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Everything posted by minerman30

  1. This should be in the Rocket Builders sub-forum.
  2. Why don't you clip 2 one-man lander cans into each other, facing opposite directions (4 parts added) and to a tri-stack on the return craft (6 parts added)?
  3. -1/10 i didn't know you existed
  4. >Windows 7 Running... Windows 7 loaded successfully. Running Kerbal Space Program...
  5. Most home internet connections are not fast enough to run a StarMade server, nor are the computers powerful enough to host one. (from the StarMade wiki, refuting that statement in the comments.)
  6. There is already a 73-page military showcase thread and several military companies in the Rocket Builders sub-forum. This thread is unneeded.
  7. Granted, you know of everythink that has ever happened, is happening, or will happen, and your brain shuts down from memory overload. I wish that the person 73 posts ahead of me will post immediately after me.
  8. 4/10 I've seen a few posts of yours
  9. 1FLi6zwSQ9VADFk5SciARoCA6gwWannecV
  10. Zombie.exe deleting Zombie.exe successfully deleted Running humanity.restore
  11. The power has a mind of its own, and thinks you are an enemy. The power to teleport to a save, not lethal designation.
  12. I don't know if you have fixed this, but I noticed that it seems like the Runabout is really, really, overpowered. I think the thrust needs to be lowered to like 100, and a custom engine part added. I go 50-60 m/s and then fly out of the water, turning it into a really fast jet. If you can, fix this.
  13. Granted, it is aimed at the president and you are responsible. I wish for more wishes.
  14. I'm 12, and I very much enjoy this game. I have landed bases on both Kerbin moon, and gone to Eve and Duna. I'm planning a Joolian trip next. I think it is mainly a question of your interests and capabilities, as I have always been interested in space, and science in general. If you want to do this kind of stuff, you can, and I think KSP is probably the best spaceflight simulator there is, with a ton of mods, a large, helpful community, and it being fun for any skill level. You can make a cannon and see how far a kerbal can be shot, or plann missions like NASA does.
  15. So, cycle speed, right? Thanks. Or do you mean the actual K number?
  16. Because this entire thread is really TL;DR, it there any definitive answer as to what allows higher part count in a computer? I'm looking to build one and I want to know what I need for good high-part framerates.
  17. Hit X to cut the throttle (this works on debris) and the go to the space center and access your base from the tracking station.
  18. 10/10 I always see you on any thread ever, and I always remember that obnoxiously large signature.
  19. You step on it. The ability to manipulate any particle in the universe.
  20. Nice! Where are the four extra kerbals stored on the plane?
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