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Everything posted by Blinkin

  1. Yea there are indeed issues when using multiple tanks in the same craft. They look like jelly beans now. x\'D
  2. Yea KSP really had some potential which has been used to the max. In one year time it has been grown very fast.
  3. Errr isn\'t this a official 0.16? The title says 0.14+ so that must include 0.16. But I could be wrong of course.
  4. Whoops how did I think about using shift? I\'m probably using that key too much since the last update.
  5. Shift + F5 must work without clearing cache because it forces the browser to re-download all files of the specific page.
  6. Thank you HarvesteR and team! 8)
  7. Wow I was like: they released it on a Saturday?? ??? Then I found out that it was released 30 minutes after I logged off from the forums (Which was early in the morning of Saturday here). Fml! x\'D Dev\'s you are amazing that you love your work so much that you want to take the risk of releasing it on a Friday! Happy 43rd Apollo Day!! ;D I\'ve been trying to update a few times with 5,8GB RAM free. I don\'t think KSP is that large. :/
  8. I\'m going to spam my friends with this:
  9. Lol I thought it was English. - Wow it looks gorgeous. - Aah it looks good, let look inside. Something like that, but I had my sound turned low because it\'s 0:23 here. anyway, since the official discussion is locked/being moved temporary... I\'ll say it here. I LOVE THIS TRAILER!!! Does this mean that the kerbals also have a voice in the game? If yes then that\'s a surprise for me, I can\'t remember that listed. I love surprises! It\'s Christmas morning again, for the 3 time this year! ;D Edit: wait I just saw that the job application of sound designer is gone. I also remember someone posting a request for this a month ago... Whaaaaaaa!! Why do I live in GMT+2?!! I\'ve have to sleep but now I can\'t! x\'D
  10. Aah we have a suggestion section. I don\'t think I will use it but I\'ve seen lots of suggestions the last few months so this is very welcome. I hope that this re-organisation also give the mods a better overview.
  11. Yea I also hear sometimes the question \'Is it on torrents?\' which hurts me a bit. I always react with: \'The demo is a full working version of a older build. Try it first it should give you a amazing experience! Besides: it only costs around the €15. Don\'t get your lunch in the mall this week and you have in 3 days enough money to buy KSP.\' They almost always say: \'But it\'s in Alpha you said. Why would I pay €15 for a Alpha build??\' My final reaction is explaining the update cycle and: \'The update cycle improves very fast. Quality is very high on the list of the dev\'s. You can see that when a new build is released. Besides when you now pay that €15 for this KSP release you also get access to all next coming releases and the final version that will be sold!!!\'. Their reaction mostly goes like: \' all next builds??!! So I pre-order at the same time?! Awesome!! 8)\'. Never heard them talking again about KSP on The Pirate Bay or something like that.
  12. I\'m sure lots of people on tweakers.net will love it. Great idea btw.
  13. I would say: Enjoy your holiday! Now I feel stupid for asking it. :-X
  14. This great plugin has been mentioned by Chad in the official KSP blog. Awesome! http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/
  15. Naelo are you still working on this plugin? I love it and your \'planned\' idea\'s are very nice.
  16. At the moment they are starting the X3 release. So it might not be a few days but I don\'t think it can take very long.
  17. It\'s Germany, The Netherlands don\'t have any problems on viewing it.
  18. Blinkin

    Past 30k!

    24th June? Really? Awesome that means I discovered this awesome project only 6 weeks later. I thought it has been made public a lot earlier. Congratulations HarvesteR, I hope your KSP dream will be what you hope it will be (that\'s a very weird sentence isn\'t it?).
  19. Blinkin

    Past 30k!

    Congrats everyone! Especially the mods here for keeping the forums nice and happy. Edit: lol on a other forum where I\'m active we just reached 300k registered users. But no one really cares. I love KSP.
  20. This looks like a awesome mod. Time to test it. If your motherboard allows it then expanding the pc with extra ram isn\'t a problem. You have 4gb for $30 these days, that\'s nothing.
  21. Ooh nice Thunderbird you have there G Addict! Now all we need are lander legs like T2 and combine this with the Music Player plugin... hours of fun! ;D
  22. That\'s why I do it manually. But it doesn\'t matter, it doesn\'t cost too much time. Selecting my main music archive to search for music isn\'t a good idea (30k+ files). So you don\'t have to give it a look, have a nice weekend. And thank you again for the wonderful work. ;D
  23. Well I just discovered that it was completely my fault (I think). Because the tool didn\'t displayed my already added songs I modified the file myself (before noticing the ~). So I had to paths in the file that didn\'t have the ~ behind it. I think that caused the error because since I added them the bug disappeared.
  24. Aah Delvar I knew about that file. But I didn\'t knew that placing a ~ would change how the name is displayed. Thanks for sharing! Edit: Hey I got awesome news! By adding ~ to all files I fixed the problem I had (see above). I\'ve now two crafts in space with the player attached and it seems that I can use the player without the errors. I haven\'t tried restarting yet to see if it still works.
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