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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. -14(+) If you have questions about my status as a moderator you can take that up with me in a PM
  2. That wasn't a loophole, that was just the rules
  3. I think this is invalid: Which makes this the last valid entry, right? -15(+)
  4. There may or may not be a revert point -13(+)
  5. -4(-) (I never said I was on anyone's team)
  6. See I'm trying to help you here. The fact that you edited your post creates a revert point that I or any other unscrupulous person could use next time you get to -99
  7. And I don't think you can count down when you're the only person playing, either. But I'm not a GM so what would I know...
  8. @Murican_Jeb, I don't think you realise how this works. You just created a revert point by editing your post, no matter what your edit comment says.
  9. Hey I never said I didn't feel bad for you. You just might be taking it a little too seriously, though. Is this a valid number? I'm on mobile right now so I can't see exactly when it was edited
  10. Aaw. I thought that was the whole point of that rule 14(+)
  11. I tell you what, I was going to save this for later but I couldn't help noticing that a lot of people don't like me doing this, so I'm going to jump straight to exhibit C. This post was edited an hour before the next one: Should make this one the last valid number: Correct?
  12. You know how in the story of the tortoise and the hare that the hare is completely convinced he has the win, but the tortoise comes up slowly behind him and overtakes? Now, before I say anything else, please remember it's just a game... This post was edited before the next one but nobody noticed at the time... ...which means that it and the following 30 pages might be invalid Please don't hurt me
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