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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. Quoting myself Is the cloud shadow layer suppose to hover above the ground? It looks as if it is hovering 30m AGL.
  2. It seems a little glitchy; there is a layer of dark that acts like a cloud or atmosphere layer.
  3. Is there a reason why the FAR toolbar icon doesn't show up?
  4. I think InfinateDice did something like that. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/infinitedice-strongstruts-v1-1-2/ Perhaps you can install the KAS code into the InfinateDice's code?
  5. It's not from the LES to my knowledge, unless the LES is somehow providing thrust while still on the stack but not activating animation, FX, or sound. I'll keep looking into this and focus on the debug log to see if it is generating 'magical' thrust. Edit: Just to add I felt it being extremely odd because my very first flight with the pod was a complete success. Then all the odd behaviors happened. I'll see if I can roll back EL to the previous version to see if something else in EL is completely screwing up command pods. Edit 2: Okay, so I tested it with first my orange tank, main sail, and then with my 3 orange tank 3 main sail, test rockets. I, so far so good... but the log repeated [Log]: Skipped frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) I doubt it has anything to do with Taurus HCV. There were a few other errors, possibly associated with other mods or KSP itself. So for, rolling back EL to the previous version has corrected the problems and keeping the ExWorkShop reference rem'ed out seems to make taurus work just fine. I'm going to test on my bigger rocket to see if it still wants to pitch down. Edit 3: The log error also appears to be an anomaly, it hasn't come up again.
  6. Just quoting myself from before. Rem'ing out the EL command moduel reference in the EL/MM config file seems to have done the trick. Doing more testing. Edit: Okay so that did work, but for some reason the capsule is asymmetrical in mass. All my test rockets list off to one direction. This is what I did in the MM config in EL. //@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[ExWorkshop]] //{ // MODULE { // name = ExWorkshop // command pods are a tad cramped and are really meant for other // purposes (like flying) // ProductivityFactor = 0.25 // Unfortunately, due to MM limitations, probe cores get a workshop too // IgnoreCrewCapacity = false // } //} It seems to have fixed the problem. Edit 2: There is either an asymmetrical drag or mass issue. I continued rigorous testing, trying various weights to see if the mass would get corrected. it is odd, because it seems to have an off balance of sorts that was only slightly fixed by a 0.03 ton object over the window side of the pod.
  7. I'm testing EL with the MM reference to command pods rem'd out to see if there is any difference.
  8. I read that EL causes engines built into the command pod to automatically ignite. The two command pod mods I use started to have problems. Is there a way around this without uninstalling EL or not using the command pods? Also I put workshops into some of the parts I use but they always have a production of 0.
  9. Hey Lack, they MEM has a problem with the engine auto igniting. I have a feeling that the game has a problem with having engines built into the command module. The Taurus HCV mod has the exact same problem. Perhaps make the engine for the MEM command pod be a separate part? Also is there a decoupler for the MEM?
  10. I think that the game has trouble with engines built into the command module part. I found that Lack's MEM module from his SXT add on has the exact same problem where it ignites automatically. Lack's MEM also has the engine built into the command pod part. I believe all engines should be separate parts from the command module. This would remove the problem of auto ignition.
  11. rbray89, this absolutely beautiful! You did a great job!
  12. I added ExWorkShop to LLL structure sections via MM, but no production. I have the large 4x2 parts 10 production rating (because with that much space why not?). Question is, does the part have to be read as a capsule for the work shop to work?
  13. May need to update for v.23.5 struts no longer hold together. : /
  14. I had wondered... BTW, great mod! Really fun to see my Kerbals get awards for their suffering. Also works well with crew manifest for those custom named Kerbals.
  15. A while back I created an EBM (Electron Beam Melter) for a LLL (Lack Luster Labs) extension I was going to call Jool Mining Corporation. However I hadn't done too much to update it. For more on what an EBM is here is a wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_beam_melting If anyone has any modeling experience (or spare models I could use) I would certainly love to revive my EBM extension to EPL. I'm decent with creating textures I just don't model much. On another note, a new 'animated' auger would be nice. I've been tempted to copy and rewrite the config to make the large Kethane drill into a temp auger.
  16. That was a bug I saw occurr in previous versions. I'm not having any trouble putting things of any size into LKO.
  17. As I wait for B9's update (He's busy with that, other things he's doing for Squad, and his personal life), meanwhile I've decided experiment with conventional KW engines to put stuff into space. 72 tons is not too bad. I'll have to try and rebuild my 3 orange tank monster.
  18. I seem to have a problem with strong pitching up. The COL is positioned just after the COM as it should in weight and balance when regarding lift. For some reason while flying the physics act as if the COL is being placed before the COM. Any ideas?
  19. Bac9, I understand that. Is there a way to trick, fork or expand the the code in some way? I haven't gotten into making plugins yet. Rubber Band Caterpillar tracks managed to have what appeared to be multiple rolling wheels on tracks. Would it be possible to do the same for the landing gear but have the tracks "invisible" to simulate multiple axle gear?
  20. I agree. I certainly feel that quad and six wheel gear would add a lot to B9 aerospace. Something similar to these.
  21. I should see what I can do with interstellar for my standard deployment methods. My only issue is that the reactors are very heavy. When it comes to weight and balance it provides quite a problem. It lowers the payload I can carry due to the thrust to weight ratio. The problem is the larger the craft, the heavier the ramp weight, and the longer takeoff/landing roll. I recently had that problem with my small SSTO. It was too heavy and it's landing gear collapsed on takeoff once I reached 100 m/s.
  22. I think they came with Lack Luster Labs. Edit: I could be wrong. I have 60 mods installed and have them all working thanks to the compression plugin.
  23. I guess I've had loads of over 150T lol, I've generally tried to make the craft itself as light as possible and maximize the thrust used. For some reason I couldn't embed my album in my last post. There is a link to my ssto. That one is designed for station modules and fuel tanks with fuel. Sadly it is broken due to .23 release.
  24. Or you could go for a smaller craft design. That is a lot of parts for a small payload. Not saying there is anything wrong with over 300 parts, it looks very Kerbally. Just making a recommendation to make Kerbal cras... er... life easier. http://imgur.com/a/WpyZs
  25. How difficult is it to remove serious for one's self, and move joker to a different orbit?
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