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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. Wow that's a lot! Congratulations! Anyways this happened:
  2. Several planets are visible as just a few pixels in the stock game.
  3. I meant that the same music as used in ksp was used during the latest launch webcast, they asked SQUAD permission (Maxmaps confirmed it). They didn't know it was royalty free.
  4. This is what I was thinking, this isn't a failure, this is a partial success.
  5. Here is a link the the music from SpaceX Reddit: https://soundcloud.com/tmahlmann/crs5-pre-launch-music
  6. When .18 came out this music was good for the first several hours that it played. But now I hardly even hear it, as its gotten so repetitive that my ears just tune it out.
  7. It's still a huge accomplishment that they hit their target. "Hit." I was expecting it to miss by several kilometers. They just need a little more boosters on the landing next time.
  8. Landed hard on the barge. Thats gonna leave mark.
  9. I will have to wake up in the middle of the night to watch this... but I'm going to watch it!
  10. Pretty much this. The claw is completely broken, and will only stop your craft violently. Probably followed by this:
  11. I believe the only places I have not put a rover on are Eeloo, Ike, Gilly, and Vall.
  12. Also, Majorjim, does it work at high speeds? *cough* helicopter *cough*
  13. It's a secret, eh? Plot twist: The ailerons make a great bearing, you just need to make the ring a bit smaller. Ok, I haven't actually tried it, but you still gave me the idea.
  14. I usually use WASDQE and shift WASDQE, however if I need to really fine tune something, or need to rotate something without detaching the part, then I'll use the gizmo.
  15. I hope that barge has flood lights on it... Gonna be landing blind (except for GPS, radar, etc). Or maybe the Falcon 9 should have landing lights. EDIT: Also this is from SpaceX's twitter:
  16. Yep, flys 100% straight. Besides, any thrust issue would mean pitching in one direction, not both up and down.
  17. Not entirely sure about this... It did make it easier to take off, however now it seems to be worse. After putting the CoM and CoT as inline as they could be the plane now pitches up when above the prograde and pitches down when below prograde. The thing cant stay on the prograde marker.
  18. Ok I need some help on this. Once the plane's pitch goes below the prograde marker, it will immediately pitch down uncontrollably. No flips or spins, just a lawn-dart. Meanwhile, keeping it pitched up will allow it to fly perfectly, no issues there. I've tried putting canards on the front, in the back, etc. but it refuses to even change it's flight characteristics. Putting that lift indicator in the front or back or on top (as in the pics) of the CoM also has no effect.
  19. Definitely 4000+ Once the main folder reaches 1000+ I either toss it in the trash or store it away somewhere.
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