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Everything posted by Fleb

  1. I was doing a rescue mission, and I was coming in for final Mun landing approach with just the last 1500m left. I hit space to jettison the last fuel tank, the decoupler fired but the tank stayed connected. Now I need to launch a rescue mission to rescue the first rescue mission. It turned out though, that in my case it was purely my fault. I had put the engines on the final lander stage too close to the last tank, so when I tried to decouple, the engines boxed it in and wouldn't let it drop.
  2. Most played for me is Mount and Blade, we are talking several thousand hours over the years. Second is X3TC with 750 hours according to Steam. KSP is definitely a close third, not sure how many hours exactly, but it's in the hundreds.
  3. It's alive! Kill it before it gains sentience!
  4. Happened to me a few times just when I go into map view, my rocket spontaneously explodes for no reason. It's them damn space gremlins, for sure!
  5. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't my fault I swear! I didn't even get to press space bar. At least everyone survived. Just docking clamps, four parachutes and command pod left out of 500 parts.
  6. Most of my rockets end in disaster so I went with this.
  7. A 2.5m SRB because Jeb says we need one, some cargo bay sections and a partridge in a pear tree.
  8. I have almost the same system, a Phenom II x4 + 6950 2gb, and I am not getting any lag on Kerbin until about 200-250 parts. Does your card have 1gb vram?
  9. Lost some FPS in the VAB and SPH but the games seems to run much smoother in general, so I am happy!
  10. I couldn't resist a Mun rocket and seat.
  11. I think it looks pretty cool, it's giving me a hunter killer vibe. Yeah the jet engine can be slow to ramp up, and it can get out of hand when your constantly altering the thorttle. I end up chasing the vector indicator too much, so I like to compensate with 2 radial 24-77 placed along with each jet engine, setup on an action key.
  12. @ Space Cowboy, that thing looks like a handful . @Kerba, I fly with keyboard too, making extensive use of fine control though. Also love that last one Kerba, it's like a baby space turtle . Will have to make my own for my future Mun colony. Here are two more I have been working on. This one is my new air sea rescue VTOL, Skyranger inspired I guess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NydXSt3jYtc This one took quite a lot of balance tuning. Ended up adding ballast tanks at the front, and an upwards pointing top thruster to keep the nose down, as it wants to pitch back uncontrollably on vertical take off, if you don't keep enough forward airspeed. The thruster also helps when it's carrying a heavy payload. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCufyWwvJjA
  13. I have spent quite some time making VTOL too. I think the angled engines help big time, as well as RCS and avionics. I think the hardest part is actually flying them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhaLWh9qch0& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvq_W-Aec7A
  14. Thanks for this! I built a huge ship in orbit with twelve nuke engines and screwed up the action groups. I didn't find out untill it came to test firing the engines , I don't have to re build now.
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