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Everything posted by SoldierHair

  1. With single missions taking over 5 hours... i think it quickly becomes one of my most played game. My most played game is WoT with over 300 hours spend in it. 2# Star Trek Bridge Commander with >250h? , played it since it was released , still have it installed (Maximum Warp for the win).All the mods ,the ships , Kobayashi Maru....Man ,my last wish before i die is to play again a GOOD online match , my last online game was like 5 years ago. 3# Gmod with around 130h 4# Half Life 2 with 110h , don't judge me , i loved that game .Finished it again and again. 5# Skyrim with 88h
  2. The weight to thrust ratio is just horrible.It isn't even good for ISP.Even the god damn aerospike is better , and i am talking about the one after the nerf.
  3. http://imgur.com/a/c8UIW#0 Here is my mission to Gilly and Eve.My engine blew up when i staged in Eve's atmosphere , landed using only the chute and the landing legs snapped off. Oh and btw , that is one single nuclear engine mounted on a 150 ton ship.The whole mission was 7 hours in real time.
  4. Good.But next time don't use the Poodle.
  5. 9 kerbals need a rescue mission. 3 on Eve 1 on Duna 1 on Vall 4 orbiting the Sun 1 in deep space , escaped Sun
  6. The most important to learn is that super complicated ships are on the extremes.They are either useless and unstabble or genius , capable of very long interplanetary flights. This is one of my early models and as you can see it can easily fly out of Kerbin's orbit: And sorry for not having a picture of the rocket itself in the Sun's orbit , but i was doing a pretty long burn in Eve's orbit in my actual mission and i couldn't leave.Well , they aren't going back home , runned out of fuel almost imediatly after leaving Kerbin's sphere of influence , it didn't even needed to enter into a stabble orbit around it.
  7. I have the same problem.I over did the interplanetary stage.It has ~8500 Liquid Fuel and ~10 000 Oxidizer , 150 tons of pure delta/v.The only problem is that it has only 1 nuclear engine.A 1000m/s burn is around 20-25 minutes. Right now i am waiting to get into a stabble orbit around Eve , 20 minutes to go.Yay....
  8. I think only 1 of that small radial fuel tanks is 30tons.
  9. There is only one problem with Saramir.That dorsally mounted chute is making the capsule tip over.I could simply mount 2 radially , but that will destroy the "purity" of it.
  10. If you still have them , it would be great to share your first designs. Well , as you can see i had an obsession with fuel crossfeed because i didn't knew how it worked (and this made my rockets very inbalanced after burning through some the fuel *spinspin*). This is my desperate atempt to reach orbit and leave a sattelite there.I still have one in orbit , reminds me of the good old days when i didn't understood a single thing. "HAHA , now that i reached a stabble orbit i bet i can reach Mun".Foolish i was , that thing can't even reach 500m without flipping. And this is the start of my better ships , also the 3rd rocket build (without putting into consideration the Mk 3,4,5,6 of the above "M.U.N."...).Also , this is the start of my creative names Tested it recently.Thing's breaking through the atmosphere like there is no tomorrow.Right here i had over 1000m/s at 15-20km away from Kerbin. Now , what were your first rockets/planes?
  11. As far as i know , you can't really copy the link of facebook pictures and post them on other forums ._.
  12. So i gave 0.20 another chance.I build this small rocket to go to Mun. And look at that Delta-V.Man , i no longer understand anything... Baryshnikov , Katyusha , Tulip , Talagool , today i say "au revoir" hopping we will see again.You all did a great service to our space agency and you showed strong to the motherland.Your designs are no longer viable. *manly tears*
  13. Can anyone upload the rover wheels for me?I can't find it at all. I will have to send Talagool on Eve and Tulip on Duna on 0.19.Hell , so far i didn't made 1 stabble rocket in 0.20.
  14. This is Baryshnikov in 0.19 This is Baryshnikov now What happened.
  15. I want to leave a flag on most of the planets.My other plan is to send Tulip , a Duna rover, on ....well.. Duna.
  16. They brake in an unhealthy way.Tested on Minmus , full stop from 30m/s in less than 2 seconds , almost rolled over.
  17. Could you make some kind of a flag out of this?And with a text that fits the image , like "We are going there!"/"There , we go there!"/"That's where we are heading!"/"That rocket doesn't have enough boosters!".I think the last one fits the best the Kerbal way. Thanks in advance
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