Hey all, Do some of you play Crysis and/or mod for it? For everyone who knows Cryengine 2 and it\'s possibilities I might have something interesting. A active Crysis 1 modder, Chris, has been working on a a awesome flyable aircraft mod for Cryengine 2. He also made a map generation tool named Automap (with working trains!! ) and he is now starting a an other project... He is going to build a spacecraft simulation in Crysis! 8) Of course it will be very different than KSP, but it still is awesome! You can find information about it here in the Flyable aircraft mod: http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=280&t=25876 The topic is about the Flyable aircraft, on page 79 he announces the spacecraft mod. The real developing starts around here (first pic): http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?p=898175#p898175 Idk if I am allowed to post it in off-topic because this is a other game... so if I am doing it wrong then please let me know. All the best, Blinkin