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Everything posted by Steambirds

  1. I downloaded it, and I'm not sure if it even worked! How do I open/use hyperedit?
  2. >be me >just chilling, driving my kickass rover around on the moon >suddenly, gravity nopes out >ejected from driver's seat, flailing about >land on the floor >everybody walk the dinosaur. Am I doing it right?
  3. You get banned from the forums for repetitively asking for 100 meter radius fuel tanks.
  4. I use stock dynamics because I am unsure how my asparagus staged monstrosities will hold up under FAR's realistic aerodynamic model.
  5. I think the mystery goo is made from a combination of iron oxide (FeII), and [REDACTED].
  6. Another quick question: Are all of the grabbers excavators or is it just certain ones? If so, what grabbers are excavators?
  7. I think "Kash" or "Kredits" are better than the bland name "funds".
  8. You know you play too much KSP when you wonder whether or not Pokemon that can learn the move hyperbeam can be used for aerospace applications.
  9. Actually somebody did the math for the Sonic Rainboom and it happens at excess of Mach 15. Good luck.
  10. I know this question's probably been asked a zillion million times, but when can we expect Karbonite implementation?
  11. Why did Novasilisko leave SQUAD? What's the easteregg storyline? (Will these questions be answered?? Tune in next time!)
  12. My theory is that space missiles would probably come in two classes: Basic explosive missiles fired with normal propulsion against manned and unmanned vehicles, and explosive/non-explosive space missiles with nuclear engines (that makes the whole darn thing a payload) used primarily on manned vessels, or unmanned vessels that frequently will be visited by humans.
  13. I would totally post my real-life rocket blueprints, but I dunno if they'd fit here.
  14. I think to re-balance the Poodle engine the ISP should be raised, making it a "poor man's LV-N".
  15. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is this? Is this basically the KSP community pooling together to do some real-world satellite launch?
  16. I want to see you barrel roll a car! No rocket power either, just like some insane individuals do at dirt tracks and stuff.
  17. That's not a rover - that's a proper landship!
  18. I love the LV-909, but then again most of my missions are Kerbin-bound because I always feel too lazy to mess around with launching huge stuff into space for a massive interplanetary vessel.
  19. Rather than drop the rover, I have it equipped with a small quantity of monopropellant and a few RCS thrusters so that way I can land normally and use the RCS to hop off of the lander. If I ever need to recover the rover, I just use a docking port instead of a decoupler. Works like a charm.
  20. I hate to say it, but the thought of one dude on the mun all the time just placing flags willy nilly never occured to me. So I was launching a bunch of dudes just to place one flag and return to Kerbin all the time.
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