner solar system stuff) AND the xenon tanks. As for power output, it\'ll be very weak, but highly fuel efficient, designed for long burns. @RC1062: That\'s the idea. The blue glow you see there is an emmissive map, separate from the main texture. I just need to figure out how to make that work in game.
  21. Finished the texturing. Now to figure out emmissive animations and normal mapping
  22. Thanks man. As I\'ve said, I\'m a complete n00b, so it might take a while, but this is designed, as corny as it sounds, to be a learning experience, with some hopefully cool benefits I should have at least the ion engine and the 1m Xenon tanks done. Then i\'ll need to write a plugin for this different type of fuel, but once that\'s done i\'ll release just that.
  23. You mean this picture? Those are the pistons.
  24. Google bought youtube a LONG time ago.
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