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Everything posted by zakkpaz

  1. any chance of putting a solar panel on top of that black wing thing like in the movie. it kind of feels like cheating to have infinite electricity.
  2. as it is now the thrust seems playable, it takes awhile to build up speed and isn't game breakingly unrealistic. it would difficult to get the endurance into orbit without hyperedit if the TWR was lowered.
  3. its not just you, I've been having that problem to on a lot of outdated part mods.
  4. is a cover for the docking port. witch i've been wondering about does it fit the stock docking port or the docking port from phase II or is there one built in?
  5. there is a simple suggestion, could you put a attachment node on the bottom of the external tank? there was a plan to use that space to store satellites. MKSheppard mentioned the Inertial Upper Stage but i think we can build our own upper stages. What we do need however is a way to detach them without fear of hitting the walls of the bay, so if its possible to make a decoupler that could rotate 90 degrees like the one used for the IUS would be nice. If you're willing you add parts that relying on outside mods Get Away Special canisters would work great for KAS. Theres a lot of good paper projects based around the shuttle like an unmanned unrecoverable wingless shuttle that could carry a massive amount of cargo, and there was another proposal to use the tanks as wet workshop style space stations.
  6. helldiver would consider adding an EDO pallet for extra fuel and mono propellant? also would you consider switching the generator you have in the payload now to a monopropellant converter like the one in the FASA gemini mod?
  7. i've always wondered but never asked, in KSP dose landing gear generate more drag when its down?
  8. i think some of them should be not all of them keep it diverse, and i'm not quite sure but i think porkjets next hab module might fit in the bay.
  9. I've been having an odd problem with my attitude control, when i'm using the landing or the maneuver planer. it seems to slow down to near nothing after it gets to with in about 5 or 10 degrees of the marker. it doesn't look like the RCS is being used. landings seem to be the same problem if i don't correct my attitude i'll land off target or slam in to the ground at an angle. and when i try to use smart A.S.S. it will ether spin around wildly or get with in a few degrees same as the rest
  10. i was wondering this my self. helldiver wasn't there a plan to add a lower deck to increase the crew count?
  11. are you still planing on using the real fuels mod?
  12. hard to say. i've had problems with Firespitter before loading errors and crashes mostly, and just using it for airbrakes seems excessive RealChute on the other hand is small and seems to be compatible with dam near everything
  13. i think this or drag chutes may be a better idea, RealChuteModule seems to be a less intrusive mod
  14. dose this mean we will need Firespitter for it or is there another way to do airbrakes?
  15. did any one update the Falcon II VTOL JetEngine?
  16. spreading nuclear massive amounts material into the air? that's what central Nevada for.
  17. sadly no, but the only difference between it and the normal S-IVB is the engine
  18. i know its got to annoy frizz and Denny, but I like the fact that everyone's coming up with ideas. the best thing about this mods is that none of the parts are single use, unlike some other historical reaction mods. anyway it seems like the most useful thing for expanding Saturn V usefulness would be the C-5N stage with a NERVA engine, it wouldn't requiter to much work and would add just enough Delta V for maned launch to Duna or Eve
  19. bobcat did a LRV that can fold up like the real one if all it need is an attachment point on the lander, although it might screw up the center of mass
  20. Just thought you'd like to know that I asked Mihara a while back and it is possible to make curved CRT like monitors with his plugin. I was going to ask someone to make a CRT monitor for the Gemini capsule so if you going to make something like that for this would you be willing to put out a prop pack? please, i'd really like to me able to look at the ground when i'm landing.
  21. was the thrust for the Gemini LES reduced? because its no longer powerful enough to get away from the rocket even if its still on the ground
  22. frizzank cloud you add a second version of the Big G Docking module without the Docking port and engines like you did with the Gemini service module.
  23. so the laser Spectrometer wasn't the secret part? good i was hoping it would be something bigger, not that i don't like the Spectrometer I'm just saying
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