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Everything posted by Xetalim

  1. It took me at least 100 hours to get in orbit.
  2. Guys. Scott Manley is not the best KSP'er. There are many guys in there who are better than him.
  3. In my opinion it is not a bug. Removing moholes would be like removing SRB's. They are part of KSP.
  4. Yeah, next to a mohole, that is the worst location. According to new research, there is a gravitational force going on in there. You basically get sucked in the hole.
  5. Ringed planet for sure! (I secretly think that is not going to happen, they should add tweakables first.)
  6. Yep, ook nederlands. Ik vraag me af of André Kuipers ook KSP speelt:O
  7. So you mean he has a youtube channel? Can you give me a link?
  8. When you discover you are trying to learn things normal people would learn 5 years later..(Calculating orbits) (Also, page 42,(HHGTTG)
  9. Back in .20, it was possible to reach 800 meters per second with just 1 probe core and 2 canards. Gave some red effects:D
  10. Installed B9 aerospace to make nicer airplanes.
  11. When i discovered that my lightweight rocket could actually go to jool.O_O
  12. If you want to return to kerbin, do it at apoapsis, very easy.
  13. Mechjeb likes to not waste delta V, i think. Going to another planet takes time, waiting those 140 years might save 10 delta V.
  14. Do you have a craft file for us? Would be awesome to share your time machine.
  15. I use probes for locations that are not safe for kerbals(kerbol, jool and other kraken-ish places)
  16. I think, the problem is for real life astronauts They are used to real life physics, real life controls and probably real life autopilots. But yeah, it would be great to give André Kuipers a gift code, i would love to meet him, as we have the same interests.
  17. ARE YOU ALL SERIOUS No seriously, his name is spelled as André Kuipers. Dont insult him with that(People do the same with my name, forgetting the é) But yeah, proud to live in the same country as André.
  18. Can you add names for the planets? Would be nice.
  19. Stay as squad is, they are doing great. If i would really be squad i would actually add better tutorials, instead of unfinished ones.
  20. You are infected with the Kerbal virus, you should immediately contact a doctor. Symptons: Crazyness Stupidity SRBs This virus will drastically change your life.
  21. Hyperedit. It lets you edit planets including atmospheric stuff and gravity.
  22. I name the rockets in a way that i can know what it is going to do. Ra-fly into kerbol Kraken-fly into jool Explorer-rover on mun
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