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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I joined the forum around 9 months after getting KSP, signing up is worth it.
  2. I crash often... And when I crash the game crashes.
  3. I like that idea of splitting the update, Minecraft did a similar thing. Furthermore, this update is simply too large to release all at once and come out of early access. I would recommend that the community is allowed to give input on the at least part of the update before KSP is fully released (hence splitting the update). There have been accidents in the past which could be harmful to KSP's reputation for a 1.0 release, for example asteroids and the claw part from .23.5 were completely broken (in fact, they are still broken to this very day), and in .21 the new SAS was not quite what everyone wanted (was fixed in patch). As GusTurbo pointed out, there would be too many bugs.
  4. Huh, but anyhow, at this rate he should be a light green member within a few days!
  5. Pretty much. Though, as I have pointed out there have been zero beta releases. A few more is an understatement.
  6. While it may be true that all the features will be done, the game still needs fixes and improvements, such as Unity 5 (Pending release of course), slightly better 64-bit, more bug fixes in general, etc.
  7. Well, um.... I posted this in the article as a joke, but now I have realized that I was being serious. Basically... NO New size 7 font hehheh
  8. So what happened to that blog that was supposed to come out after squadcast?
  9. Looks like there's a new Kerbal... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/139891-Valentina-Kerman
  10. Alright, I've found I can open it in Audacity. I'll just say it's... different.
  11. Huh, I never realized I can't play .ogg.... I at least expected video editing software's and such to be able to use it.
  12. Nothing I have can open the file except windows movie maker (why?), and even then it says its corrupt... Any ideas? EDIT: Tried opening it in Windows Media Player, still wont play.
  13. Well.... I forgot to undock that lander there from the mothership.
  14. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Green Iron Crown again."
  15. An SSTO launches on a quick mission to deliver a Jool Probe to LKO
  16. When I finish the tech tree in my current save I might change it around.
  17. *watched Gif* Woa.... woa! OH MY GOD! *BOOMMMM*
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