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Everything posted by Jcklemme

  1. I've never been a fan of just slowing down the original piece and rerecording it as an orchestral score. I've always felt it was cliche and sort of lame. I'm glad they have a composer working on it and am sure that they'll do an acceptable job assuming it's someone competent.
  2. Tried out robotics for the first time.
  3. Will Kerbal Space Program 2 ever come out? It’s complicated. Well, in late 2013 the Kerbal Space Program fans found a clue buried in the official rules of the game’s Create-a-Spaceflight module. The rule states that a "follow-up video" is required, but while Kerbal Space Program (KSP) director and noted game developer, Peter Molyneux, doesn’t seem to object, Molyneux won’t be able to post one himself. "After developing Kerbal Space Program I don’t think I have much to add to what the modder wrote himself, so I’m just going to leave it," Molyneux wrote on Twitter. Well, what’s this have to do with Kerbal Space Program 2? Well, the rules were originally posted when Molyneux was working as a contractor for Microsoft. Molyneux is now working with Valve on the new Half-Life for Steam (it's expected to be released in the fall), which has left a trail of crossed fingers and wondering for fans of Kerbal Space Program. "I have to admit I do miss Kerbal Space Program," Molyneux added in a follow-up Tweet. "It’s probably not the best course of action for both studios to end up having their names linked together after such a long and profitable association, but there you go."
  4. So far I have the OPM , and I have D.A.R.T. What else could I add that would not break a current game? I'd like to maximize the amount of high quality planets I have in system, and preferably stuff that works with Parallax and/or EVE. Also looking for recommendations for Interstellar systems as well.
  5. I think you're really limiting yourself with that budget estimate, I would guess up to negative one quadrillion dollars just to be safe. They could be paying for the pleasure of developing the game.
  6. Proper forums aren't meant to be used on a mobile device anyhow, mobile devices encourage low effort posts due to their interface. Phones are more suited to posting on Twitter or other places with a character limit.
  7. It's exceptionally difficult on mobile due to the screen size and the UI not reacting well to touch controls. On desktop it works as intended.
  8. You can also change that yourself. Having only read the books (I don't know how it's handled in the movies), I can't envision an infinite probability drive being possible in this kind of game. The entirety of the HHGG series doesn't lend itself well to being applied to a framework grounded in realworld physical laws. Being dead for tax reasons? A super intelligent shade of the color blue? It's a comedy first and foremost and science fiction second. If you figure out how to do it though I'm sure it would be very cool. You might want to check out the Alcubierre Drive mod, it's a more KSP appropriate version of that and probably will do exactly what you are looking for.
  9. You could very easily just modify the config file of any engine in the game to display that if that's all it would do.
  10. I say this with all respect and am attacking you in no way, shape, or form; you have a lot of pie in the sky ideas and unrealistic expectations of how game dev works. Why aren't they using the imaginary marketing budget that exists in your head? That's just it, the budget you dreamed up and have convinced yourself exists isn't real. I've seen you pushing for a lot of unrealistic ideas or things that would be totally unsuited to a game like KSP. KSP2 being an MMO, bridges of atmosphere between planets that you can fly a jet through, extreme sports like skiing, the devs maintaining a curated mod interface, a July 20th release date. It seems you want a different game than Kerbal Space Program. I don't disagree with you though on communication, I would like the devs to have more show and tells which technically wouldn't cost anything aside from the paid man hours to post some screenshots and do a quick write-up. I'm currently on my eleventh year of hype for the Kerbal Space Program franchise and desperately would like to see what's next. They aren't going to do it though no matter how much we scream and cry. Three things can happen on this front, they keep radio silence and eventually show us some stuff shortly before release, they start showing us stuff now and continue until release, or they quietly cancel development of the game and it becomes vaporware. Right now, I'd put all my money on the first one happening even though that's not fun or ideal for me.
  11. Hate to break it to you but Twitter and Reddit are "data stealing mega Corp sites" too.
  12. That might be an extremely difficult and ultimately irrelevant question to answer based upon how the original KSP was developed. A quick Google search and looking on Wikipedia didn't give me any answers.
  13. Ok, then that definitely makes sense why they said it's FAST.
  14. Do we know what the Torch engine they've talked about does?
  15. I agree. Ideally, for me, it would boil down to you have a resource I want, I have currency or a research you want. I give you cash and then dock with wherever you're holding said resource, transfer it to my ship, and bring it back to home base/wherever I want it. Maybe on Kerbin itself the transfer could be instantaneous, but I like the idea of having to go pick it up, transport it, and deliver it to my base. I guess this begs the question, will we continue to have infinite access to fuels and materials whilst launching from/building on Kerbin or will we need to manufacture them like we would on a planetary base? I really do like the idea of having to deal with the logistics of resource transportation. It would be fun to deliver fuel to another player's base and charge for the delivery as well, charging more if I have to deliver into an atmosphere maybe. I have no idea how robust the "economy" of KSP2 will be, but assuming it at least allows you to transfer funds, everything I would like to do is achievable.
  16. I get your point lol. I think this is going to be the state of KSP2 discussion though as long as they maintain radio silence.
  17. This analogy doesn't work because I had my mom's cooking hundreds of times prior to this holiday dinner. This is the first holiday dinner Intercept has ever made for me.
  18. I see this point made consistently by some people but I've never seen anything that makes it seem true to me. The show-and-tells & dev videos seem like they were planned back in 2019 to me. Trusting is difficult for me as the new studio that has taken over has no track record as far as I see in making a game like KSP. If the original Squad team was working on it I would have no problem just believing that they will deliver, but with publisher demands, a majority different team, different team management, and no pedigree for the studio I can't see how you can have any expectations of what the final product will look like. I'm not trying to hate on Intercept, I'm sure they care about what they're making, but I don't know them.
  19. That's true, with zero community engagement regarding development we can only speculate and hope.
  20. I think at launch we will either see a very bare-bones multiplayer where you basically just exist in the same world and have very limited interactions (that may get more features down the road) or something akin to what has been discussed in this thread. I think it's more likely that we get the former though unfortunately.
  21. Yes I can. gigachad.jpg Hell, I'll just run KSP2 on multiple computers and trade with myself.
  22. I prefer to fill the universe myself alongside some of my close personal friends. We will also supposedly be able to automate recurring missions so there will be craft moving about in the world without other players. This thread has gotten off-topic now, it wasn't intended for discussion of KSP being an MMO.
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