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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. That option, for me at least, does not do what I had assumed it does. I have found it induces a continuous roll at a given rate, not rolling to a fixed angle and stopping. If you need a roll stabilized rocket for ascent, then use this option.
  2. Which certainly could be the case, but if so, say so. I don't speak any other languages well enough to criticize anybody else for having issues with English. But if that is the case, also post your question in whatever language they are most comfortable. Either another poster can translate, or we can try to use google. Heck, I'm not above even trying interpretive dance routines to get our messages across. :). But I really don't think that's the case here, as I made out their intent, and the lack of usable detail in the post is what I was criticizing, which was not a result of any language barrier. But regardless of the communication issue, taking your toys and going home doesn't help anybody. Even if they do quit the game, having asked a question that we can try answer might just help somebody else down the road with a similar issue if they find this thread in a search result.
  3. Go outside and look up. I see a couple planets, a whole lotta stars, and some other dots that I know are neither stars nor planets. and the arms of our galaxy. But basically, it's just a bunch of dots copy and pasted. Aside from almost being able to see Andromeda Galaxy, and our galaxy, it's just dots. Granted, I live in a Dark Sky Zone, but most dark areas should give you a good view of the night sky. There are constellations in the KSP skybox, you just need to find them. Just like in our RL sky. There aren't lines connecting the constellations. In my backyard, It's dark enough I can usually easily see the extended constellations, and they are often close enough to each other that sometimes I will puts stars in the wrong constellations. If you want a different skybox, there are mods it I believe. But there is no good reason to change the stock one at this time.
  4. Our real life skybox is the same as in game, just a different scene. I certainly do not want a bunch of drawn in easter eggs. It just happens that the Kerbol system is in a different location in their galaxy than we are in ours, so what they can see in the night sky is different. Some one will definetely correct me here if I'm wrong, but I believe you should already be able to use the skybox for navigation, at least for a N/S orientation. There should be, while on kerbin at least, some body that lies above the poles. Aurora probably can't be done in a skybox. It'd work from a ground view or low altitude, but as soon as you gained orbit, or higher, the Aurora would be out of place. As soon as you left LKO, the Aurora would still be 'above' you. Landing on the mun would give the Mun an aurora, not Kerbin.
  5. IN windows, there is a add/remove programs feature in settings (somewhere, used to be in the control panel). Once the list if installed apps loads, you can sort by size, or at least look at the sizes. That will give you an idea of what programs are taking up the most space.
  6. Because the franchise is secretly being run by Micheal Bay, with none of the good and all of the bad.
  7. I think the buildings aren't to any scale. They just are the size that looks right for most of the (stock) rockets coming out of them. The real key would be to take a kerbal up next to a regular "people" door on one of the buildings, and see if the size of a pedestrian door is appropriate for a kerbal.
  8. I have found that MJ will roll anywhere from 90 to 270 degrees on a regular basis, and sometimes a couple rolls before leveling off. I have tried to figure out the method behind this to anticipate the roll and have my rocket in the correct orientation, but small changes to the rocket through my work out the window. So the key is to design your rocket so it's neutral in any roll orientation it flies. MJ really doesn't seem to care which way it's rolled, it will still follow it's intended flight path. For side boosters, though this can be an issue, as sometimes decoupling when the boosters are on top/bottom vs side/side, can have the top booster crash back into the rocket. The key there is to just use enough sepatrons to get the booster to clear the rocket in any orientation (good safe design practice anyways) If you are building a vessel, that by it's very nature is not roll axis symmetrical, such as a shuttle, then you really don't want to be using MJ to do the launch anyways. MJ doesn't do well, in my experience, with weird shaped things like shuttles. A manual ascent is usually preferable. But as to why it does that. and how to stop it, I don't know. Before we ping sarbian here, maybe somebody will know.
  9. Better yet, have the orientation of the navball toggle-able. I much prefer the navball as is for every aspect of the mission from launch to landing, as I build my rovers in an upright (wheels pointing retrograde). This make flying and landing, wheels first, much much easier. But for driving, it is neccessary to add a second command pod or port to control the rover. I know "Use a mod" is forwned upon in this type of suggestion, but the rover science mod has a nifty little forward facing command pod design for this chasis. The MJ box, when oriented correctly (on it's side, antenna down and forward) works too. Changing the default (only) orientation to a rover compatible one would make rocket construction a bit more complicated. So if there was an option in the right click menu to change the orientation, that would solve both problems.
  10. Jump off and time the freefall. My high school physics class, way back in the day, went to Cedar point, and we had to measure the heights of drops and such just using basic equipment like stopwatches and protractors and such.
  11. The stock vessels that come pre loaded on the game are just usually just barely usable examples of how to do something. Even the stock rover is pretty inferior to to anything you can make yourself within 10 minutes. They are just examples of how to possibly make a vessel, and act as encouragement to make a better one. As for sticking in the ground, the stock rover should act no different than anything you make. The fact that it is acting differently leads me to believe there is a design issue working at hand here. Please post up some pics so we can possibly diagnose any issues we might see.
  12. I would reccomend using a dry erase marker. Just color over the edges until you get to the amount of sun you want to see. Use a dry erase instead of a sharpie, as moving the camera will completely negate the effects of a sharpie. Sorry, got nothing useful. Just in a mood tonight and being an obnoxious twit.
  13. Errrr....... Post somewhat incomprehensible. Which mission are you referring to? This is NOT a simple game. It is intended to be complicated and difficult at first. The glorious satisfaction of accomplishing an intended goal is why we play the game. Maybe if you explain what you are referring to a little clearer, we could help you overcome whatever obstacle you are encountering, instead of just throwing down the controller and storming out of the room....
  14. As for the launch sites, I an see these being an option to unlock. I like that Idea. But for the DSN spots, I do like the idea, on the surface it's cool, but when you think about it, almost useless. The point of having the DSN sites enabled is so you don't have to go through the process of building a Cloud around Kerbin. If you do restrict it to just the KSC, then you know going in you're gonna need a bigger boat Commnet Cloud. And by the time you would get to the point of unlocking the DSN sites, you have your cloud up already, making unlocking them moot.
  15. Not only what 5HM said, but it would probably require a complete rebuild of the game, from the ground up, as the physics per piece was part of the original core game. You're pushing into KSP 2 territory here.
  16. I was leaving for spring break in '97, riding a greyhound bus. One of the Eastern European (Bosnia perhaps?) conflicts was gathering speed at the time. We were rolling down I-87 through Syracuse NY, and I believe a portion of the 10th Mountain out of Fort Drum was deploying in C-5's from Syracuse. The runway ends quite close to the Highway, and the C-5 was so low as it passed over us, we could feel the bus shake from it, even while moving. Yes, they are impressive birds. It wasn't a short takeoff by any means, and I'm guessing was quite heavily loaded, hence the low take off.
  17. Hmm... I had always seen it as a 707 doing the barrel roll. But I will defer to you in that the differences resulted in two different planes.
  18. While everybody is offering very good solutions, a question does come to mind. How big is your drive? If you only have a 100gb drive, then picking what to get rid of get's pretty tight. But if you have a 2 tb drive, then you should be able to easily find what to get rid of. If you do have a large drive, and you are out of room, and you don't know where it went (ie, you're not doing video editing or some such data intensive activity), then you need to be alert for rogue apps that are filling the drive.
  19. @Leopardmadcat, mind posting your mod list, and then we can compare to help narrow down the bug? I'm guessing it's the Near future pack, but there may be other's in play here.
  20. Oh, yeah I've seen that. Numerous tests have shown this to be slightly weaker than one layer of glue. The first layer of glue soaks into the surface and starts to cure, and the second layer doesn't stick tho the first as well. As well as the first layer still being wet. Letting the first layer cure a bit weakens the bond some, but if it's still fresh, it'll have soaked in but will still bond better with the second layer. Not saying it won't work, just that it's slightly weaker than both being wet. But this two layer technique is really only necessary for porous surfaces, like the end grain of wood, where the material itself would absorb so much of the adhesive, that the joint itself would be starved of glue.
  21. While Gaarsts answer may be perfect, there is a little notes section for each alarm in KAC. If I leave a vessel in an orbit, just parked there till I get around to doing what it needs to do, I'll create a KAC alarm for 2 minutes away, with no pause and no popup window. I'll note down what the intended goal is for that vessel in the little notes section. And now, I have a few alarms, that are all greyed out since they have passed the alarm time, at the top of the KAC list, that show all current vessels that are waiting for me to come get them. I treat it like my To-do list.
  22. White glue is really good. Yellow wood glues (PVA), depending on the type you get and it's intended purpose, have very similar properties. The problem, in particular with anything outdoors, is that most Whites and some PVA's can reabsorb moisture from water contact, and become solvent again. So crashing a rocket into a puddle, the glue might come undone. Anything I need to get glued in up in a hurry for woodworking, I use a white glue called Assembly 8, has about 5 minutes of open time, and about 15 for a working cure time. I've done a lot of research into glue types for a variety of purposes, but I've never considered wet mass vs dry mass. I'll have to look into that for some applications. I've built furniture professionally and as a hobbyist, never heard of this. Care to share some links or something for further research?
  23. That's just an asset editor, not a mod editor. Completely different things. That just modifies things that are already in the game, or makes new ones that game is already designed to handle. KSP mods are, by their very diverse nature, usually unique things that usually have no pre-existing counterpart in game.
  24. Then check your ingame key bindings to make sure f2 is still bound to hide UI. Also, like stranded said, you might have some system app that's overirding the use of the F keys. Wouldn't hurt to try, Shift-f, Ctrl-F2, etc. And just a side note, F2 only works from Vessel or EVA view (I believe, I've never tried it anywhere else, never had a need to). So if you're sitting at the KSC hitting F2, it might not do anything there. ------------------------- I see you cross posted this in the support forum too, So I would direct any responses to this in that thread instead. Let this thread die a peaceful death.
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