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Everything posted by Mokmo

  1. This little ship is beautiful and fills another thing i was lacking in my constructions: a transfer vehicule between the stations around Minmus/Mun/LKO Some small issues i've found (constructive criticism or me making mistakes) -There is some wobbliness between the adaptater/bottom decoupler and the trunk section on takeoff, even worse when the trunk payload is there. -I I think i got how to attach stuff in the trunk, do you attach everything to the capsule then use the other node for the trunk ? Seems to be that way, maybe just a bit of instructions on this -The demo ships in the spaceport zip file are both missing an obsolete part, dragon brain. -MechJeb seem to be unable to retrieve the mass and engine thrust properties of the capsule for its dV stats, it has 1300 m/s in space, right ? The part.cfg has the right info on the ModuleEngines section, so i'm not sure how it can't compute the values (another MJ infowindow gives me the right weight and a TWR of ... 58 on the Mun) i'm using, not quite the latest. But it still will get on my main install, great work!
  2. On Gizmodo : http://gizmodo.com/a-frog-got-too-close-to-a-nasa-launch-and-well-this-h-1300166953
  3. I just tried the MechPod. Using your craft file, i just sent it up 700 meters and popped the chute open, but for some reason it tore off at full deployment, unlike your demo video. Log says it's a structural failure between it and the main pod.
  4. It's a warning from my security software before i even touch the website. it's not your file, it's fine on Spaceport
  5. I started a thread this week about having folders for normal craft files, but subassemblies should definetly have it too! We can already make folders in the mod (by adding a directory outside of ksp.exe) and it's very useful when you pick up pre-made ships and subassemblies.
  6. The file2web link in the original post triggers security blocks from my antivirus. Good thing it's on spaceport too...
  7. Usually undocking other ports in the "docking chain logic" will fix this, thing is you have to find which one it is...
  8. I have a slight issue with a part. the AA-BB Linear Decoupling Strut (NP_decoupler_radial_Strut) somehow applies the decoupling force in reverse direction at detachment. Yet the part has the exact same settings as the stock ones (except the force, which is much higher). I fixed it by reversing the ejection force parameter in the part's cfg file.
  9. There was a bug back in 0.19 ans 0.20 where a ship docked to a ship docked to a ship would cause a bug in the savefile and block undock on one of the ports in the chain. My fix for it was finding which port in the chain was still working and undock/redock it. but that took me a good half-hour of persistent file search to find it. undock/redock needs at least 1meter separation to make the docking magnets work again.
  10. I also got that, only way to turn this around (pun intended) is to restart KSP.exe...
  11. Mokmo

    Gravity (Movie)

    Just saw the long trailer... Sandra Bullock as Jeb ? This is the stuff we've all done in our station fails... a bit nightmare-inducing, but great idea
  12. do you have a periapse on the map before your burn ? that's where you should be burning retro.
  13. i just hope we can at least make folders in the subassembly once it gets in game...
  14. Basically, instead of a long list of ships, be alowed to make folders that will show and can be navigated to find stuff more easily
  15. Btw the example ships in the zip files... they need an update! Mostly since the SAS revamp.
  16. i got a spaceplane in a pretty circular orbit, then tried Ferram's system, didn't like it (there are people who'd love all these numbers). then tried some more spaceplanes, got some small ships to dock with them...
  17. I found a weird bug, but i think it might be because of the nature of the part: When attempting to dock with a deployed inline docking port the parrallelism indicator points to 90 degrees, the part's main axis. i think MechJeb also acts the same way it seems, its smart A.S.S. went 90 degrees the same way when i put the parallel order.
  18. I have a small question: When using the HL cargo bay. is there something specific to do to put say a decoupler or a docking port into the ship's axis ? there's no node...
  19. I tried flying it, but i'm quite a noob at it and i don'T have the knowledge of what a good climbing curve should be. The whole thing backflipped when i turned on the aerospikes...
  20. Made an attempt with two probes, i actualy docked without turning my camera once! the ports' magnet kinda caught me by surprise too
  21. Yup, the Twitch feed was nice in that it showed that we're finally getting subassemblies built into the game and some science trees (Mods didn,t see a topic here)
  22. A quick test, and i can confirm that 6 crew seems to be the magic number
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