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Everything posted by karamazovnew

  1. @Streetwind and not only, it does work, but unfortunately there is no indication of the "grace period" timer. Yes, the supplies timer goes negative, but that's not the same thing. First of all, the default settings "break" some of the effects. Pump up the difficulty to see them better. Here are my settings. Be warned tho... settings and timers are stored PER SAVE. So if you alter your settings during play, that Duna base you've been leaving without EC through the night might kill your kerbals instantly. I've basically allowed for just one day of grace period, 2 hours of EVA, 10 times the amount of EC needed for life support PER KERBAL. As my career goes on, I'll even consider reducing the percentage of Mulch created to really punish myself Second, use the AmpYear power management mod. It will be crucial if you use the above settings and a great mod in itself. Also, unlike USI-LS which cuts the EC at high time warp, AmpYear's Manager (if enabled) still drains your batteries enough to make EC cheating impossible. Now stop thinking about Supplies as just water/food. Consider them a combination of powdered food, water, heating coils, coolant for the air con, filters, oxygen. Also consider that the pods have invisible systems for delivering water, mixing it with the powder to create food, running your breathing, in one word Life Support, balanced to "run out" all at once and not individually (as in TAC-LS). It makes sense since nobody would fill up a craft with food for 3 years but water for just 2 days, oxygen for 3 hours and enough CO2 filters to last till Judgement Day. All of these systems use electricity. Because of a stock bug, EC is not consumed at very high Time Compression (so use AmpYear to drain your craft of EC). Supplies are consumed as long as you have EC at any TC (including 10000x). But if you run out of EC, all the delivery systems for LS stop so Supplies are no longer consumed. You immediately enter the grace period and, with my settings, your kerbals will die after 1 day. Here, AmpYear can save your ass, for a while. You can use the remaining reserve power to transfer 1% EC at a time, to reset the grace period timer or reorient your craft. Reserve power drains as well so you can't do it for long. Consider it as an Apollo 13 method of nursing your craft home or to the light of dawn. And get the capacitors from Near Future Electric to help you as well.
  2. This is connected to my issue. I've wasted a lot of hours trying to figure it out and it seems both SVE and Scatterer are to blame: - for SVE: the clouds are quite dark all the time. You can make them brighter with the Alt-0 menu. The volumetric cloud is not fps friendly and way too bright for my taste so I've disabled it completely. You can make it more transparent tho... - as for Scatterer: I might be wrong, but PostProcessing in Scatterer is not applied to clouds. The mod uses that tool in order to extend the light inverse-exponentially towards the night-day terminator lines. That's realistic (real sky is bright 1 our before sunset), but since it's not applied to the clouds as well, you end up with dark clouds on top of white skies. I can't really blame EVE, because I wouldn't want clouds to be bright near sunset, I'd rather they stay as they are. So we need to wait for Scatterer to fix the issue somehow. A temporary fix would be to edit Scatterer and copy the exposure and Post Processing settings from the 150km layer the 50km and 100km layers. You end up with something similar to how the Map screen looks. You can then "force" the mod by abusing the depth setting. I'm working on it now, so far looks good (but I'm using Reshade as well). Thing is, your pics gave me an idea. Although cirrus clouds look bright from above and below, I'll try to duplicate the main clouds and make them dark below, to give the impression of volume and shadow. If I get anything interesting, I'll post some pics.
  3. Well, that's close to the sunset terminator line, I'm not looking at the west rim, but at the east one. The sky should get darker, not brighter. If I look down, the clouds are properly colored. But looking to the east horizon (right of the picture), the sky becomes bright and collides with the black clouds. If I disable PostProcessing, it looks "fine". Both day and night look ok, the problem is only near the terminator, where the shader applies "white" in all direction instead of only towards the sun. Edit: Actually scratch that... The shader itself is ok and realistic, the actual problem seems to be that the post processing effect doesn't get added on top of the clouds. Above the last layer all looks amazing (>160km) and if I copy most of the settings from the last layer to the previous 2, it looks quite nice actually.
  4. I've never been to space, but I do know a thing or two about cameras, and that picture has been over-exposed to allow more detail in the dark interior. And on the topic of "too bright"... how can we fix this brightness at the terminator line? This picture is taken due east, in low orbit.
  5. I did not mean to say that current TAC is harder to play than USI (quite the opposite tbh). I meant that transforming UKS's supplies system into TAC directly would be hard to understand. Just think about the recyclers . Carbon dioxide as a resource for plants to give oxygen? Waste water being filtered to water? Waste being turned into fertilizer etc.etc. Even if the end result would be the same, it would be really hard to figure out and maintain. But fun, probably. If radiation is coming to USI, that's great, can't wait. But I do like the breakdowns of Kerbalism, and Dang-it is currently unavailable. I'm not saying that USI needs them :P. As for Remotetech, you might want to think about it... home-sickness isn't just being physically away from home. In The Martian, you could really tell when the ship was close to home and they could communicate without 20 minutes of lag . RT Signal Delay and connection could slow down the homesickness in USI, don't you think? I'm not sure if you can "slowdown" the timer for homesickness, but if it is possible, you only need 3 more variables in the config file: RTBonusEnabled (true or false), MaxRTBonus (in percentage) and a MaxDelay (in seconds). You'd get zero bonus at the max delay (say near Jool) lineary scaled to zero (Kerbin Orbit) where it would reach the MaxRTBonus (say 50%). The interface in the editor would assume no RT at all.
  6. Well, although the OP was talking about food specifically, better integration between UKS and Kerbalism would be nice... -USI-LS: no complaints in regards to food consumption/production. I love the Fertilizer system. The only problem I see is that the "habitation" system is going to fall way behind Kerbalism. Not only does it have better integration with RemoteTech, it features breakdowns (separate from Kolonization's integrity), radiation (weight) and climate (electricity). I think UKS's parts desperately needs complete compatibility with Kerbalism in this matter. Radiation could very well affect the integrity of the parts -TAC: doesn't feature Fertilizer in UKS. Too bad. The beauty of having Oxygen and Water is that it integrates with Universal Storage's fuel cells and has the nice touch of making water seem more important. A few tweaks to the UKS production line would be amazing. Kerbalism is already compatible with it so it could very well serve as a pivot between these 2 mods. -Kerbalism's food system: well... I do like the Greenhouse, but... renders most of UKS useless so... meh. Although the idea of harvests and "natural light" vs "eletricity" would be nice in UKS as well. Should these mods become more compatible, I could foresee these scenarios: - Kerbalism without UKS: Hard to survive but dead easy to make resources, focus is on "electricity". Bases are just cosmetic. - USILS+UKS: what I'm currently using, easy to understand supplies, easy to survive, focus is on "homesickness". - TAC+UKS: meh... different flavor, but no fertilizer so... closed loop? Boring. - Kerbalism+USI+UKS: easy supplies but very hard to survive... - Kerbalism + TAC (with fertilizer) + UKS: godlike. Hardest of the hard. Diorite hard fun. Any thoughts?
  7. @Shadriss Actually, you can see the terminator clearly in the second picture, it's the redish line. You'd expect clouds to be "grey" there (would rather have red), but they're black long before that. I've tried Renaissance's clouds as well and they didn't have this problem. No idea why. As for Scatterer, while I do expect to see some light near the terminator, it's waaay to bright Wouldn't matter if it did it on top of the clouds, but as you can see, it doesn't. Maybe it's in the settings, I didn't check the default settings. Mashing Renaissance's old Scatterer settings in, the game looks quite nicely (almost perfectly at that altitude). Anyway, I did uninstall Scatterer for now (big fps hit for me) and tweaked the clouds a bit for my taste. Looks fine now at almost any altitude, except at in high orbit where the stock "rim" shader kicks in.
  8. I can never get my game to look like in the pictures. I have no bugs, everything seems to work fine with scatterer (and without), but the Kerbin always has a sort of "stock edge glow", and the clouds look very strange near the night-day terminator line because of that. While the clouds get darker, the sky remains bright. I was about to blame Scatterer, but here's how the game looks just with SVE:
  9. I can confirm something is really off in Stock. Even without station keeping, unmanned orbits jump around even through saves. Simple scenario: manned craft trying to dock with unmanned lander. During approach, orbit changed a few times, making me miss the rendezvous by a few kilometers. After tweaking, I was at 1km away, saved, nudged it closer, my target started to jump around by a few kilometers. Loaded, target was now at 25 kilometers away. Switched to the lander but craft suddenly dipped and orbit changed from 100x100km to a -70km x -400km orbit. So far I haven't had problems with manned pods. Mods too numerous to mention, but suffice to say, disabled all important ones one by one and ended up with Orbital Decay.
  10. Ups, sorry, disregard this post.
  11. I've done some testing myself, seems that opening a base and buying the hangar doesn't save the FacilityType = Hangar in the KKFacilities.cfg save file. However, editing the object with CTRL-K and reselecting the object type immediately restores the function of the hangar and saves correctly. EDIT: Hmmm, seems Bussiness and Tracking buildings have the same problem. One thing I've noticed is that I actually need to have the normal interface open for the building I'm editing to see a change. Weird. Not sure why Fuel Tanks are not affected and work out of the box. BTW. this reminds me, wouldn't it be safer to only save to files when KSP saves itself? Currently, we can cheat the system by buying a base, then reloading, no money lost that way.
  12. @AlphaAsh Are hangars disabled in the last version? The one at KSC works just fine, but whenever I try to store a plane in one of the other open bases, instead of the list with nearby planes, it says "This facility does not require staff assigned to it". Refuelling works fine, only the Hangars seem to have a problem. Not sure if it's a KK problem or something with Kerbinside.
  13. @AlphaAsh RemoteTech integration could be done easily by various cfg files, one for each tracking station. The files could be .txt files so that Module Manager ignores them. When a player buys a tracking station, he should exit the game and change the extension of the corresponding file to enable RemoteTech for it. Yes, not elegant, but it's how I've been playing before 1.0. To be honest, I kind'of miss the older Kerbinside, with very few options and very basic interface. Just open base, be able to take off or run simulations, get KCT and Stage Recovery to take closest base into account, be able to refuel (TacFuelBalancer did the trick for me), park some planes and then launch them again (Ship Manifest to spawn kerbals), a few nice tracking stations with the above implementation. All the while, everything working with NavTools HSI for easy landing.
  14. I seem to have a different issue regarding resource consumption. At Time scale >100x, electric charge is not used. Supplies working as intended. By the way, I really don't understand if Kolonization, USI-Tools and CRP need to be updated separately, or UKS and USI are all that I need. To make things worse, Universal Storage packs CRP as well.
  15. So far so good for me. Limited testing (Mun-Kerbin, no station keeping) works great so far.
  16. The latest version 1.3.0 seems to crash the game when I add parts in the VAB. Right clicking becomes impossible and the game freezes shortly after. Log gets filled with: [EXC 00:30:24.446] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object System.Guid.BaseToString (Boolean h, Boolean p, Boolean b) System.Guid.ToString () WhitecatIndustries.VesselData.UpdateActiveVesselData (.Vessel vessel) WhitecatIndustries.DecayManager.UpdateActiveVesselInformationPart (.Part part) EventData`1[Part].Fire (.Part data) UIPartActionWindow.CreatePartList (Boolean clearFirst) UIPartActionWindow.Setup (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene) UIPartActionController.CreatePartUI (.Part part, DisplayType type, UI_Scene scene) UIPartActionController.SelectPart (.Part part, Boolean allowMultiple) UIPartActionController.HandleMouseClick (UnityEngine.Camera cam, Boolean allowMultiple) UIPartActionController+<MouseClickCoroutine>c__IteratorBB.MoveNext ()
  17. When running out of supplies, the remaining time goes negative, right? I just thought it might be more helpful to turn into a countdown timer showing the time remaining until negative effects begin.
  18. Hi Rover, I've decided to switch from TAC to USI because I like some of the features when combining with UKS. I've pumped the difficulty to the max, I like my kerbals dying from lack of resources (not habitation tho... they just go on strike, hehe). However, I have a few issues: 1. I don't see electrical charge being used by manned pods, and this is a feature I sorely miss from TAC. Would it be possible to add this as well? From what I see in the Settings.cfg file, there already is a ECAmount = 0.01 variable, but it doesn't seem to work, my electrical charge always remains the same, plus there is no indication of "time to die", which I would expect to be different from the normal supplies timer. Yes I could add a constant electric charge usage by myself to all pods, but the kerbals still won't die from the lack of it. Or maybe I'm missing something? 2. In the Life Support Window, after supplies/EC runs out would it be possible to change the timer indication to "time remaining until effect"? 3. Habitation wasn't doing anything until I changed the Settings.cfg file. Took me a while to realize why my habitation time was infinite. Would it be too much trouble to ask for an ingame menu instead of the cfg file? Remotetech just did that and it's so useful to be able to change settings in the game, plus new players looking for the habitation effect won't need to search for why it doesn't work 4. In the same file, the "HabMultiplier = 5 //Bonus to hab values (1 = default = 100% of the part's rated value)" line is by default, so does that mean by default we are working at 500%? 5. I'm about to go to the UKS page to post a suggestion there as well, but it affects USI too, so here it goes: These two mods combined use too many buttons in the stock toolbar. Maybe just add one window and a few tabs for the various features?
  19. @eggrobin I''ve just found out about this mod and I'm amazed at it's current state. Now, looking at mods like Persistent Rotation and Orbital Decay, what got me into those mods was how simple they were to use, with station keeping being reduced to a simple usage of resources. I'm wondering, is it possible to include such a system in this mod as well? If a craft has resources and available TWR to correct itself automatically to its current orbit or correct the orbit to what the stock "patched conics" show us? The beauty of this is that you could thus "freeze" calculation for these crafts and simply check once per orbit the required dV for correction.
  20. I've got to admit, the Variable Thrust Mod is amazing, but it's confusing to work with Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer. Yes the dV stays the same, but the Burn time and the MaxTWR do not change when you set the LimiterEnd, so glancing at the MaxTWR while you tweak the Thrust setting isn't really perfect, since the Burn time will alter the amount of fuel you have at the end of the stage. Or maybe I'm using it wrong. I can't wait for the next SSRW update. Currently, the resource drain doesn't work for me. When I load up any vessel in KCT simulation, the reaction wheels don't provide any torque, so I have to reset my simulation. They do work then, but momentum never decreases and the resources are not used. Everything works fine without resource drain.
  21. Well, I did, a new install with just FAR works just fine. But even using the github version on top of my RO install, it doesn't work. The log just shows: [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [Error]: <RI.Hid> Failed to create device file: 1 Incorrect function. ,every time i click the "Calculate Stability Derivatives". Anyway, I'll try to remove mods one by one to see which one is the culprit. EDIT: Ok, found it, the Orbital Decay mod is definitely not compatible with RSS at the moment
  22. I've installed FAR as part of the CKAN Realism Overhaul instalation, and I seem to have a problem, in the SPH and VAB, the derivatives are always zero, updating them does nothing. The Static Analysis screen works just fine, and the planes fly ok but I'm clueless without the derivatives. Any idea why they aren't working?
  23. I know, that's why I started with "ability to create new categories for parts is awesome". The problem is that the items are still loaded in order of their part name. I wish we could sort them manually.
  24. Although the ability to create new categories for parts is awesome, I suggest adding the ability to sort items manually in the new categories, and maybe creating separators with names that span one line to keep things tidy. Also we should get a visual reminder in the stock categories that a part exists in a custom category. A "save/load" button for the custom categories would allow us to go into Sandbox mode, sort everything and then save/load those categories in a career play. Only when adding new mods would we need to do this again, with the new items clearly visible. A debug/dev menu in the VAB would also simplify modding for the user. For example, right clicking a part to enable/disable a set of modules with custom values. In this way, a mod like "tweakscale" could be added per part and a new cfg file added to the mod's folder (or simply a new stock folder called VABTweaks). Currently, some mods are easy to add to parts but it means getting out of the game, finding the part with Notepad+, making a modulemanager config, etc. This takes time and most players don't even know they can mod the game themselves.
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