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Everything posted by Kilmeister

  1. I haven't tried it so this is pure speculation. But I know there's a submarine part mod that you can adjust your depth. I imagine you could use that and create a submersible vehicle to go get it.
  2. I think you need to give us a little more parameters to speculate upon. Formed? If whatever planet formed out where mars is now would accrete the same material as before and it would still be the same. Only difference in your idea would be a name swap. Need to specify what would be different, or at what point in time to magically swap them.
  3. I like what he says in the beginning of the video that Moon Goddess posted: "Nowadays it would be very easy to fake the moon landing,and it seems somehow we've forgotten how to do it for real, but back then it was the other way around" Everytime I see a moon landing conspiracy I think of this. Its just a comedy sketch but it illustrates a similar point. It would've been much harder to fake the moon landing than to just actually do it.
  4. No, it's not that much. You don't need the EC2 hosted server solution. A standard webhost(what you are using now) and possibly an upgraded MySQL instance. You just offload all the actual content delivery onto the S3 service. I'd imagine it only be a few dollars a month. I don't know the actual usage you have, but I imagine the entire size of the jpegs are rather small. And all get requests from S3 are very cheap. I PMd you an estimate. I don't think I'm allowed to directly advertise on this board =P Edit: No I don't work for Amazon, they've just made my life easier and I'm passing on some info.
  5. Busy Evening for me: I finally recovered my Mojo probe in my newest save. The first two missions failed to reach capture into Mojo. This one did it, but had very little fuel left. On the return trip Mechjeb proposed to me an intercept orbit that although *possible* It would've consumed the last remaining 1400 d/V of fuel and left me hopefully plow into Kerbin if I got it right. So instead I setup aresonant orbit and after a few more laps around the sun I'd be able to Hohmann back to Kerbin. After reaching Kerbin I had a measly little 300 d/V remaining. And since I use DRE, plowing into Kerbin at 3700m/s wasn't an option. So I did 4 deorbit passes through the upper atmosphere which finally left me with a 40 by 125 km orbit. I burned about 50 more d/V of fuel and landed all my experiments safely in the badlands for a nice 1200 science return =). I had only a few liters of fuel left (15 d/v) I also Sent Jeb and Barski on their way to Duna to be the first Kerbals on another planet. I play with the ECLSS life support mod, so packing enough oxygen without assembling in orbit is a chore, so I waited awhile before sending any Kerbals to their doom. And Finally I sent an Ion Powered probe en route to the Joolian system to map its moons. I decided to make a realistic probe and make the entire thing very light and uses Xenon fuel. Normally I use the NTR with attached fuel tanks but I wanted to make a more aestheticly pleasing probe this time. In order to actually capture with an ion enginge I'm going to try some aerobraking so I included a heatshield at the front of the probe. This was probably the smallest rocket I've launched this save besides Jebs first Gemini type flight.
  6. You should look into Amazon S3. They have a very accurate estimator, and I think you'd find the results very cheap. Anyways, thank you for your efforts, I will move mine onto Imgur for now.
  7. You need to caption it to give it scale. Every point on there is a galaxy cluster.
  8. While you're at it, better ban the cell phones too. Oh And the PCs, and the tablets, hell while we're at it lets ban anything that runs on electricity. There, that takes care of the EMI. Now we just get the state to ban radio and television and we can go back to sitting at our campfires to teach... Wait, what? campfire smoke causes cancer too? Damn.
  9. OMG Clippy! I hadn't heard from this worthless hellbeast in years. For those of you too young to remember Clippy, The depiction of him in this clip is highly inaccurate. He was nowhere near this helpful! Still laughing at the idea of NASA installing Clippy into the astronaut's helmet.
  10. I almost had one of my common ones last night, but I caught it just before doing my transfer burn. I am doing an Apollo style mission to Duna and I had forgotten to put RCS thrusters on my lander. I had done this in the past and just gone on EVA for the last 100 M or so. Or once I used time warp to cheat the rotation, and I was able to perform a successful high speed ramming/docking maneuver.
  11. Just a note. If you try the Aviation lights mod. You have to manually bind them to an action group as they don't toggle with the lighting action group by default.
  12. Only thing I didn't like was the depiction of the asteroid belt and kuiper belt. Just feeds the common misconception. At least with the Oort cloud they attempted to describe the distances between objects.
  13. If I had gotten this in game I wouldn't have reverted. I would've left the debris field as a trophy
  14. Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, And Jack Swigert hold the record for being farthest away from earth. The reason they hold the record is that they entered into a free return trajectory, instead of their planned lunar orbit insertion.
  15. My main uses for it are the orbit info. I put mechjeb on just about every craft just so I have the orbit info available. I hate having to rely on the map to see the info. I also love the SmartA.S.S. I mean I could do all these corrections. But I'd rather just punch keys on the flight computer. I haven't used Auto Ascent for a long time now... Probably since .21 or whenever they fixed the crazy SAS wobble. Even though I've done launches a bajillion times now, I still like to control my liftoff. And for course plotting. Again I could drag manuever nodes all over the place, but It's easier to punch them into a flight computer. Knowing what you have to do is the interesting part for me. Actually plotting it exactly is a chore sometimes. But sometimes, like when I'm doing transfers around Jool I find it fun to plot them out. Then again sometimes Mechjeb comes up with it's own ideas altogether Hey Dave, lets go to Duna 245 Days from now!" No thank you Hal, I think I'll just go now. Course Plotted Dave. The course you plotted plows us straight through the middle of the planet,Hal! I Don't see the problem, Dave.
  16. I read something about printing a pizza a while ago. I think they're not too far off from the flavor, but the texture is the problem. Forgive me if I'm mistaken. I didn't re-read. http://www.space.com/21250-nasa-3d-food-printer-pizza.html
  17. Only thing I can think of that it is just an experimental vehicle which they are testing new technology with. But why would they keep it in orbit so long unless they are running material tests inside as it's payload. Then I thought, that might be a practical application for it. It could be profitable to sell the ability to run experiments in LEO, and be able to deliver an intact payload back to earth. Probably for much cheaper and easier than utilizing the ISS. As well as being able to fly on a custom schedule and not depending on the ISS resupply operations Why this would be kept classified though, is a mystery to me.
  18. Good article. Always thought that a rescue would've been impossible anyways. This article really lays it out in detail.
  19. From a further distance Barski will actually launch these abominations into the sky. Not much detail in the screenshot from the launchpad though. Not sure why this is happening. Had no problem till last night Bill started doing this on Minmus, but just himself. So I went and put Barski at the end of the runway alone so I could view what a "Normal" EVA should look like in the persistance file, what happened was this though =/ Also there was a capsule next to him, but his spawns blew it up lol.
  20. I told you not to eat that strange meteorite. And now look at you, you and your 1000 spawn are going to conquer Kerbin...
  21. Yeah, comparing this to Challenger is nowhere near applicable. Seret pretty much summed this up. Challenger was gross disregard for safety at an institutional level.
  22. Simple: Broadcast a client with Telemachus exposed to the internet. Edit: might need commercial grade bandwidth.
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