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  1. That reminds me of a thing with linuxgurugamer who is also streaming on twitch: Guy comes in the stream and asks hey when is mod xyz ready for the new ksp release. Anwer: Hey you see iam just working on it The only thing i saw of this guy was the thing left channel... One thing i noticed that seems to have quit working right is auto dock. When i set a dockingport for control from here it seems to mess up the axis and the ship never tries to dock with the port forward mostly 90 degrees to the side. But i am shure this will be handeld in time.
  2. I ask myself all the time with such big sturctures if it would change the way we build them. Are these big parts that are already there and do not need placemend in the vab, or are we are free to build them as we like from a set of tiny parts. Then we would have a partcount problem somwhere even with multicore an modern prozessors i think. For me sandbox ksp is something like building a rocket from lego bricks, if you take that away by introducing big parts like modules that have the whole functionality you remove one factor of the game in particular i would think that is some funfactor in ksp. For me that is a hughe thing in ksp. If thats away KSP2 will be a whole other game for me than the original. So whats your oppinion on that one?
  3. So ziemlich das gleiche bei mir auch, ich hab 2013 ksp mit der erstveröffentichung auf steam gekauft und seitdem nur noch wenig interesse gehabt an anderen spielen. Wobei bei mir KSP mitlerweile kein Dauerbrenner mehr is nur noch in schüben.
  4. Richtig, wobei da auch nicht mehr das allermeiste los ist.
  5. Die meisten aus der Deutschen Community sind wenn dann eh in eigenen Foren wie kerbalspaceprogram unterwegs und nicht hier im Forum.
  6. And it does not shows actal gameplay...
  7. Seems to run perfectly fine on 1.7.2 As it is now DMP is my choice LMP might be in the long run the better but for now dmp is my choice : no vehicles moved into the void or other orbits less kraken etc. Only regret is that is has no server browser...
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