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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. I\'ll give this a try tomorrow afternoon. Looks fun
  2. It\'s a 7zip filetype. It can be opened by either WinRar or 7Zip itself.
  3. Would you mind posting the craft file for that?
  4. Alternatively, for a more intuitive (for some) view, you might try changing the Patched Conics display mode in settings.cfg (i think the default is 1; try 2 or 0)
  5. Is there a way I can get symmetry in SPH to work with this?
  6. So has everyone, Lazer, but the Landing Struts are puny babies compared to the robust manliness of the DA claw. Awesome design, SasquatchM!
  7. I suggest the name be 'God\'s Goalposts'
  8. I believe a few of them are named. You might want to check the Kerbal Geographic Society Thread.
  9. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4886.0 That has both the railgun and the bicoupler
  10. Use WASDQE in the VAB, with shift for fine movements. This works in 0.15 only.
  11. Made a Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090410213129/starwars/images/1/11/Jedistarfighter.jpg It\'s very flyable, but requires very fine controls, especially in low atmosphere, as it tends to pitch upwards and roll to one side. Trim is very useful, as is the onboard RCS. However, it makes a decent high-atmo glider. Craft file attached
  12. This looks fun. I\'ll have to give a craft a try
  13. A tip: post pictures if you want people to download your craft. Very few people will download it without a picture of some sort. That said, welcome!
  14. Do you need to incline your orbit to get there, though?
  15. What\'s the best way to align your orbital plane with Minmas\'s? I can plane-change, but I want to know how you can do it efficiently.
  16. Use WASDQE to rotate them. Hold shift for more precise movements
  17. I suggest going to a blender forum for this, or at the very least, posting it in the Addon Making subforum
  18. Well, to start, how do you know that your rocket is flawless? Only testing can do that. This is a good guide for getting into orbit for the first time. Going to the moon should happen after you\'re pretty comfortable getting in to orbit. As for mod packs, just look around in the addon releases subforum. I recommend KW Challenger and Downunder extremely highly. Best of luck on your launches! EDIT: Fixed link
  19. The thing is, I\'m not counting on being a NASA astronaut. I want to be born in a time when it starts to become easy (i.e. it\'s not just NASA doing it), but not so far forward that it\'s routine. I don\'t want to be the first; i just want to be there. And i know it\'s pretty far-fetched, but Mars is pretty f*cking awesome
  20. You just need to list them. You DON\'T reupload them. That\'s considered bad tact. So just compile a comprehensive list of the mods required and you should be good.
  21. I actually wish I were born later. I have nearly no chance of ever fulfilling my dream of living on mars. I wouldn\'t want to be born so far forward that spaceflight is taken for granted, but enough so that I could actually see the dang planet.
  22. Good luck getting back, me matey. It\'s hard enough while in an equatorial orbit.
  23. Is there any chance you could post the craft files for those?
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