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Everything posted by Xetalim

  1. Probably the lowest/highes point of the mountain.
  2. I guess that FAR is not really recommended for new people who dont know how everything. (not saying that you are new, perhaps you are playing for 1 year but without posting on the forum)
  3. The kraken would never be allowed to post on the forums. You will be eliminated.
  4. We just have to wait for the unity devs to make a stable multicore version of the engine.
  5. 445. We launch an interplanetary mission and when the interplanetary mission is waiting for the transfer window, we launch another interplanetary mission to an other planet.
  6. You need to add things to the abort action group. Click the abort action group in action groups and click your engine. It will give some options. Select an option and it will execute that option when you press the abort button.
  7. Forgot to retract the solar panels on an unmanned mission, i had no RTGs...
  8. No worries, a moderator will move it for sure.
  9. Is a tutorial on youtube, might help.That might help:) Welcome to the game.
  10. Strange, can you give a screenshot of the flight log and in the SPH?
  11. I am not sure this is meant to be placed in Addon request and support. Something in tutorials.
  12. If you want to become a gamer, get windows. Yes, windows. Most games are only made for windows(And some games are only made for linux.) You will struggle with compatibility problems. By the way, welcome in KSP. For ideas i recommend this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24533-Show-off-your-awesome-KSP-pictures! For help, this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forumdisplay.php/15-Gameplay-Questions-and-Tutorials
  13. Bannerd for having a weird avatar.
  14. Was THIS: mentioned yet? Seriously, ubisoft, why did you make the anno games so bad, increasing graphics but decreasing gameplay? Take the gameplay of 1503 add add graphics.
  15. It has already been made by Romfarer, download his mod or wait until squad decides that it is worthy to be implemented in KSP.
  16. All parts must be placed inside the gamedata folder. not in parts.
  17. PS: Without Scott Manley(yes him, the KSP hero) i couldn't have done it.
  18. I actually am proud of myself, i landed with the Kerbal X, at night in IVA view.......
  19. i actually am able to use maneuver nodes, getting into orbit, flying rockets and doing inclinations, the only problem is having a rocket able of getting to kerbin's moon SUCCESS I made it to Mün, refueled my ship using the kethane pack and got back to kerbin.
  20. Wow, thanks for all the help! Anyway, i made a rocket, launched it, and after some KM the rockomax engine overheats and explodes, and thus makes me unable to go further. Any help on that?
  21. I recently started playing KSP and i watched scott manley's videos about orbiting. I managed to get into orbit but.. My fuel ran out. I quite want to get to kerbin's moon but i cant go there without fuel.. So i actually want a good design that can go to kerbin's moon. Can anybody help?
  22. Best. Picture. Evar. Anyway, how did you make that Mün picture(if i am right, it is mun)
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