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Everything posted by RatchetinSpace

  1. Less ocean but essentially yes. I was thinking something like Cite: I didn't create this image, its from this forum post:
  2. Yes, this is a common suggestion. I'd like a new gas giant but we already have a Laythe. Maybe adding a moon with only small oceans, low gravity and an oxygen atmosphere would be original enough to justify its development but fit still fit your 'Laythe like' criteria.
  3. There would need to be some serious coding to get something like this to work with the way planets currently work. I'm with Razorforce7, if you want to terraform planets, play spore. KSP isn't really a game that fits terraforming. Terraforming a real celestial body would not be the effort of a space program but the industrial power of the entire Earth. It would also involve large structures, kilometres in size (say, a giant mirror) built by hundreds or even thousands of spacecraft over a long period of time. I don't care how much free time you have, no mortal human could play that much KSP. I'm not saying terraforming isn't impossible IRL, but KSP is about spacecraft and space exploration, and adding terraforming to KSP would be a bit like adding a fighter pilot mode to surgeon simulator.
  4. Yes, all stock parts, its on YouTube if you want to take a look: All you have to do is burn out to roughly the direction of the star. Plotting a course to Eeloo I find is harder because you have to consider the large inclination change which can be difficult to pull off efficiently.
  5. If the Kerbol System is boring we should add a few more planets and moons to the current system and/or make the current planets/moons more interesting. Personally I think a second star system doesn't have a place in the stock game. The game mimics current/near future space exploration in the real world and our plans to send probes to them in the real world are borderline science fiction. Plus the addition of another star system would necessitate a re-work of the time warp system, otherwise you'd be spending centuries at your computer. Have you tried using mods? I have on occasion installed other star systems (and better time warp) and I have found getting to them easier than getting to Eeloo and Moho, but it took 700,000 years in game time to get there.
  6. I love how into this some people are I think the only thing people are worried about is performance, but I think static forces won't be resource intensive and the temperature system is not super complicated. I am also not a coder, so it'd be interesting to get squad's view on the matter. If it is possible/practical then PLEASE ADD. Weather systems in KSP would be the so fantastic.
  7. Or if you ever find a cliff on Laythe. Seriously: I couldn't find a screenshot in my directory but I can assure you it still looks like this......
  8. I LOVE this. I have posted a few suggestion threads discussion weather but I think you have outlined a great way in which it COULD be implemented. Weather is an integral part of aeronautics and space exploration, and weather is often the most visually striking aspect of a celestial body, and also one of the most scientifically interesting parts. So yeah, definitely!
  9. The terrain itself needs alteration in my opinion. The Mun and Kerbin look pretty good but Laythe is god-awful in someplaces, with cliff textures roughly interrupting a clunky 0.17 sand texture.
  10. Personally I suspect a revamp of the rocket parts, visual overhaul, improved performance and more focus on improving the Career mode. What would I like to see? Basic weather systems including wind, clouds and rain. One or two more planets in the solar system and moons to fit A visual overhaul of the whole planetary system, including more surface features (especially on some of the outer worlds, Duna, Laythe, Bop, Eeloo) I'm not keeping my hopes up for any of the above though, I think they are out of the realm of what squad is doing at the moment.
  11. All the planets need an upgrade, but particularly Laythe. The terrain, especially in some parts, looks downright awful. If anyone comes across a cliff on Laythe they'll understand.
  12. YESSS, totally on-board with everything you said (and you said a lot!)
  13. Kerbin is so close to the sun that it would be getting a constant and ferocious dose of radiation, Kerbals have probably evolved to be radiation-proof. That aside, I think this falls into the category of Life-Support. If the devs are going to add life support systems into the game then I think radiation would be a good addition. If they don't add life support, then something more simple would do the trick, features like: Keeping the Kerbals out of Van Allen belts, for instance, and upgrading the tech tree to have better radiation proofing or risk your Kerbals dieing in deep space.
  14. I don't think its fair to say looking up the gravity is a bit of a pain, it's on the wiki page of every celestial body. Listed under surface gravity it has the acceleration due to gravity, and the measurement of g's. I use it to test all my craft.
  15. Agreed, in some cases the explosions in KSP are smaller than the tanks themselves. They should be massive as you have pointed out.
  16. Hey, I love your mod and also your Stock Terrain Enhancements. Have you any plans to add rain like you've added snow?
  17. I like both of these. As for the fuel tank suggestion, I think they need to make the fuel tank explosions significantly bigger, they just aren't representative of the fuel in them. And yes, I think parts should just crumple if they are empty of fuel (although as many have pointed out, empty fuel tanks usually have vapor left that would probably explode, just not as violently as a full one)
  18. So Gleno-Space decided a while back that it was going to go to Jool. This is what I wanted to bring: Jool 2 Long Range Communications Probes 2 Atmosphere Drop Probes Laythe Manned landing and a few hours Two Large Unmanned water probes with Submarines One land explorer with rover One Space-station. Communications probe x1 Vall: Two Unmanned small landers One manned landing and a few hours on the surface - DONE Communications probe x1 Tylo: Manned landing and a few hours Bop Large base exploration vehicle Two Unmanned large landers One manned landing with time spent in base Several Landing steps to refuel the main vehicle Communications probe x1 Pol Small base on Pol with exploration vehicle Two Unmanned small landers One manned landing with time spent in base One large Unmanned lander Communications probe x1 I've now got it mostly figured out, and its time to launch everything. Once all the equiptment is at Jool, the Kerbals will launch and go through each moon before returning safely to Kerbin. The idea of this mission is to figure out how easy/hard it is to land on each moon, what their compositions are like, and how best to colonize the Jool system. From afar, Bop or Pol look like the best locations for a fuel depo, and Laythe looks like the most Kerbal friendly...only time will tell. Here is the first video, with the Jool payload: 3/11/2016 I've gotten all the hardware into orbit. No Kerbals onboard. I'm planning to send all the Hardware there before sending any brave Kerbals. Here is the prep video, showing me getting them all into orbit.
  19. The thing is, Sonic booms don't work the way you're thinking. A sonic boom is not experienced by the pilot and it is not a one-time occurrence that only happens when crossing the sound barrier. If any object is travelling the speed of sound or faster, it creates a shock cone which is the point at which the sonic boom is heard. When this shock cone passes over someone on the ground or another plane they hear the boom. The pilot however, would never hear the boom themselves, only outside observers; http://www.nasa.gov/connect/chat/sonic_boom_chat.html#.WBUw_vl96Uk Hush: Do people in the planes hear them? Ed Haering (Aerospace Engineer): No, not a boom sound, unless another supersonic aircraft flies by. We have flown supersonic aircraft in formation to measure the sonic booms. We had an F-16XL within 100 ft below an SR-71. The F-16XL pilot feels slow pressure changes on his helmet, but does not hear a boom Camera Tools (which positioned the camera outside the vehicle) had a feature where if you entered camera mode and a supersonic craft flew by, you'd hear a boom, but that mod hasn't been updated for a few months.
  20. Procedural generation from save to save just seems like a waste of time. What difference will it make? You're not going to tell me you've been to every part of every planet and seen the same terrain features a dozen times and gotten bored of them. I DO think we should have volcanoes and geysers and caves and all that stuff. The planet's surfaces are a bit dull and I think they need livening up (Kerbin is pretty good but the rest...).
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