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Everything posted by Blinkin

  1. You should list the Anatid Robotics - Ascent Autopilot too. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8449.0
  2. Dodrain that\'s pure awesomeness! Especially handy in the situations where you are very close to the mun surface and you have to stabilise your craft in very limited time.
  3. Yea that\'s normal, although I\'m not sure why. But it seems that you fixed it, that was very fast thanks! =D
  4. Well I just had a ship that I modified with the new version (it didn\'t had your part yet). I couldn\'t use throttle at all on launch.
  5. If this is the result of one week work.... oh my, I don\'t want to see his face after one month! Somebody said shockwave? This is indeed HNNNGGG
  6. I once got a Wily-Bobwise Kerman. xD
  7. And still you managed to build this. This might be the beginning but I already lopve it to the max!
  8. That\'s perfect! 8) Dodrian thank for all the time you spend on this and releasing it. 3/5 of my landings on the moon are crashes (I suck a bit XD). Now with this it\'s really much better. Thanks!
  9. Let\'s give him our free time *starts throwing random free time*. I always loved your work and this is just WOW! What people can make after one week.
  10. Well I \'found out\' that you have to turn your trust to the max and then quickly turn the automated landing on. In this way it will allow you to take off again after a landing without damaging. Because when you retract the landing legs it will switch back to max trust. I haven\'t tried it with switching vessels, that\'s probably going to be a problem.
  11. The leg module is great! It\'s very cool to be able to use both this addon and the normal ASAS.
  12. Omg, on an other forum where I\'m quite active we have 2 mods on 156,000 people. I think I finally have a comparable argument to add more mods. xD
  13. I lol\'d hard, it\'s so true. xD
  14. Three words for you devs (all of them): You are awesome!
  15. LoL I found out that all the parts together produce a KSP_win folder of 132MB while the complete download generates a folder of 181MB. Something went wrong with downloading... Anyhow I got it now, time to play around with pure awesomeness.
  16. 9 hours ago I started downloading the first part of the download. It took me 2 hours to download all parts. But it is worth it! =D So I tried launching the game, but the screen was completely pink... with some small text at the bottom (loading parts). But it never loaded. I\'m now downloading the full package with 2.5 mb/sec, oh never mind it is already done.
  17. $15 (€11) is nothing for a game that will have persistence! I would anyone recommend to buy it.
  18. Lets avoid spamming this topic with discussions like this. It\'s a great mod it still looks awesome for something so \'simple\' (design).
  19. It\'s a necro because this can be asked by sending a pm to the maker instead of posting a reaction in a topic that hasn\'t been active for more then 60 days.
  20. Idk if it has been mentioned before but I thought it might be helpful to share this, just in case you don\'t know this. On another forum (www.leaguereplays.com) we have a similiar problem with user registration mails that never seem to reach their destination. Most of them have a hotmail/livemail as target. We found out that their software blocks \'bulk\' mails and deletes those mails. They don\'t even get into the spam folder. It seems logic for software to detect lots of registration mails as bulk spam when a very large group of people creates a account. The fun thing is that these mails do arrive when there\'s no large groups registering (requesting activation mails) at the same time. If you already knew this then sorry that I didn\'t take the time to read through all the posts. I just want to help you. Edit: mm maybe I shouldn\'t have posted it here. I just did re-read the title. Sorry.
  21. Lol I bought it for the same reason. xD It\'s very amusing to fiddle around with all those maps. I also love Xigmatek\'s work with his particles. They are amazing!
  22. Anyone remember Robin Hood the Legend of Sherwood? This years it\'s the 10th anniversary.
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