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Everything posted by Thobewill10

  1. Tentatively, it seems that with optimal and lower both at 0, the engines don\'t function in atmo at all. Space testing is pending. This might be useful for ion engines, no?
  2. Okay, since you\'ve basically achieved your primary goal, I\'ll test out other modifications of these parameters for future interest. I\'ll try out optimal airflow at 0 and LowerAirflowLimit at 0 first, to see if it enables these to work in space.
  3. Just tell me what you\'re editing and give me a copy of your test craft. I\'ll test a different range of values
  4. Awesome, I\'m mostly guessing on the suggested edits, so it\'d be interesting to see what exactly they do, for future reference. Happy testing!
  5. It\'s a pretty good movie, but I\'m sure you\'ve heard that a ton.
  6. This might be outside of your budget, but you might want to take a look at some flight sim setups, and see if you can possibly implement a sort of rolling/yawing/pitching capability to the capsule, for that extra realism...
  7. You\'d want to adjust the airflow parameters Here is the CFG section i\'m referring to. optimalAirflow = 60 lowerAirflowLimit = 10 upperAirFlowLimit = 300 Change the lowerAiflowLimit to something around 5, i think, and optimal airflow to something around 30. You\'d need a bit of testing (OK, a lot) to fine-tune the altitude limits, but this is the basic idea.
  8. Very cool! It\'ll be really interesting to see how this pans out!
  9. He\'s talking about Jeremy renner, AKA THIS dude, who played the superhero 'Hawkeye' in The Avengers.
  10. Yeah, I know how you feel. I figured that out several months ago and it was still a huge shock of joy.
  11. Welcome! Hope you have a blast (not literally; i hope all of your rockets perform exactly to specifications)!
  12. Very cool weapons! I\'ve been trying to make a mobile launch platform for a while, with no success. Great work!
  13. CardboardBoxProcessor wrote up a tutorial http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13450.0
  14. To the best of my knowledge, it does nothing. However, with .16, there will be a FUNCTIONAL scale factor parameter in the cfg\'s, so hold your breath, i guess.
  15. That is one awesome assembly you\'ve got there, Sasquatch. Is the craft file for that in your folding planes thread yet?
  16. When I say original, i mean something that is not from a work of fiction (besides KSP of course). I would like to see what the devs can come up with.
  17. Not I. I\'d prefer original systems.
  18. Sorry, nope. Persistence ( the ability to have multiple flights simultaneously) was added in .14, while the demo version is .13.3
  19. Whoa man. Could ya post the craft for that?
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