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Everything posted by theSpeare

  1. I can transmit science from the labs but how do I receive science? Can we receive from somewhere else and with anything else?
  2. New models for the reactors please! I'm using that engine over everything else happily just because it looks so amazing
  3. Warp control's perfect. Physical is the only thing left in that area. While you're at functions we could sure use a "round" function.
  4. What's that supposed to be? Are we getting an art pass for all the other parts soon?
  5. Great rollout on the patch, thanks You're doing great work! See if you can get more custom models though.
  6. How's that update coming along? I'm getting super psyched now Maybe have a kethane-like resource that you can scan for, drop down, sample with a rover or ship. Return to Kerbin for a lot of science (or process on site for a smaller percentage). Ooof!
  7. I'm really glad you're very active in the development of this mod. I'd originally thought this mod was going to be very terrible and just overpowered, but you somehow managed the perfect challenge blend to it. I'm loving it right now, and it could be a worthy addition to stock as an end-game research tech. It'd be pretty great if you could send rovers to anomalies for extra research points or something like that. Someone mentioned that it'd be nicer to level up ALL warp drives with one upgrade but I think in the case where you can transmit and spam science it's better this way, so it's a little more diluted. You should make it so that we can receive science from all the labs or rovers around the solar system, rather than transmit. (definitely update the rest of the models - the new warp drive and the laboratory are really awesome. The antimatter reactor right now is a bit of a bust to look at next to everything else) One more thing - now that I've kind of gotten the hang of going from Kerbin to other places farther out from the sun. Any tips for the maneuver for going to planets towards the sun? E.g. returning from Jool to Kerbin. I do my best but when I come out of warp in front of kerbin, my velocity vector is shooting off to one side at a high delta-v cost for orbit.
  8. I haven't had a chance to test the fixes yet but could someone please explain how science works here? How do we upgrade, or transfer science and stuff Fix worked. MJ was messing with it with the prevent overheat feature
  9. I didn't place anything between the rocket and the reactor. I also checked the fuel type and kept switching it to see if anything would work, but no dice. I'm gonna check out that MJ issue though, I have a feeling it could be that. Cheers. Will come back with update.
  10. Hmmm, this makes it even more interesting. Thank you so much for the advice Dave and Fractal (I'm pleasantly surprised at how quick it was - new love for this mod and Fractal ). I'll give those a shot, and I guess the warp trajectory thing is a must. Also I assume you already know that the Action Group to reduce warp speed inadvertently increases your speed by a factor of 1c, and without cost. One quick question though: the thermal rockets I use don't seem to fire? I wanted to test it at first, so I cheated (I don't like wasting time only to find out there was some mechanic I didn't know about). I slapped an antimatter containment onto an LFO tank, then an antimatter reactor and then a thermal rocket. I then used hyperedit to fill the entire ship's resources. When I activated the engine it did a millisecond of burn (like a burnout, almost), and then nothing happens. Reactor is also activated. I can no longer even throttle up or down, it's stuck. Am I doing anything wrong? Note: this was attempted twice both with an electric generator, and without one (I couldn't find anywhere where it said the thermal rockets needed MW).
  11. Can someone please upload a simple tutorial for setting up a warp drive, warping to another planet and then setting up orbit? I always come out of warp at 40km/s or something like that; how are we supposed to deal with that much amount of delta-v?
  12. This is pretty great! Now all we need is closest approach to target and translation controls. Also DEFINITELY compound if statements. That is: if (X=2 && X<3){ blah.}. or if (X=2){ if (Y=3){ blah. } }. And maybe being able to do things like if BODY = MUN{ begin capture }.
  13. Hey, before you update, you should consider adding some sort of shortcut to open the kOS terminal. When you end up using it so much it starts to become a tiny bit tedious to rotate around to right click and open. Maybe an AG?
  14. That's actually a pretty good method. I do the same for minmus when I fly manually. The problem is that it doesn't have timewarp yet, and so I'm very excited to see that appear. Essentially it boils down to these three in order: 1. External editing capability (which is already coming, yay!) 2. More data, more data, more data! Distance from surface, max thrust, mass of ship etc. 3. Time warp function
  15. How do you even program the transfer burn? kOS definitely needs more data that we can use
  16. Has anyone found a way to extract values off R() or things like PROGRADE, RETROGRADE etc? I would like to use those values for a script that attempts to kill horizontal velocity while hovering.
  17. I am getting extremely, extremely excited about this! With the WHEN function as you mentioned, this means we can use it by placing something like When stage:liquidfuel = 0 { stage. }. at the very top of our code, and it'll do that while doing everything else, right? Such as waiting for new steering locks etc
  18. Why not just LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,-30,180).? I'm seeing this a lot. Can someone please explain to me why we even have to have UP there in the first place? Why can't we just go ahead and do LOCK STEERING TO R(0,-30,180)?
  19. We really need an external edit capability. I've started having larger programs and having to backspace entire chunks of code and being unable to copy and paste is becoming very tedious
  20. Minimizing console while editor is open still registers input from keyboard EDIT: Nevermind, you already addressed this issue in your dev blog
  21. Agreed. We need an external edit capability. Things like selecting bodies of lines and copying and pasting are invaluable, especially for the more complicated scripts.
  22. Need API for surface speed, surface altitude, mass of ship, possibly total current thrust (I suppose that can be calculated through ship mass though). Need more things we can work with (and hard) to automate everything the awesome terminal way!
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