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Everything posted by zakkpaz

  1. well that seems to have fixed it. you know i think its possible to ask a moderator to wright something telling them about the new download on the original post, if you what to avoid having this happen again.
  2. oh god yes. the catalina is one of my favorite aircraft and i would kill to have one in-game
  3. Ya know you could at least tell me what i'm doing wrong before you start on how i'm a part of some endemic.
  4. i cant get this to work what do I do to get my keyboard to work for this? edit: the window is there its just semi-transparent an i cant enter any text
  5. what the is that .gif from any way?
  6. this is was the top were there were two lines its been reverced and now it dosent line up right edit: fixed links
  7. its built in to the nose
  8. speaking of the nose cone it looks like the antenna/guide-thing is on the wrong side of nose cone and does not line up right upside down. its not the biggest problem in the world, but it bugs me to the point i had to say something love the agena by the way
  9. haven't noticed any problems the only problems with .23 seem to be with plugins
  10. would you be willing to remake a version of this without RealChutes? i'm trying to keep my plugin count low.
  11. I'm having trouble getting this to work in .23 all of the screens are just sort of a pale gray color
  12. sorry i didn't notice this thread until now and post a suggestion [url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62033-Rotate-the-island-runway-add-multiple-runways-landing-sites-and-recovery-costs'>http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62033-Rotate-the-island-runway-add-multiple-runways-landing-sites-and-recovery-costs TL;DR MOAR RUNWAYS
  13. when budget management enters the game it seems likely the vessel recovery should cost money, but i figure two runways on the whole planet would make this less fun then it could be so i figure there should be number places like the KSC runway where spaceplane recovery would be lower. capsules capsules would cost more to recover but you get a large radius around these runways to land with the lower cost. the runways themselves could be more or less the same as the KSC runway maybe some as individual runways and others with multiple runways that crisscross (what do you call it when they do that).most of all I'd like to have a dry lake bed in the desert. as for the island runway it and some of the new runways should be facing north south so space planes can land from a polar orbit without a huge momentum losing turn, or so we can use the huge momentum loss at either runway to make easier to slow down for an alternate landing if you overshoot either runway. EDIT: I accidentally a word
  14. Have you tried it, because i've been using it like that for awhile?
  15. what are the solar panels going to look like because i'd quite like some that looked like the ones from skylab (the one directly attached to the hull, not the one of the four attached to the telescope mount).
  16. pretty much yeah i didn't ask you directly because it seems you don't like including plugins, which i'm thankful for, but it would be nice to have a screen or two in big G or the M.O.L. if no one else has done it I'd be willing to try and figure it out. is there a tutorial or something for IVA's that might help?
  17. has anyone made an IVA with RasterPropMonitor for the gemini capsule or big G?
  18. i think there needs to be a plugin for gimbaling the engines to get the direction of thrust to line up with the center of mass but that might already be finished.
  19. there was going to be an MFD with a nav ball/Attitude indicator and docking camera as well as a HUD. RasterPropMonitor cant do a HUD's or an Attitude indicator but it does everything else and more, it lest as far as an IVA is concerned.
  20. has anyone made an IVA with this for the FASA gemini capsule? also Mihara is it possible to use a curved screen so it would look like a CRT monitor, or does it have to be flat?
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