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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. I'm just concerned as to why Sempiternal is used to having hot things pressed onto her.
  2. ...This thread is taking a interesting turn...
  3. You are so kind Chobit What's your theory? Also, any new PfL news?
  4. Perhaps see a specialist about that. Random people off the internet aren't always the most reliable sources.
  5. Perhaps you see only the best in people and not anything bad?
  6. Are you its offspring?
  7. That's only on the Cat airline, run by cats for cats
  8. Granted, people refuse to drink any water now its all neon orange and mass dehydration happens. I wish for sweets.
  9. Banned for being online. (How do you get custom titles?)
  10. I haven't actually eaten airline meals since the flights I've been on never have them. I've had the overpriced snacks though. So what is airline food like?
  11. 35 . Complain about any aspect of wallmart
  12. Banned for being in your house
  13. You can test fly the premium aircraft that cost the golden eagles. Look at the Russian premium aircraft and try test-flying the Catalina there.
  14. 34 . Walk in with a gun. (is that legal?)
  15. I love doing that, test flying as many aircraft as I can
  16. They could just want to make as much profit and so buy the least quality food to maximise profit.
  17. I saw a documentary years ago about what happened. They think it was on a island, cant remember what it was called. They found various artefacts on it such as the remains of a leather sole, as well as some graves that the natives had dug for some people they found dead. There was a picture of the island and in it there was what looked like the remains of a planes landing gear sticking out of the water. They thought that they would of landed on the shallow water and that the tide would of moved the plane but the gear stuck in the soft sand. This seems to support that as that's would likely be what happened to the plane when it was ripped of the gear and moved by the water.
  18. What do I Google? Stupid 911 calls?
  19. LeonG17


    To the first petition, I respond with this quote: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."-Winston Churchill
  20. 28 . Excessive displays of hatred to wallmart
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