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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Why would I treat it as easy mode? Targeting planets with dishes was always in the mod. Dish cones are an improvement of existing feature: now you can't simply target sun to get everything in the interplanetary space connected. Building compact (yet able to maintain several connections) satellites is a design challenge. You don't want it? I admit that sat lists may be a solution. Another solution, which I like more, is NathanKell's additive range calculation and extended list of deployable dishes (there were some of them in RT and RT2 predecessor, RTE, and I still hope for their return). Sat groups aren't really realistic as announced: there wasn't even "primary-standby" logic, this mode will effectively turn dish into omni antenna, always connecting to every sat in the group at the same time. So, yeah, don't look into the can.
  2. There's always-on 500km dipole. Every launch vehicle of yours should have one of those.
  3. You're targeting a planet, cone goes straight down, ksc isn't in the cone. Try the same on orbit.
  4. Because it doesn't know what to target, even if deployed, and 3km core internal antenna isn't researched yet? Try adding the smallest omni antenna to your launch vehicle.
  5. You can target a PLANET with a dish. That's what dish cones are for. Next example, please.
  6. YES! All this "active vessel" targeting, sat groups and (proposed) autoredundancy shouldn't be there. Those who don't want to design their relay networks may simply cheat/edit some HUGE radius omni antenna for themselves and use it for everything. I just hope that fixing bugs and reintroducing previous features (FC, rover autopilot, target tracking dishes, remote control for sats in physical range) will be a priority when you return to RT development.
  7. Not necessarily. Public services - yes, but I've also mentioned nVidia Shield (which I don't really approve because latest nVidia drivers include some dirty, bordering on malware, OS hacks to make it work, even if you don't have and don't plan to have Shield), which streams from your own PC, not from the public cloud.
  8. Oh, let's not transform this topic into another "shuttle-good, shuttle-bad" argument. It's stupid. On topic: however harsh or rude it may sound, in the end, Challenger's accident was beneficial for the shuttle program. As I recall, in some 20 flights before Challenger there were only three without problems with o-rings. And of those which had problems, 2/3 had hot gas getting through cracks. ANY of them could become Challenger. It became a problem which is considered "normal". Like, "yeah, there's a leak, but there's always a leak, that's OK, probably". The closest analogy I can make is having to reboot a production server with memory-leaky app every day and not attempting to fix the root cause. Only the tragedy made americans reconsider their approach and finally reinforce boosters, fixing the problem. So yeah, it was a loss, it was a tragedy, but in no way it was a setback.
  9. Depends on MTBC (Mean Time Before Crash) / MTBK (... Kraken) values.
  10. Another possible solution is remote gaming. Like nVidia Shield, for example, or that weird public service (don't remember the name OnLive) where you could rent game time on server farm. Basically, it's video stream from PC to tablet and control stream from tablet to PC. Not exactly "running" it on tablet, but that's the best you can get today, I guess.
  11. I don't know about math, but afaik metric ton is normal ton (you know, 10^3 kg, that one).
  12. Well I have a couple of invites for Extrasolar Beta. Not exactly realtime or action-packed, but yeah, kinda 3D and with (mostly) flora and fauna.
  13. It wasn't strong enough to burn through something. It was intended to blind (both people and optics) and maybe cause moderate skin burns, all of that without the risk of depressurisation. Never got into production though, only to prototyping phase.
  14. Although there's something intuitively wrong here, I'll guess I just don't understand it well enough. Thanks. Edit: Wait! I knew I forgot something - Andromeda! I'm kinda lost again. Is there any estimate at which distance this negative pressure should overtake gravitational pull? Obviously, it's not on solar system scale, or even galaxy scale: afaik, Milky Way doesn't expand. Moreso, even if Hubble's research told us that everything is moving away from us, we will collide (well, mix) with Andromeda galaxy some billions years in the future, won't we? So, this pressure isn't high (or low) enough on galaxy group scale either? What about cluster? Or those supercluster-thingies-which-i-don't-remember-the-term-for? Giant nodes in the sponge-like universe structure?
  15. Yep, russians have guns in survival kirt. And yes, it was for self-defence at the surface. For space, we were actually prototyping a non-lethal laser gun.
  16. Thank you. Of course, I'll have to find something to read on lambda-cdm to understand it, but before that, another profane question, if I may: shouldn't the value of this negative pressure decrease over time? I mean, if we're talking about stress in the structure, our "structure" (space-time) is flexible - it expands under this negative pressure. So, eventually, shouldn't expansion stop at some equilibrium point?
  17. Profane question: can't they both be explained in terms of brane multiverse as interaction between two adjacent branes (some sort of graviton "leak" between them)? Because from commoner's point of view, both phenomenons are kinda relative to each other: it's either not enough gravity where it should be (dark energy) or too much gravity where it shouldn't (dark matter).
  18. Vessels are identified by their GUID, but there is some sense in this comment. I remember seeing some weird targeting by satellite name in the FocusFragment.
  19. Just look at RT2 thread or github. DLLs EVERYWHERE. Cilph will be shocked when he gets back to it.
  20. It seems that, starting with #41, you're discussing some sort of "always online" DRM here. For free mods for DRM-free game. I guess Average Joe mod user like me will be forced to learn C# after all and actually review the code and build every mod by himself. Fun times.
  21. I don't think you need to use my fix suggestion if you're using madadam's fix. I was trying to get this caching feature working as is (it seems that it should be used carefully in border conditions: creation/destruction, load/unload, enabling/disabling physics for vessels, including timewarp), and he just disables it, probably fixing everything in the process.
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