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Everything posted by Xetalim

  1. Wait what? I have been playing KSP since march? O_O
  2. I need to know the time of the livestream, does anyone know?
  3. Use hyperedit to make kerbins gravity and atmosphere the same as eve.
  4. RAM doesn't really matter, since KSP can only use 4 gigh of RAM.
  5. Yep, we are totally going to win this, just like the other one.
  6. When I try to hit esc and revert flight to undo mistakes made in real life.
  7. Get a telescope mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24639-0-21-1-Ordan-Industries-Telescope!-Last-Updated-August-23-2013! I am not sure if it works in .22
  8. According to my ultra small information well, it is not a mun eclipse but a solar eclipse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_eclipse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse
  9. You must be dealing with the kraken. Fear the kraken. This game is still in alpha, the kraken sometimes has the upper hand. (PS, if you dont know what the kraken is, http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kraken)
  10. When you make mistakes like calling Jupiter Jool. Calling the moon Mün. Calling Mars Duna. (Being a KSP freak counts too)
  11. Errrr... From 5:07 please. Without parachutes, take that!
  12. I upgraded my graphics card to explode rockets in high resolution!
  13. Wow, that is really useful! Thanks, both of you.
  14. On any information, current height, speed and heading?
  15. As i am dutch, I will invest in astronauts. And if possible, design new rockets for the ESA.
  16. My exact goal is to know my orbit trajectory.(Eccentry/height) Not ÃŽâ€v, just the trajectory.
  17. We all love KSP. But there is one thing I always wanted to do. Calculating your orbit path yourself. Does anyone know how to do this in KSP? I have searched with Google, not with success. Thanks in advance, Xetalim
  18. I miss a thing. If earth violently stops moving, things on one half of the earth would be thrown up, things on the opposite side would be crushed into the earth. If the empire state building would be on the second half, it would probably be crushed by the extreme G forces you would get. (My opinion, i am not good at science-ish things.) EDIT:I was talking about when the earth stops rotating around the sun, sorry)
  19. In my 100 hours to get into orbit, i thought i had to fly all the way up. ALL THE WAY
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