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Everything posted by Xetalim

  1. You will never know, perhaps squad is going to add other star systems, would be an interesting idea.
  2. KMP unfortunately is very buggy at the moment, i suggest you play a different game instead of KSP war, KSP is not meant to be a violent game.
  3. Errrrrrrr.... In my gamedata folder: Squad No mods for me, i don't need them(yet) No, i am not a mod hater.
  4. What about.... Seriously, only US citizens are allowed to take part. How many people are US citizens?
  5. What are you guys worrying about? Just wait a day or so, it might be something awesome(like always?)
  6. <strike>Somewhere in a parallel universe</strike> In his room, doing science.
  7. This is true. I actually did my first succesfull no mods no cheats mun landing in career mode.
  8. I did not know you have to thrust sidewards to get into orbit. Until i discovered i had to.
  9. Errrrr First rocket: Untitled space craft First rocket that got into orbit Untitled space craft First rocket to land on mun Munar flyby(Lol) First rocket to reach an other planet Yet to come.
  10. Put it on top of a rocket and make sure the CoM is exactly above the attachment node.
  11. Awesome story, cant wait for the next chapter!
  12. Lucky for you, Squad is working on a biome system(With a biome system i literally mean some parts of kerbin are desert, some grassland, some icy) for kerbin.
  13. Does pointing at your craft in map mode give you an altitude?
  14. Wait, you go to space by going up, right? Not enough fuel? Add more orange fuel tanks! Still not enough fuel? Add even more orange fuel tanks. Oh, i want to make a spaceshuttle. It does not go up straight? 5 SAS units will work!
  15. FINNALY The forum is online. I hope i can start coding quickly. I already love this. Edit: I saw this on the forum? In total there are 2 users online :: 2 registered, 0 hidden and 0 guests - Who is online? Registered users: Google [bot], Xetalim Legend: Administrators, Content Team Member, Global moderators
  16. Well, I am willing to unleash my creativity as a programmer, give me a task, and i will (try to) do it.
  17. try clicking on the docking port of what you want to attach and then attach.
  18. For mun: First make a craft with enough delta V, use mechjeb or flight engineer for calculating that. Launch into a stable orbit (100X100km) Wait until mun rises on the horizon when looking forward and pointing to prograde. Burn until you get an encounter. Burn retrograde when you are at the apoapsis.(can be spelled wrong, i hope you know what i mean) until you get a stable orbit. That at least is how to get to mun.
  19. I fear if you want to break quickly, add some mini SRBs to your planes:O
  20. might be minmus, can by anything, you can even use a telescope on kerbin to see Eeloo
  21. I would show jeb all the SRBs you can find.
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