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Everything posted by Fleb

  1. Using Kerbal Engineer an FL-T800 and a nuke gives 7047d/v and 0.91 TWR, the 48-7s gave 6994d/v and 0.67 TWR, and the LV-909 6158d/v with 1.02 TWR. Never realised the 48-7s was that much better than the lv-909 for smaller fuel loads. On an FL-T400 it beats everything.
  2. The only problems I have had with wobbling, is the connections between engines and decouplers. They need lots of struts on big rockets.
  3. Today I deleted the wrong save game, and wiped out everything I built this month. DOH!
  4. I put a science lab station into orbit but forgot to fill up the crew slots. I decided to build a crew shuttle with the hitchhiker tank to rectify my mistake, only to finally dock the crew shuttle and then realise I had forgotten to fill the crew slots again. The crew resetting when I make changes to a vessel, gets me all the time.
  5. In my game he is smeared across the KSC runway. His spaceplane hit an invisible launch pad(According to F3) when coming in to land, and deconstructed itself 150m above the runway.
  6. Why no parachutes! *Cue rapid pressing of spacebar*
  7. Win8 has way too many coloured squares everywhere for me. Being colourblind, I prefer to have a minimal desktop, with a black background and grey UI.
  8. Something my mind has been pondering for a long time, in human years anyway . I have come to the conclusion that there is no answer, it exists because it does. If it was anything other than what it is now, we wouldn't be around to ask or wonder at such questions. The universe just is, it needs no reasons.
  9. It looks like it came straight out of KSP design school. Love it.
  10. I killed two Kerbals yesterday. Miscalculated how much fuel I needed to land a base structure on the Mun, and they impacted at 250m/s. Felt so guilty.
  11. Rescue needed. Gratuitous orbiting space plane shot.
  12. You just need a barbarian to power it.
  13. Civ and KSP, an awesome concept. It's sort of what I was expecting Spore to be in 2005, after watching the original concept anyway. Wasn't too impressed with the game it turned into.
  14. Yeah Alt+L. The stage light on the bottom left turns a different color when it's locked.
  15. @Skorpion It doesn't make any difference. The lag only happens when doing a spaceplane ascent, unless I use the ocean lag config edits. I get even brighter heating effects during reentry and it doesn't affect my fps at all.
  16. Wow, thats insane. Building that shield on the front would have killed me!
  17. Planning a manned mission to explore Ike and Duna and maybe add a base using an actual ship. I tried to make it modular, and below 300 on the part count. It's currently at 170 parts, but it doesn't have any rovers or landers yet, and it's still got the ascent engines attached.
  18. I have had three crashes so far, all in the VAB when adding a part. Compared with the amount of time I have played the game since 0.21 released, three crashes is not many at all.
  19. I am going to make my own flood tower. Can't believe I never thought of doing it already.
  20. Best not leave him there. He might get mad waiting, and form a rudimentary interplanetary rocket and fuel distillery out his pod, to go exploring on his own. He might be gone forever!
  21. I made a quick video showing where it happens to me. I normally get 45-65fps, Fraps was taking about 15-20 frames. You can see just after 4:30, the FPS drops in half to below 20 and stays there, until I reach 24km at 6:50 and it doubles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji0NKwtp4z8
  22. I don't get any lag around KSC at all, but if I fly a spaceplane mission hdg 90 degrees from there, I get hit with a massive lag spike no matter what craft I am flying, my fps instantly halves a couple of minutes after take off. Then when I get higher in my ascent the lag suddenly goes away. The only way to fix it is doing the ocean config edits and setting half res textures. It's a problem I can live with. My system is an FX6350@4.2, 16gb ram, 6950 2gb. I first noticed it 0.18 and it's still the same in 0.21.1.
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