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Everything posted by zakkpaz

  1. have you considered switching to RasterPropMonitor? it could save a bit of time and it would be nice not have two plugins taking up space in my folder doing more or less the same thing
  2. would you be willing to make these modular so we can have multiple equipment or hab modules?
  3. does anyone else think the atlas looks to tall? also frizz are you going to do an IVA for the Mercury capsule
  4. the outer two did i'm not sure about the the inner one http://youtu.be/I9tTxwpwnK0?t=1m46s edit: that said the one engine rcs thrusters work well as verniers engines if you mount em right
  5. i've done all that. i can get it to work in the default layouts just not in the layout i made. mines stuck showing the orbit info
  6. agreed it would be nice to have a choice, also fizz have you changed the order you're doing things in or did this this just get done first for some reason?
  7. anyone else having trouble using hyperedit with life support? it crashes when i try to return to the spaceport and my save gets corrupted
  8. the regenerator doesn't seem to be doing anything for me what should the time be for the lok?
  9. one last thing and then i'll stop bugging you can you add the lights for the regenerator and swichs and everything else on ECLSS panel to the pop up or maybe have them show up if there's a problem even if the pop-ups closed i know its redundant but it would be useful if for people who don't use IVA to much or if you're working the mod on comand pod with out the panel
  10. i see your point. i guess config-editing is easier for me then for some people I'll just take the time and figure out how add edit stuff with MM. can i just make one request. make it easy to figure out the values of O2 and CO2, having them in man-hours should help this. not being able to figure this out is the main reason i've stayed away from consumables mods and i'm sure i'm no the only one. thanks for your time
  11. i like being able to edit the new stuff in .cfg files, and thats hard to do with module manager. plus not all the plugins play well with it. edit: and having everything in .cfg files makes it easier to figure out how to change other mods
  12. are you going to use module manager to add ECLSS to everything? (please don't)
  13. will ships not using ECLSS just have infinite oxygen?
  14. i'm pretty sure thats wrong the gemini were under the equitment section whitch was detaced before fireing them
  15. retro rockets are nice but kinda useless if you cant use them for maneuvering would you be willing to keep it the way it is but add a few rockets to the back
  16. the amount fuel for the big g capsule is maybe half of what it should be for rendezvous and docking. also there a way to make the docking a separate part and still make it extendable
  17. thats happened to me to however it was before i added this mod I think it has something to do with adding and removing mods
  18. this looks amazing is there going to be a data only layout for the iphone also can you control a ship using the gyroscope
  19. I am not asking for a heat sheild im asking for the landing bag under it i figured what ever squad did to make the landing gear crumple on impact could work for it
  20. i am curious how much detail you're willing to go in to for the Mercury capsule will it have the deployable periscope as a science experiment? will it have RCS? and can you put the inflatable floats (what are they called) on to it and gemini
  21. so adapter, stock decoupler, booster, satellite (possibly more than one piece) yeah thats not hard, he says knowing nothing about modding
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