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Everything posted by zakkpaz

  1. the seats on the bell cockpit are rotated to the side for some reason, does anyone have a fix for that?
  2. could you make an SST cockpit for the new 1.5 size parts? maybe one that looks like more like the TU -144? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cJqoo9B-9uA/UmpyWHtqDCI/AAAAAAAArc8/YNA3iyWRaEo/s1600/revell+november++(25).jpg I'm not sure if its ok to make requests so sorry if its not.
  3. would you be will to make a flat version of the Cradle style base frames? somthing that would work well with structural panels or the "Planetary Base Systems" mod parts.
  4. that did it. thanks man that was a lot of work for a problem only effecting one person
  5. Im guessing its a mod Conflict, but i've got no idea how to figure out witch mod is causing the problem. should i try renameing the part or something?
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ybAVmmjNvrCrZ-INq8CNcs1zD1MtCm_/view?usp=sharing
  7. for some resson the Draco Lander dosent show up in game no problem with any of the other parts
  8. Check the first post, he's got a public alpha coming up
  9. What other mods will be required to make one this work?
  10. Would any of those new parts be a nuclear engine for the SC-IVB? because I've been itching for a nuclear upper stage
  11. alright then, itleast its not taking as long now
  12. if "enableRTsupport'' in KerbalKonstructs.cfg is set to false assumeing thats what turns on and off RemoteTech support, "disableCareerStrategyLayer" on the other hand is set to true (i'm pretty sure i changed it from false in an atempet to fix this)
  13. sorry https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7F0M-VBAxnJcWdLSFhwOEhhQzg Kopernicus is for Astronomer's Visual Pack, I think
  14. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7F0M-VBAxnJWkdNZUs3ekNqZFk
  15. ive been having that problem as well it also seems to forget when i disable having to unlock them in the settings menu
  16. i'm still having the same problem with the new version, is there a list of known incompatibilities?
  17. i have an odd bug with your mod, every time i go to or from a ship the game frezzes up and i get a message "database part info reloading" for a minute or so. i do have a butload of other mods so i might not be you
  18. looks great, cant wait to fly it! have you thought about texturing the rounded end of the engine pods as heat shields?
  19. that Priax VTOL thing looks brilliant, any details you feel up to sharing
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