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Everything posted by Blinkin

  1. Oh lol, nice spotting.
  2. I\'m using Universal Extractor, no problems here.
  3. I demand it in the name of Demaciaaaa! ;P
  4. You could just try introducing it. I\'ve been playing LoL for quite a time. I stopped 6 months ago, too many champions and KSP was way more fun with the vast amount of features being added every week.
  5. No problem. I\'ll see what happens when I \'exit\' all flights that have the player onboard.
  6. Holy moly that first craft rocks! I first thought it was a second ship. xD Awesome work, must be mind breaking to build.
  7. Are you running a 32bit (x86) operation system? That could be the cause because 32bit systems are limited to 2GB RAM for 1 process. KSP 0.15 uses about 1,5GB RAM with ~50 parts. So I can imagine that more then ~110 parts will come near the limit of 2GB.
  8. I also found a small bug today. I switched back to a vessel that had the player on board. But the player didn\'t appear, only a small grey square at the top right. Restarting didn\'t work. Not: I switched to the vessel by using the tracking station. I also want to thank you again for this wonderful plugin. I hope it will work on future releases of KSP. At the moment I enjoy KSP flights with the music of the tv animation Wall-e (composed by Thomas Newman). \'Define Dancing\' is awesome when orbiting around in the middle of space, \'Hyperjump\' is cool to listen when your taking of with a rocket that is very heavy and finally manages to gain speed, \'Down To Earth\' (by Peter Gabriel) is just very nice to listen when orbiting kerbal. This plugin adds so much to the game, it\'s way better then selecting music in your custom media player. Because you have to set a order that might fit the scene. And now we can just click a song within the game. Again than you! ;D Edit: I just noticed that this isn\'t caused by switching. I\'ve made a new craft and it has the same problem. I think I only added the cam mod and the \'satellite\' pack of Nova. I\'ve added a screen shot of the console (alt + F2).
  9. This fixed all my lag. Great work! The difference between High and Low settings isn\'t noticeable. The difference between Low and Very Low (this tweak) is enormous! ;D
  10. That could work. So that will give you a replay system for most flights. and you have to add other vessels that have been used in that flight. For example for docking.
  11. I see one problem: how to do replays in a persistent world? I think that gives complications.
  12. It\'s indeed better to contact the support. Although I think this time it\'s a different cause because it was fixed. But at the other side I just could be completely wrong.
  13. Question. How are you going to make dynamic music? Does the game knows state or something, like entering a atmosphere after orbit (re-entry)?
  14. If you can then this is super awesome. But what you\'ve done is already great! Thank for your work I\'ve played 2 hours today and I love this plugin, it\'s great. Maybe you could look how this plugin managed to add \'screens\' while inside the VAB... http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9917.0
  15. Could you add something so we can use it also in the VAB? That would be great so we can \'activate\' the Editor/VAB music of KSP! editorLoop1.ogg
  16. ERdfjhTYGdfbERverTFweF@#$RF%$tgfWERFGERGFSDsdWOOOOTT!!! ;D 8) This is awesome! No more switching/skipping with external Media players. And you\'re even working on a complicated thing like dynamic music? Respect! This + KSP 0.16 (EVA\'s) = don\'t know what to say. Time to launch some radio stations!
  17. Nice! I just saw this video on the KSP home page, it\'s awesome! I\'m definitely going to use this to push KSP, that\'s one of the best fan made trailers I\'ve seen (the other one is also a Mün landing).
  18. He\'s right, it\'s only 15.0.
  19. You know what I think? This camera mod should be stock in KSP. Instead of having more camera modes just use this!! How awesome would it be to place your own camera\'s as part of the game! ;D
  20. You should try iZ3D it\'s perfect for this. http://www.iz3d.com/ Select anaglyph driver and download the Release Candidate. Enjoy.
  21. You mean this one? http://www.youtube.com/user/KerbalSPOfficial
  22. There wasn\'t a transit of Venus in 2006 iirc. You probably mean 2004? But I also missed it. Too much rain.
  23. Aah right, yes I remember that you are allowed to give away the account. I forgot that, thanks Capt\'n Skunky.
  24. Really? The last time it was discussed some mods told us we aren\'t allowed to give-away copies that has been paid for through 1 account. We needed to wait till SQUAD would make a gift system. I guess that isn\'t the case any more?
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