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Everything posted by Blinkin

  1. Jeb is currently standing on a Mun Arch enjoying the sight.
  2. 1/10 I think I've seen you once so far. Edit: Ninja'd I've seen you never before. 0/10
  3. Well that's a awesome way to have a first post! Is it what I think it could be?
  4. 3/10 seen you a few times before.
  5. Maybe it's time to change the 'kind' of development again just like when 0.16 was being planned. It gave the game a total new aspect. So... what about a budget system, deployable bases for moons and planets?
  6. (Russell's) TeaPot would be a funny developer easteregg. It might actually be plausible.
  7. I've seen you very often. 8/10
  8. Aah ok, my fault. Then I'll just keep watching all your explorations. ^^
  9. Wow this is really interesting. Now I want to get to the mysterious beeping spot. But I'm still getting used to the rebalanced parts and the fixed fuel bug. :/ You were talking about the Magic Boulder. I'm surprised that everyone is still looking for it, or has it been moved since 0.16? (I haven't got much time for ksp) It used to be close to the launch base. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/14917-0-16-Easter-Eggs?p=224094&viewfull=1#post224094
  10. Aah nice. I'm looking foward to the next release. I already like the player how it is now. it is already working fantastic! So I'll give this topic 5 stars! Maybe it might get some more attention, because I think it deserves more people using it.
  11. Wauw je bent waarschijnlijk idd een van de jongste. 0.17 is echt geweldig! Ik zag het net pas (had het erg druk deze week met www.nffs.nl). Ik weet niet of ze hem deze week al uitbrengen. Lijkt me wel erg gaaf! Je kunt je crafts blijven houden zag ik, maar ik denk dat ik gewoon weer schoon start. Heb dat altijd gedaan, dan voelt het net als een compleet nieuw spel.
  12. It looks like a model we had one year ago. Nice to see it returning!
  13. Hallo there! I hope you'll enjoy ksp to the max (there's actually no max according to Jeb). From a heerlijke warme dag in the Netherlands, I wish you the best! ^^
  14. Awesome you released it! I was making a moon rover but that has just been put on hold, going to test some designs with your bay. Thanks for making this dream come true!
  15. I'm very sure you are. The point is that lots and lots of people don't are that mature. The past has proven it 3 times! I think that a topic like this, were the ksp dev Nova is posting some work, it is still dangerous to speculate. Some people just can't see the difference between a dev post and a regular post. They all accept it as a valid release date (they read what they want to read). It's sad, but not much we can change about. Solution: start a site or go to another forum and do a bet there. I don't think that the rules can forbid that. As long as there are no links to it posted on this forum (not even coded with mysite (DOT) com). Anyway back on-topic. I'm also wondering this, might be fun or very scary I guess.
  16. You can usually expect to not be able to transfer your saved game with each new version. That's part of the alpha stage of the development. Ships might work with some tweaks.
  17. That baby nav ball is awesome do want do want! Off-topic: Is it me or is the site really slow? Maybe it is already missing Damion?
  18. And we have already the new patcher, so updating will (again) be less frustrating for some.
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