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Everything posted by Parkaboy

  1. The one that came with the mod, 2.3.5. I've tried reinstalled the mod again a couple of times during the weekend, and the end result is always the same. I thought that maybe the order in which I was pasting the files in the GameData folder had something to do with the issue (the first times I had installed ART last), but that wasn't the case. It even made things worse: now half the times I start up the game it fails to load all the parts except the ones from USI (that means, the game starts but only the USI parts show up and vessels using any other parts can't be loaded).
  2. I'm going to repeat this for the third and last time, then I'm dropping out of the tread, because I feel people are either skimming over what I write or just plainly ignoring it: a pilot skill is not what I'm talking about, but a mechanic/engineering skill - a mechanic kerbal could tweak an engine's physical characteristics, even if only to get a small increase in efficiency (at least in a video game, following a video game logic). But anyway, I agree that the whole skill/passive bonus system should be toggleable in the difficulty panel, like many other game features.
  3. Sure, but my argument is that a mechanic/engineer kerbal (not a pilot) could tweak an engine to add a little bit of extra ISP without breaking any "laws" that the game doesn't already break. Honestly, I think having only bonuses for science, reputation and funds would make the experience system redundant and unnecessary, since the current strategy system already deals on those. To make it really add something to the game, the devs have to think of other "perks".
  4. Yes, but again: video game logic. And we're talking about Kerbals here. They don't exactly follow the same procedures as NASA. "Hey, we have a bit of fuel to spare after reaching Mun orbit. Why don't we try to land?" "That wasn't in the mission profile, we haven't trained for that and the ship doesn't even have landing gear... So sure, why not?" While a player certainly can roleplay, I think gameplay experience is much improved by the fact that we players aren't limited by the same constraints real astronauts are.
  5. Sure, for a boost of 300% to the ISP. Would a 5% bonus be that unrealistic - or at least, that more unrealistic than the other not-fully realistic mechanisms that we already have in the stock game? It's a bit of video game logic, but KSP is a video game.
  6. There's one thing I don't understand about this argument: different engines have different ISP values. Does this mean than by switching engines I'm changing the laws of physics? Couldn't a pilot with a high ISP bonus be seen as a mechanic that can tweak an engine and get a better performance from it?
  7. Do I need to download it separately? I see a "USITools.dll" file in the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder. When I hover the mouse over the icon, it says its version is; however, the "USI.version" file that's on the same folder contains this section of text: "VERSION":{ "MAJOR":0, "MINOR":2, "PATCH":3, "BUILD":0 I imagine this means the version is, right? The Jaw arms correctly and attaches to the asteroid, but when I click "Activate Melt Rock" nothing seems to happen. There's a line on the right-click menu that says "Const.: MoltenRock Full". The asteroid doesn't seem to have any resources: when I right click it, I only get the options "Target Center of Mass" and "Rename Asteroid".
  8. KSP OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit (though I'm playing the 32 bit version) CPU: Intel® Core i5-3550 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4) RAM: 8129 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (978MB) Mods: ART_0.5.3 Karbonite_0.4.2 KPlus_0.2.2 (I've tested with only these three installed and the issue still happens, but I also use the mods below) MechJeb2- ProcFairings_3.10 HyperEdit- To be honest, ART was the mod I was most interested in - so the fact I can't get it to work makes me wary about the others. I tend to play mostly stock because I dislike losing months of progress in a save because of bugs in mods (something that happened a couple of times to me). USI attracted me because I thought there were less chance of conflict between mods, since they were all from a single creator. :-) Edit: something else ocurred me now, and I'm not sure if it might have something to do with the bug: I have always tested the jaw with size "E" asteroids, and only with asteroids of this class.
  9. The issue I'm facing seems to be exactly like this one, but reinstalling my gamedata folder and downloading all my mods again haven't solved it. I have tested it with only the ART mod installed in a fresh new install and brand new save and the issue remains. Unless someone can suggest something I'm giving up on the USI mods, which is a shame, because I found them very interesting.
  10. It's Fine Print. Confirmed in the blog post. Great news, I think!
  11. Even though I'd love to see some of the mods suggested here added as stock, I'm guessing it's going to be Custom Biomes, based on what was discussed on the thread on this subject from not long ago.
  12. Sure, but I still want to save Kerbin from doomsday. :-) Edit: I can confirm that newly spawned asteroids have the same issue. In fact, I even made an entirely new save just to test it, and the problem persists. I'll try downloading the mod again. Edt2: Downloaded the latest version and updated the mod files. Still the problem persists, even in saves created after this reinstall.
  13. Yeah, I thought that might be the issue (since I only get the default options when I right-click the asteroid), but that's why I'm baffled. I have the mod installed since before starting the career save, and when I removed the mod (to test another issue) and installed it back, I reverted to a quicksave from before I removed it. I can't see how this asteroid could have been spawned without the resources. Is there a way for me to force the game to generate resource values for this asteroid? Should I edit the persistence file?
  14. Hi there! I'm having one issue with ART. I've just docked a ship with an asteroid (a big one in a collision course with Kerbin, so it's a matter of life and death for the whole kerbalkind) using the "Jaw". This ship has a couple of mass drivers that are supposed to use the pulverized rock the Jaw creates as fuel to push the asteroid in a safer trajectory. But when I start the "melt rock" option in the Jaw right-click menu, nothing happens. In the menu, a line of text says "Molten rock full". I wonder what's going on? I've started this career save in .25 using a few mods, as well as ART, Karbonite and Karbonite+. I had a few bugs were these three mods conflicted with Kerbal Alarm Clock, and currently I'm no longer using KAC. I've had to remove the mods to find out what was going wrong, but reverted to a previous quicksave when I found out the issue and got them back. It's the first time I'm actually trying to use the mod parts in the save. Can someone help me?
  15. Very good! Can't wait until we know more about the values that can be changed via strategies. It would be great to have one that improved the thrust and/or ISP in the nuclear engines, at a cost in reputation. Or maybe one that made the Lab Module give a better bonus on transmitted data, at a high funds cost. Stuff like that could be useful in late stages of career.
  16. So, essentially we have: Finances - Fundraising Campaign: Reputation --> Funds - Patent Licensing: Science --> Funds Science - Unpaid Research Program: Reputation --> Science - Outsourced R&D: Funds --> Science Public Relations - Appreciation Campaign: Funds --> Reputation - Open Source Tech Program: Science --> Reputation Operations - Aggressive Negotiations: Reputation --> Discount on cost of new missions - Recovery Transponder Fitting: Increases launch costs --> Better recovery values when landed far from KSC I still don't see the point of the PR strategies. What do we need reputation for, other than exchanging it for the other "currencies"? Why would someone exchange a more useful currency for it? I wonder if reputation will affect gameplay in other ways...
  17. I got a lot more fun out of it than games I've paid $50 for. So at least that sounds about right.
  18. From the way MaxMaps talked about it, we might be really close. I think we're going to see videos from the media team popping up this week, and possibly a release date announced. Unless there's some setback, I think we might get the update in a couple of weeks at most.
  19. If I can add to the discussion, I must say that from my point of view it does seem that you're overreacting a bit. You basically said that Squad seemed ready to throw away everything that made the game a unique space sim game, trading everything for generic arcade elements. From my interpretation of what you said, your argument sounds like: KSP is deviating from my view of a pure space simulation --> therefore, it is becoming an arcade game. It sounds like you're overreacting because a game of the simulation genre isn't the same thing as a simulation. It has game elements, and therefore tends to be less "realistic" than a pure simulation. Also, destructible buildings can even be argued to be a feature that adds realism. KSP isn't throwing away what makes it unique. Even from a business point of view, that would be stupid. It's just fulfilling its scope as a simulation game. This tend to bother some people who were used to the simulation elements that were already present, but not to the game elements that were intended to be added.
  20. I'm not underwhelmed, mainly because I didn't set my expectations too high. MaxMaps did warn us that the secred feature wouldn't be a game changer, so I wasn't expecting much. It was fun trying to guess it, and it was somewhat disappointing that, in the end, one of the first guesses was actually right. I'm more curious about what it means for .26. What larger feature might be coming. I can think of a few possibilities: - Cities around Kerbin, also destructible (and with a huge rep penalty for destroying them) - An upgrade system for the KSC buildings, where you start Career mode with smaller and less powerful buildings and research and buy your way up - The ability to build static bases (buildings, not rocket parts) on other planets
  21. I'm still sticking to my previous guess: that we're getting kerbal NPCs walking around the KSC, probably procedurally generated, investigating debris and crash scenes. I believe this would be the groundwork for a Kerbin-wide application of the same principle in .26: cities and buildings, bursting with life with NPCs walking the streets. But we're not getting destructable buildings. I might be wrong, but if I'm not, I reserve the right to say "I told you so".
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