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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Stating the obvious and comparing working conditions is hate? Seriously? "Frustration may lead to insults" doesn't mean "frustration is insults" either. First, the car metaphor. In this case, the car is a solid black box, and when it dies in the middle of your ride, the only thing it says is "0xc0000005". When asked for a debug, less black-boxish version of a car, developer answered with "no can do". Now, you mention this "us" (or "we", I'm not sure if it's the same one) organization again. Are they going to fix this specific problem? I thought not. Second, complaining is the best some people can do - you can't expect everyone to be a car mechanic. Saying "we don't like your feedback, therefore we don't want it, report and move on" is kinda bad business practice.
  2. @ZooNamedGames, who are these "us" you're referring to, demanding for a rushed releases and then fixing bugs in a commercial proprietary product? If you're part of "us" and have a say in this organization, tell them I don't like "us" and "us" should stop asking for rushed releases. Thanks in advance. This thread identifies criticism as "hate". It was "I would be fired if I released like this and go on vacation", not what you said. Again, I see no hate there, just frustration. And however (un)helpful it is, it's still a feedback. I think both of you are under impression that the game is still in Early Access. Telling people to "report and move on because it's unhelpful" implies "and nobody cares" as well - at least the "move on" part does. The only false argument this thread lacks is "everyone in game industry does it". No, this thread has everything now.
  3. Is that your definition of "hate"? OK. "It's his own fault" argument. Nice. I see a fallacy here. Whatever critics do, they're labeled as haters and pitchfork bearers. I shall once again remind you about 1.0. Before the "release", people asking Squad to stay in Beta were labeled as haters because "it's too early, we don't know what it will look like, Squad will deliver, etc." After the "release", critics were again labeled as haters because "what's done is done, it's too late, get over it, etc." Same happens with 1.1 prerelease, the only difference is there was no "before" thread - just because nobody knew the test will end so soon. I know I would create such a thread if I knew beforehand that Squad's going to "release" it in such state.
  4. ...and surely you can point out "hate" in it, right? All I see there is frustration of a paying customer who may or may not have been in a "we want update NOW" bandwagon but still ended up with a defective product in his hands.
  5. Ah. Yet again, criticism is equated to hate. Beautiful.
  6. Really BAD idea. Unless you like krakens.
  7. LOL. Russian military launch contains unmanifested payload which is able to change its orbit a bit? "OMG IT'S A SAT KILLER WE'RE ALL DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!" USAF launches a top-secret mission with unknown payload, and after it lands, maintenance guys wear hazmat suits? "Nah, it's just a material science, nothing to see here, people, move along." Typical.
  8. @smjjames, do you want me to get banned or something? I won't start another "release" rant here.
  9. It also contains multiple stack traces. If you need more help, provide debug build, with additional logging. What comes to mind first: - Why is there so many threads? I've seen up to 60 simultaneous threads in stock, in the main menu scene. - What is this JobQueue stuff seen in every(?) stack trace? Add logging, maybe?
  10. "the one included" is just a couple of config files - for Eve and Jool. Kinda inconsistent and confusing, with EVE redistributed (without BoulderCo folder).
  11. The star in KSP is not the Sun, but it's still a sun. Just like Earth has the Moon, but there are also martian or joolian moons. Edit: Oh, and BTW, for kerbals, it's The Sun, like it or not.
  12. Remember 1.0? I don't expect anything from them for at least a couple of months.
  13. 0.25? For heavy (or large, with high moment of inertia) structures even this value may still be too much. For heavy-duty servos, I never go faster than 0.1, and sometimes even use 0.05. IRL this kind of operation may take hours.
  14. I'm pretty sure the scatter isn't even generated properly at the moment. Example. It was like this in 1.1-pre, it was reported, it's still like this. Sure, colliding into invisible tree may be fun for some people, but I still don't think it's a good idea.
  15. I'm sorry! I didn't know which one to give preference by mentioning it! ...Uh-oh.
  16. Seriously? I kinda doubt that you're reading this forum in emacs or vi.
  17. You presume correctly. Not sure what's so offensive here, because it's a simple fact statement. Example: "Avoiding bias" by issuing baseless accusations. Aren't you nice? But, again, it's an off-topic for this thread. Although the initial topic is basically dead at this point.
  18. Oh yes. A lot of people try to picture this as if it was this. What's worse is that moderators approve and support such accusations. But that's an offtopic here. It merits for its own thread, maybe, but I don't think it'll live long: it will be closed almost immediately as "uncivil" or something.
  19. One can raid corovans. Noone will understand this old russian meme.
  20. New planets? They haven't even polished existing ones yet.
  21. The best proof of "things getting better" would be a proper release without rush, crunches and OT and with "when it's done" attitude in mind. We are yet to see one.
  22. What are you talking about? Orbit normal is always the same, regardless of the axial tilt: grab the planet with your right hand, digits in the same direction as orbit, thumb up - there's your normal. Equatorial orbit is... well, equatorial, it will be tilted relative to ecliptic, but relative to the planet it's where it should be: at the equator. Equatorial insertion would be just as easy as polar insertion now.
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