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Everything posted by Kilmeister

  1. First time I put a rover on the Mun I did some over engineering since I was just extending off my Apollo style template. I had an orbiter, a rover, and a skycrane/lander. The mission was to separate from the orbiter, then get to a low altitude and kill all horizontal velocity and drop the rover onto the surface, then land the skycrane nearby. After the rover was finished it met back with the skycrane which took them back to dock with the orbiter, which was then used to return to Kerbin. Pretty sure this was way more complicated than It needed to be.
  2. I skimmed through the vitriol. And I have said in all of these threads the exact same thing. People who think 3 years is a long time for a full release have no clue how long it actually takes to develop a game. All you normally see are games that are in "Beta" which are essentially ready to go after a number of years. And as far as complexity of writing code. It can be a lot more difficult than you realize to accomplish even simple sounding tasks sometimes. For example, the science archives screen. I recently finished an app that I figure was about the same level of complexity. I just did a code analysis and it was 1500 lines of code to complete that. Edit: Yes I know it is a horrible metric, but it's about the only one that most people understand. and to throw the cliche that always applies... A. You can have your software quickly. B. You can have your software cheap. C. You can have your software good. Pick 2. And since we're only paying a measly $20 for the game I'd say squad is going with B and C.
  3. 2 Points in my wall of text. In career mode there should be a lose condition, but it should be rather difficult to achieve. In any game, the complete inability to lose takes away from it. If there is no way for me to bankrupt my space program, what's the point of adding money to begin with? But it should be forgiving and allow avenues to get out of it. Something like loans, low hanging fruit, extensions, budget increases if your reputation is good, and even one time events like forgiveness or charity donations. As long as you can see there is a negative trend and you have an opportunity to correct it. I will use another game as an example of how a loss should occur. I have been playing the Civ series for many years, and only once have I managed to irrecoverably tank my economy. I had a large deal of gold on hand (like 6000+ and was running +300 gold per turn)and decided to switch my economy into full wartime production and wipe out a few of my enemies. So I started to build up my army at the expense of improving my cities, therefore my positive income began to decline into a deficit. By the peak of my deficit I was running at around -250 gold per turn. So at that point I had around 3000 gold left. Leaving me 14 turns( A fairly good amount of time for people who don't know) to do something about it. Now at this point I could've pulled a full halt on my military, and been able to arrest my declining income and gone on, leaving one of my targeted enemies still standing. But instead I chose to try and defeat him as well. This decision proved costly as he put up more resistance than anticipated, and although I defeated him It was too late to save my economy. Even disbanding my entire army would not have been enough because of the time spent neglecting growth in favor of military production. I was forced to retire my game. Notice that I had all the warning signs, and ample opportunity to react in game to avoid this situation. This is how a losing scenario should be possible. Could be an economic adviser that warns you of "Hey, you're running in the red and we're gonna have to make budget cuts soon if something doesn't change. And secondly, a concept that applies to all things, not just computer games. If there is no chance of failure, then the reward of success is diminished.
  4. Hrm, spend trillions on building a missile platform on the moon. Redesign our missiles to survive extended life in a vacuum. And it only reduces the strike time from 30 or so minutes to 3+ days. Sign me up! (Mutually Assured Stupidity) Would be a rather akward 3 days at the U.N. China would have to pull the ultimate chewbacca defense.
  5. I don't know what everyone's problem with the ladder is. I Build with it all the time and have never noticed anything inconvenient about it. For career mode, I only use the MK1 for my first Mun landing, after that, this is the only capsule I use.
  6. Asymmetrical rockets. Makes it a lot easier to slap a rocket onto the bottom of a spaceplane and take it to orbit.
  7. I'd never heard audio from Apollo 8. Really great animation, letting you relive the moment.
  8. Assuming a Kerbal consumes about half as much as a human then they'd need something like 19.2 tonnes of supplies to last that long, (3 Kerbals x 850 days)but the combination of all the modules used was only .6 tonnes total, which is why I thought it was a mistake. Anyways I think I'll need to find a balance somewhere between ECLSS where you need a bunch of tanks just to get to the moon, and this mod where you only need one tank to get to anywhere and back. I'm just trying out some of these in my new 23 save.
  9. Is it an error or is a single large tank supposed to provide 850 days worth of supplies?
  10. When I started this game i used to absolutely litter LKO with debris. Now I take it into my design and or procedures to try and minimize it and try and deorbit all spent stages. It annoyed me in my last game in .22 where I had a big telescope in geosync orbit and everytime I went to go view through it I could see the last stage chilling a few hundred meters away. Since then I always put Ion Engines on the satelite to finalize a geosync orbit, and I leave enough fuel to deorbit the last stage engine.
  11. I witnessed my first Joolrise from KSC last night.
  12. Welcome aboard. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the appropriate section of these forums. You'll find that the community is quite a helpful bunch.
  13. Such a cruel fate. Trapped in a can just in sight of all their hopes and dreams launching into the sky but they can't get there.
  14. Looks like the repairs are going to be done this weekend.
  15. As long as the bonuses are small (<5%) it's a great idea. The Interstellar mod does something like this. where parts become better as you advance up the tech tree. But think even large bonuses would be a viable thing as long as they can only be unlocked after you've completed the entire tech tree.
  16. Yes, I was about to ask about that icon. I doesn't go away when you press F2.
  17. Remember there is a 3rd currency that will be in game. (Reputation). So exploiting a fixed monthly income by timewarping far into the future could easily be countered by a loss of reputation over the time period, making the monthly gains proportionally less until the practice of warping forward without doing anything is no longer viable. Along with this there can be an inflation mechanic applied to costs. Both mechanics would easily let you run your program over a span of many many years without any hinderence as long as you don't sit still for an extended period of time without doing anything.
  18. Yes, for aesthetic reasons it would be nice to stop them from moving, but not a big deal.
  19. It depends on your definition of Solar System and the prefix "inter" . But in the context of this thread, no, it is not an interstellar vessel (At least not on purpose). Edit: It's Voyager I.
  20. Another craft with an empty seat. And if you don't have the 3 man command module yet you can use a probe to control and just put an empty 1 man module on it.
  21. Something in the flight model has definitely changed, but I can't pinpoint it.
  22. I believe this could fall into the "Upgrading" KSC idea that they have talked about. One of the purchases for upgrading KSC could be an entirely new space center. Being able to pick a spot yourself would be cool, but it would probably be easier if multiple sites were setup and you could choose one.
  23. Size For me too.... Oh and lack of any flying experience... or science background, or good eyesight, too old, and SQUIRREL!!!!!!!
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