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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. How do you know any of these landers will be able to leave eve? it's got 170% of Kerbin's surface gravity, so it'd need to be a lot more powerful to get up.
  2. I am trying to calculate the total dv I get from an Asparagus-stalk booster setup. Does anyone know how the rocket equation must be modified to achieve this?
  3. Jesus, this guy is brilliant.
  4. Nor am i, really, but i couldn't think of anything better at the time. Heh, maybe Charrtreuse
  5. A few proposals. My favs are underlined Charr: Charren, Charrian, Chartian Eve: Evian, Evoid Kerbin: Kerbal Mun: Munar Minmus: Minmar, Minmusian, Minutian, Minmoid Bop: Boppian, Boppity, Boppar, Boplar Gilly: Gillian, Gilliloid
  6. It might be just me, but have the ambient light levels been toned down in that picture?
  7. I'm not the questioner, but timing is not my strong suit. Would you mind explaining?
  8. City light. Sorry; i should have specified.
  9. I might also recommend, if possible, increasing the intensity of the glow. It's a bit faint.
  10. Well, nice work, and kudos on the hand-made spec, bump, and city light maps.
  11. Very nice! The tutorials on blenderguru are great, aren't they? Love the kerbol reflection.
  12. How would the 'surface' of these planets be implemented?
  13. So i\'ve been trying to update and improve the MunMover plugin to be able to move both the Mun and Minmus and to allow solar orbits. When I load up the flight scene with the part attached, I get several issues, including a non-loading vessel (screen turns sideways, pointed at the air, and velocity and altitude do not load) and a lack of mun-moving power. Here is my code: using UnityEngine; public class MunMover : Part { CelestialBody body; CelestialBody orbiting; CelestialBody kerbin; Orbit mo; Orbit so; public float SemiMajorAxis; public float BodyToMove; public float BodyToOrbit; public float Inclination; public float Eccentricity; protected override void onPartAwake() { kerbin = FlightGlobals.Bodies[1]; body = kerbin.orbitingBodies[(int)BodyToMove]; orbiting = FlightGlobals.Bodies[(int)BodyToOrbit]; so = orbiting.orbit; mo = body.orbit; if (BodyToOrbit != 0 || BodyToOrbit != 1) BodyToOrbit = 1; //If invalid BodyToOrbit parameter (i.e. not 0 or 1), set to 1 (Kerbin)) if (SemiMajorAxis == -1 && BodyToMove == 0 && BodyToOrbit == 1) SemiMajorAxis = (float)(orbiting.Radius + 11400000); //If undefinied SemiMajorAxis for Mun (BodyToMove == 0), set to default if (SemiMajorAxis == -1 && BodyToMove == 1 && BodyToOrbit == 1) SemiMajorAxis = (float)(orbiting.Radius + 4640000); //if undefined SemiMajorAxis for Minmus (1), set to default if (Inclination == -1 && BodyToMove == 0) Inclination = 0; //set inclination to default if no inclination specified if (Inclination < 0 && BodyToMove == 1) Inclination = 6; if (Eccentricity < 0 || Eccentricity >= 1) Eccentricity = 0; base.onPartAwake(); } protected override void onPartStart() { // Will probably only work when on or orbiting Kerbin if (BodyToMove == 0) { print('Let\'s move the Mun!'); } if (BodyToMove == 1) { print('Let\'s move Minmus!'); } mo.semiMajorAxis = SemiMajorAxis; mo.inclination = Inclination; mo.eccentricity = Eccentricity; mo.referenceBody = orbiting; } }using System; My cfg parameters are as follows: // --- munmover parameters--- SemiMajorAxis = 20301660384 Eccentricity = 0 Inclination = 0 BodyToMove = 1 BodyToOrbit = 0 So what\'s going on?
  14. Please, no pandora. A wholly original system inspired by ours but significantly different would be much more interesting. No planets with life, other than maybe europa-like planets.
  15. Please stop that. Emoti-spam is seriously annoying and presents a poor image of your level of maturity. On-topic: I think a duller red is better. The red he has now is far more vibrant than Mars\'s still, but fits well. The first one was a bit overkill.
  16. The atmosphere cuts off sharply at ~69201 km.
  17. Actually, i\'m working on that bit, in all seriousness. Just need to work out engine placement.
  18. So i strapped stuff to Tosh\'s truck, and it\'s awesome. Period Handles exactly the opposite of what you would think a truck with wings would handle. Extremely maneuverable for its size. Take-off at 28 m/s. Lands like a pillow being dropped from a height of an inch. Pics: Requires the Mechanical Mouse industries pack, resized spaceplanes pack, and the cart addon.
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